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On the local news tonight...........

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Welcome to Clacton, but leave your campervan at home. Once again the minority have spoiled it for the rest of us by parking up and sleeping overnight. Apparently campervans are to be banned from Clacton seafront, the Councillor they interviewed said that all they did was "leave us their rubbish and put unwelcome things in our drains". Some angry residents said they'd had to spend thousands to buy houses there, only for campervans to come and spoil their view. I'm not altogether sure whether vans are going to be allowed to park during the daytime, but it doesn't sound very hopeful. >:-(
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It just reinforces our policy of never stopping overnight where it spoils anyone's view and of never ever taking anything but memories and never ever leaving anything behind except tyre tracks.


I just do not understand why stupid and inconsiderate people spoil it for themselves and for others?


You really can't blame Clacton for this reaction if what they say is true?

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No of course you can't blame Clacton, I just get cross because a few inconsiderate campervanners give us all a bad name. We always, always, take our rubbish home. We would not dream of putting anything unmentionable down the drains or of sleeping overnight on the main road. The trouble is, now that feelings seem to be running high amongst the residents too, what kind of reception are campervans on day trips likely to get? Not a very warm one me thinks.
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May I just correct you the statement was "all they do is leave us their rubbish and presumably put unwelcome things in our drains"

Is there any evidance of this? or is it just blind prejudice? with the 'presumably' put in I would guess the latter.

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same thing happned at porthcawl untill last year, the vans were on the seafront all weekend staying overnight and leaving no parking spaces for people coming in during the day for r & r. the council have now placed an overnight ban on motorhome parking.
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A lot of people don't know the facilities that exist in the modern motorhome, cassette toilets,water heaters, Fresh and Waste water tanks.

They ASSUME that we HAVE to dump our waste somewhere (when in fact we can go for several days without needing to). If folks DO dump there then I do have sympathy with them,but I suspect that it's blind prejudice and a Councellor having his view of the sea blocked.

A lot of motorhomes are forced to park at the Roadside (often blocking peoples view from their front windows) because the local car parks have height barriers or otherwise exclude Motorhomes.People in Motorhomes WILL still go to Clacton and WILL park somewhere (we don't all read the local papers before we drive somewhere!). It's up to the local council to accomodate Tourists,who will bring much needed currency into the local enconomy......and a lot of them,especially foreign ones will arrive in Motorhomes. (by the way we also live by the seaside,also a main port for Ireland,but we manage to accomodate our visitors,without too many restrictions or problems for us or them). :D :D

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Either Weston or Illfracombe have a NO MOTORHOME PARKING anytime policy, can't remember which.


We also met a "6ft 6in" max width in Upton-upon-Severn. Will that affect any campers. I believe other towns are introducing something similar. Endorsable....failing to comply with a road sign.



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Quite a few years ago I had a motorhome stay in the then unfinished workshop overnight at my place of work. When I came in the next morning I spotted the waste tank tap dripping and mentioned it to the motorhome owner. His reaction? "yes I know it leaks a bit, it means I don't have to empty it down a drain as often, it just leaks gently away". He wasn't so glib or happy when I suggested he could clean his mess up off the workshop floor and mop out the pit though.


My point is that there are a minority of motorhome owners who are selfish and will actually empty their grey waste down drains. Do this while parked overnight on a seafront and spoiling someones view and I can see they'd be upset.


Owning a motorhome doesn't magically turn everyone into a generous, kind and thoughtful person.



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Rayjsj - 2009-04-29 9:58 PM


A lot of people don't know the facilities that exist in the modern motorhome, cassette toilets,water heaters, Fresh and Waste water tanks.

They ASSUME that we HAVE to dump our waste somewhere (when in fact we can go for several days without needing to). If folks DO dump there then I do have sympathy with them,but I suspect that it's blind prejudice and a Councellor having his view of the sea blocked.

A lot of motorhomes are forced to park at the Roadside (often blocking peoples view from their front windows) because the local car parks have height barriers or otherwise exclude Motorhomes.People in Motorhomes WILL still go to Clacton and WILL park somewhere (we don't all read the local papers before we drive somewhere!). It's up to the local council to accomodate Tourists,who will bring much needed currency into the local enconomy......and a lot of them,especially foreign ones will arrive in Motorhomes. (by the way we also live by the seaside,also a main port for Ireland,but we manage to accomodate our visitors,without too many restrictions or problems for us or them). :D :D


I quite agree with you, non-motorhome people probably are totally unaware of the facilities that Motorhomes now offer. This is only self evident when you show a non motorhomer your outfit. There reaction is normal along the lines of wow it's just a small version of home but with everything in it or I'd never have thought they were like this. This goes to show that we are being judged by people without the correct or way out dated facts and shown up by the minority of motorhomers who have no respect for others.


In this day and age, and with the euro in the continentals favour, we are already seeing a migration of tourists to England. What will they think when they try and visit our country other than we are unwelcoming and petty. We need tourists to help our economy.


Another point is how can a motorhome spoil the view at night? I thought that night vision hadn't yet mutated in humans. Also by making a song and dance about parking by the sea etc is this actually reverse psychology of getting more people to talk about an area and then visit?




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In my experience, state and EC funded tourism projects in seaside towns are usually geared to helping guest houses and hotels. The organisations controlling the projects tend to be significantly influenced by local representatives of those trades as are the local councils at parish and town level. Projects which involve car parks tend to add height barriers. The aim of most projects appears to be to increase the number of visitors staying overnight and to discourage day visitors bringing picnics, or indeed anyone with their own facilities, except those who would use commercial campsites.


