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Hi again.


I am looking for a good quality map that I can use when touring with my motor home.


I am particularly looking for one which would show panoramic views, beauty spots etc - the sort of place you could pull up for an hour and brew a cuppa whilst taking in the view.


Any suggestions?


Thank you




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Why not visit your local WH Smith and other book shops and have a look at a few on sale to see which styles suit your needs as we all have differing opinions about what constitutes a decent map?



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Hi Alan and Sue,


We are Andy and Mandy as is obvious from our user name, we live in Kettering so not far from you.


We use the Mitchelin this one in France - http://tinyurl.com/dh86j4


and this one in UK, sometimes a little close so we have a routes one too



You should find something to help in there.


Good luck


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I have just up dated our maps for France and purchased the Michelin A3 spined maps only to find that there are no camp sites shown now,


I took a look at the the other current (2009) Michelin maps and they too have no campsites shown.


A new policy to stop touring in France ? and just use hotels ?



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Hi Sue and Alan,


This Sue and Alan use a Philips navigator in the UK, it has a scale of about 1.5" to the mile, excellent for local stuff but not enough on a page to plan a route without going to the route planning map.


Nothing really shows places to stop unless proper parking places, for the more interesting places on minor roads, you just have to be lucky or be told by others,


cheers alan & sue from gomersal

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