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Swift Kontiki control panel


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We recently purchased an 18month old 665S, second time out in it this weekend, we have had a few problems with the electic tripping (but outside - not inside). Not sure if that a site problem or a van problem.


Today however, the contol panel seems to have frozen?? The electic step won't work, nor will the lights turn on. Electricity is definately coming into the van as the microwave is on - we are now home and it is parked in our drive - but I'm at a loss at what the problem can be? I can't turn the contol panel off either?


Anyone experienced this or know what it can be?



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Hi, I have a 2003 Kontiki and have slight problems very infrequently eg panel loses its logic and starts to bleep intermittently while travelling or the water pump stops working altogether. But nothing like you are experiencing. The cure for my problems has always been to remove the panel from its location and disconnect and reconnect the plug at the back. It may be worth you trying this.



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If its like the Bessacarr, you remove the plastic trim, (space at one end for small screwdriver to be used to ease it of, its just a push fit), then remove the two holding screws, the panel base can now be withdrawn, on the back of it is a multi plug....pull it of carefully....count to ten if you wish....reconnect....reassemble.


After you have done it the first time...it gets easier....honest.


Hope this helps



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I thought the step worked off the battery!!and Im always carefull what I have on inside van so as not to trip electrics making sure I dont have more than one heating element on at a time! probably overcautious but I dont like asking the warden to come and put it on again, I think microwaves can surge can,t they when switched on? also can the fuse have blown ? Im only a women but I do listen when O.H. speaks >:-)
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Thanks guys, it seems the contol panel had frozen completely. We managed to take the panel off and replaced it - and everything seems to be working again. Really not sure why it happened or if it will happen again ;-( Although the on/off button doesn't seem the same as the other buttons so maybe there is a fault?? We have 12 month warranty so we will have to see!!

I think it will be trial and error at the moment until we work out whats what!! In out old van we seemed to be able to have everything on without anything tripping!!! But this one seems to be different, but then again alot of our friends with their vans/caravans have only been able to use minimum else they trip.

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Log on to www.sargentltd.co.uk or


01482 881655

These people will help you with your problem, i contacted them beginning of the year.

We had a Noisey Fan on our Power supply unit, emailed them regarding the problem they got back said they could repair it, and gave me a price.

I emailed them at 11am to take up the offer of repair and their Courier Service £10 delivery and return.

Within the hour the courier van was here, the unit was still fitted to our van, hubby was in bed just off a night shift, in fairness to the driver, he said he would call back in 2 hours.

Thats what i call service, unit was retuned 5 days later excellent improvement.

A friend of ours had a problem with his Control unit on his Autotrail same as the Kontiki units and he bought a reconditioned unit from these, think it was £40 at the time and hasnt had a problem since.

Maybe worth giving them a call.

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I have a 04 Swift Kontiki 665. I once let my battery go flat and this affected the control unit, kept getting a chirping like already described by someone else in this email string. As suggested above, I removed the panel and unplugged then re-plugged and everything worked again.


Last trip out we moved from first site and everything was working okay. Got on new site and water pump did not work ! When I went through the control panel I found that on water pump there are 3 settings, internal, external and both. For some reason the setting was on 'External' and once switched over to internal everything was okay again - just thought I would mention it.


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Thank you guys.


Carebear, just looked at the site you posted - very handy. Thanks.


As we are still under warranty I think we have to go through our dealer, just come back from a long weekend, our control panel froze at least 6 times, and for no reason, what ever I have on prior to the panel freezing continues to work. My brother at one point tried to put the step in and then we had a continual bleeping noise coming from the control panel!


On arriving on site, our pump didn't work, there was an icon on the control panel then saying that a fuse had gone, so we replaced the fuse and then pump worked. Out of interest, on our control panel the green light by the pump is on constantly when we have in on - even when we aren't running a tap etc. OUr friends who have a voyager ( a very similar control panel) there light only goes on IF they are actually using the pump? So I'm wondering if the light being on constantly maybe causing the freeze up?



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If you still contact them they can advise you, no doubt they will act quicker than through the dealer.

We were asked if our vehicle was still under warranty, when i replied no they said if it was it would be free of charge.

I would certainly give them a call.

I have been waiting 5 weeks for the Swift Decal on the front of overhead cab, obviously with Swift parts you have to go through a dealer, i have emailed Swift to express my disgust in waiting time.

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