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MMM Mournes article part 1?


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Hi all

just got the new issue of MMM and love the article on the Mournes as we live in NI and love camping in that part of the world. But it is part 2.


I MISSED PART ONE (don't think they mentioned Ireland on the front cover that month so didn't pick up) and wondered if any one who chucked out their magazines could retrieve the article or know how to get a copy of those few pages without having to order a whole back copy.


What do you all do with your old magazines?

I cut out all the articles and file them by region for reference when touring.

I have a large carry case for Ireland and a box file for the UK and one for Europe. I hope to get to some of these places eventually.


Anyone needs info - happy to pass things along.


Thanks Phantom

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What to do with the old magazines, I give them away after about 4 months, they are read and re-read, first read through I just "cherry pick" the bits, then go back through from front to back then from back to front, then keep them to refer to for the 4 months, then give them away to a tugger. One friend gives his to the local Salvation Army, but there's only so many copies that can be recycled this way.
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