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Updating your Tom Tom maps..............


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Hello folks!

Perhaps I am daft after all. Just before setting off for our annual winter jaunt down to Portugal (and, this trip, back to Morocco as well) I weakened and spent 39 quid updating the southern European maps on my GO910 (which I have had for about three years). We take basically the same route down every year so I did not really begin to suspect anything until we were well into France. On leaving Salamanca for Caceres, however, and travelling on the Autovia which, whilst it has been under construction for a long time, is mostly finished my 910 started to go wrong. same happened in a number of other places in Portugal on roads that have not changed for years.

Returning home I queried Tom Tom and, after a few exchanged e-mails I was told that if you want to use the new maps you must change over manually when you reach a country who's maps you have updated - other wise the old map will be used..................

I was also told that this fact is not normally mentioned anywhere when updating your maps.

In this day and age when a computer automatically updates itself (mostly for free) a Tom Tom cannot/will not and they do not tell you about it when taking nigh on 40 quid off your credit card for the privilege.

I think that next time I might buy new..............

Interested to hear any comments - dont mind even being called an "old wally" as everyone knows thats the way it is with Tom Tom!!


PS 250Euros for the 40 minute ferry (return) trip to Cueta from Algeceras was a bit fierce too.........................!!



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My TT One Europe only has western European maps. They want £40 to update those, but since our main trip this year (Jul/Aug) will be into central Europe (as far as Hungary & Poland) I decided to wait a little longer (to be sure of latest) then blow £70 on the "Western and Central" map instead.

Does anyone know if there are any similar pitfalls I might come across?

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Went to update my maps (Western Europe & UK) Tom tom response - you have to buy last years update as well as this year. At that price I decided to stick with what Ive got this year and take the cheaper option of buying a new Tom tom next year and chucking my existing one away.
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Up to this year we were running an old Navman on maps that were dated 2002 but probably earlier as so called updates are always out of date by the time that you get them.


We had no problems at all and even where the road did not exist on our maps it was simple enough to work out where you are and where you want to be and how to get there.


So now we have a nice new TomTom 730 and even on that this year some roads in France and Spain were not shown even though they had obviously been open for some time.


That said at least the TomTom does show some roads as projected or under construction and given that we did over 5000 miles with it it coped remarkably well although understanding the pronunciation of some village or road names did give us a good laugh or three.


Nevertheless it was simple enough to figure it out at any unmapped junction and I doubt we will waste any further cash on map updates for a good few years to come particularly as in any recession the first casualties are always new road building programmes and it will take a good while to restart them.

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Do you know that it is an option on the TomTom 730 to have names in either the 'local' pronunciation or in English pronunciation?


When we got ours, we set it to 'local' and were at times quite mystified at what it (well 'she' was trying to tell us). :-)

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spospe - 2009-04-22 5:58 PM




Do you know that it is an option on the TomTom 730 to have names in either the 'local' pronunciation or in English pronunciation?


When we got ours, we set it to 'local' and were at times quite mystified at what it (well 'she' was trying to tell us). :-)


Yes, thanks, we are aware but it was much more fun trying to work it out from the French or Spanish!

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