Whilst misbehaviour is to be frowned upon of course, the situation described in Clacton highlights the fact that there is a growing need for proper facilities for motorhomers. Ours is a legal pastime and a lifestyle we have chosen. Our initial and on-going purchases related to motorhoming yield substantial tax revenues for the government. Collectively, our spend local to where we stay contributes to the immediate area's economy and in rural villages can make the difference between locals having a shop and not.


Local authorities have been forced by legislation or political correctness to accept and make provision for very many different lifestyles and value diversity across British society yet seem ignorant of and opposed to, ours. The problems of which Clacton's council complain can best be solved by the provision of an adequate "aire de service" backed by strict controls in other parking areas if necessary. Whenever we stay on an aire overseas we make a point of spending money in the immediate area and making sure the tradespeople know where we are staying and that we appreciate the provision of the facility. I know many other motorhomers do the same, so come on councils get your thinking caps on and ditch blind prejudice.





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This was the subject of a lot of discussion on BBC Essex this morning. I went on air to join in a bit.

People who visit in campervans should be as welcome as any other tourists, and many of us don't need big expensive campsites, but in my view it's out of order for a motorhomer to park for several days at a time in a prime location.

So I can understand a council not wanting their town-centre seafront full of motorhomes all the time, and I support Clacton stopping overnighting at that particular location, but people do need to understand the benefits of letting us visit, and not insisting on ripping us off with overpriced campsites!

Bring on the "Aires UK" movement!

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I know some people will always just see it as their right to do just what they want to do, where they want to do it and sod the rest of you, you see it on some camp sites, but there needs to be proper facilities for parking, dumping and filling for motorhomes like in France.


I even feel guilty parking down a side streets and wonder what the locals think, not everyone sees a motorhome as a thing of beauty you know, but am forced to do so because of height barriers etc, etc.


I think local councils are so worried about the “travellers” moving in and bring them problems that they just penalise everyone. The article above is a bit NIMBY and there does not seem to be a lot sympathy lots of words used like clamp down and restrictions not moving the problem on.


A better solution would be to provide proper facilities then people wouldn’t be forced to, allegedly, dump water down drains or worse!!!!!


Rant over back to work


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It isn't just parking on certain streets that isn't welcome, more and more supermarkets are putting height barriers in to make it impossible to stock up with food when you arrive at your destination and can't provide local income ...... never mind overnight parking which could easily be remedied.


Getting totally disheartened with people's opinions of us when they havn't got a clue really. Was at Llangollen not long ago and council workers were going round with hand held Karcher type instruments squirting dog poo away from the pavements. I commented on people being inconsiderate and the man said, "Yep. and the locals all blame the tourists when in fact we sit and watch some days and it's actually local people who are guilty." Could well be the same with the first posting.

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WE have had the same problem in Aldeburgh. Last summer you could not walk along the sea wall by Martello Tower for Camper vans. The council have now stopped all parking in that area for campers. Again a few spoil it for the rest of us law abidding citizens. On another note friend of ours tried to book into a big site in Wales for June to be told sorry full up but you can use our field , no elec... etc but it will cost you £20.00 per night Having been to Peterborough last weekend and seeing all the vans there, when will our site's stop ripping us off and see how much they could make by being just fair with the pricing. We are getting a big band of campers out there. Who could make them all happy site owners.
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I've never wild camped but hope to at some point in the future. In view of various posts which have said that dumping grey (i.e washing water), directly into public drains on the highway or in lay-bys etc is unacceptable, how are wild campers supposed to rid of it please? Is the use of public drains illegal? If so then lots of people washing cars on their drives and on the street could be at fault too?



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Bob, needless to say this has cropped up in the past. I posted about putting my grey waste in the drain, (it was that or let it go in the road, no thanks), and got lynched by someone who clearly had some issues about putting so much as a drop of Fairy Liquid in the water system.


Perhaps he can enlighten us some more? Can't remember who it was sadly.



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Not quite the same as emptying m/home grey waste down drain but!


Last year we had a problem with our house sewer manhole overflowing, problem caused jby people further up the road using wet wipes and flushing them down the pan. In trying to unblock drains our neighbour who is a Scientific officer with DEFRA said bail out the manhole into the street drain and you will be able to see the channel and rod the pipe work ( the outlet was on the corner of the manhole so no one knew where it was) We did not do this but had a local firm fix the problem .


It just beggers belief when some like that says just put it down the street drain.



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You really need to know how the national wastewater treatment system works to understandwhat you can and cannot do, it's an education in itself to be shown round and see what happens to the so called sludge that is generated by each individual household and also the normal rainwater that accompanies it down the same sewer system to be treated.
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rolandrat - 2009-05-05 11:10 AM


the same sewer system


You'd know about that of course, Roland :D !


Back to Clacton - we visited there yesterday, and could see where the problem was supposed to be. We parked on the main seafront street, where waiting was free, but limited to 2hrs (for everyone). Out of interest, we took a look along the front, and found some places with no restrictions of any kind. There were some motorhomes, but they were parked considerately, ie not in front of anyone's living room window. Obviously, it will be different in the summer season.

My suggestion to the council would be to restrict waiting on the whole seafront to a certain number of hours - for ALL vehicles - and then make sure there was proper parking elsewhere for longer periods (again for all vehicles).

If they decide to ban overnight parking in the town itself, that's their right, and there are plenty of "wilder" places nearby (including some on the coast) where motorhomes wouldn't be in anyone's way.

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It seems that some people have manners and take other peoples requirements, needs and rights into consideration, and others don't or won't.

Surely the best way is to police the parking (or other) restrictions and make sure that they are enforced fairly, otherwise you get this situation where some people get away with being inconsiderate and, being seen to, others join in. So from one van, or dog, or waste bin or drain, it grows and you've got a problem that should never have started.

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