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Corky 8

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at 13.12 today I just checked to see who was online and the Last name in the non de plumes was FIAT UK, I have since checked again 13.19 no longer there, If it is THE Fiat UK please make yourself know, we may bark but we dont bite.
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Corky 8 - 2009-04-30 1:23 PM


at 13.12 today I just checked to see who was online and the Last name in the non de plumes was FIAT UK, I have since checked again 13.19 no longer there, If it is THE Fiat UK please make yourself know, we may bark but we dont bite.



They've been on the forum since last October - and have posted from time to time, so I don't think they are in hiding.



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Guest Tracker

The only post when they have something unhelpful and non committal to say and they generally get flak for so doing so all they seem to do now is monitor what we are saying about them and then run off and hide again.


Well if they read this - I - and many others - sure as hector ain't gonna buy one of their wretched X250 based vans - and whilst it seems that not all vans are afflicted - we simply cannot afford to - and why should we - take a risk on getting a sub standard product with a very limited and obstructive warranty!

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Following on from tracker's post this problem also applies to Peugeot 5 speeds who get no help.

A month after we bought our new motorhome in sept 2007 we looked to buy a new car had a 24hour test in a Peugeot 308 but at about that time we found the water ingress problem which according to Peugeot did not exist after a long battle and with VOSA's help that was sorted.

We are now looking for a small car to tow would like a Peugeot 107 but now with the reversing problem would never buy a Peugeot again.

So because of poor customer service they had lost 2 further sales from me and also sales in the future.

And you never see Peugeot post here or on any forum.

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Don't let the Peugeot label put you off the 107. We tow the Toyota Aygo - its the same car as the 107 and the C1 , all made by Toyota in Slovakia - just different bits of trim. Fantastic to drive and tow, not much bigger than a Smart but much more room.
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The reversing judder problem of the X250 gives a good indication of how anyone is likely to be treated by Fiat or Peugeot over any 'difficult' guarantee claims in future: best advice is 'Caveat Emptor' and stay well away from these makes altogether.
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Guest Tracker

I've never experienced Fiat 'service' so can't comment but on the odd occasion over the years that I have sought help from a Peugeot dealer - usually far from home and often at a bad time like late on a Friday afternoon - I have always had a sympathetic hearing and helpful if not exemplary service from them.


As it is basically a Fiat factory that makes all the X250s, both Peugeot and Citroen are restricted in what they can offer in support by Fiat's attitude to any given problem - which as experience shows is generally negative and unhelpful.


If Fiat don't make a decent gearbox Peugeot and Citroen cannot supply their own - although I don't see why not?


It's just a pity that Japanese or Korean base vehicles are not available as methinks that Sevel base vehicle sales would go the way of UK made motorcycle sales!

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Guest JudgeMental

Here we go again.......Recently the Fiat issues were in danger of destroying the good natured banter and helpful advice on this forum, The front page was full of disruptive and repetitive Fiat based threads which was making visiting the forum unpleasant. I went away on holidays and was happy to see on my return that the unnecessary contributions had disappeared or been pulled....


There was no need for this thread? It could have been added to the large Fiat thread? Not all of us have any interest at all in Fiats? And I for one am sick to death with it.......So please help in keeping this forum interesting? and please engage your brain before posting.


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JudgeMental - 2009-04-30 5:50 PM


Here we go again.......Recently the Fiat issues were in danger of destroying the good natured banter and helpful advice on this forum, The front page was full of disruptive and repetitive Fiat based threads which was making visiting the forum unpleasant. I went away on holidays and was happy to see on my return that the unnecessary contributions had disappeared or been pulled....


There was no need for this thread? It could have been added to the large Fiat thread? Not all of us have any interest at all in Fiats? And I for one am sick to death with it.......So please help in keeping this forum interesting? and please engage your brain before posting.


You sound like Mary Whitehouse, You did not need to read this tread but you sort to do so!!

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Guest Tracker
urbanracer - 2009-04-30 5:59 PM


JudgeMental - 2009-04-30 5:50 PM


Here we go again.......Recently the Fiat issues were in danger of destroying the good natured banter and helpful advice on this forum, The front page was full of disruptive and repetitive Fiat based threads which was making visiting the forum unpleasant. I went away on holidays and was happy to see on my return that the unnecessary contributions had disappeared or been pulled....


There was no need for this thread? It could have been added to the large Fiat thread? Not all of us have any interest at all in Fiats? And I for one am sick to death with it.......So please help in keeping this forum interesting? and please engage your brain before posting.


You sound like Mary Whitehouse, You did not need to read this tread but you sort to do so!!


Exactly - I am surprised at you Eddie? Now that you know that the thread exists you could help by not making your own pointless abrasive remarks and maybe engaging your own brain before posting.


Thankfully freedom of speech remains in this country and one of the best ways of making manufacturers sit up and take notice is adverse publicity in copious quantities.

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Guest JudgeMental
urbanracer - 2009-04-30 5:59 P


You sound like Mary Whitehouse, You did not need to read this tread but you sort to do so!!



I can assure you I have little in common with the likes of Mary Whitehouse you stupid man.

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Steady Eddie, I,m sorry if your fed up with the threads on the Sevel Gearbox problem, but some of us have spent our lot on our Motorhomes ,you only have to put up with the threads we have to put up with our choice of Motorhome ,and it helps to hear from like people with the same problems as myself , if you want more interesting threads please by all means put them on we will read them with enthusiasm and interest, once this problem is sorted out perhaps threads will all be more interesting but till then Tell your self if it says Fiat on the thread DONT Read it Ed, this message is sent in the most civil and friendly way .



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Guest JudgeMental
Corky 8 - 2009-04-30 6:47 PM


Steady Eddie, I,m sorry if your fed up with the threads on the Sevel Gearbox problem, but some of us have spent our lot on our Motorhomes ,you only have to put up with the threads we have to put up with our choice of Motorhome ,and it helps to hear from like people with the same problems as myself , if you want more interesting threads please by all means put them on we will read them with enthusiasm and interest, once this problem is sorted out perhaps threads will all be more interesting but till then Tell your self if it says Fiat on the thread DONT Read it Ed, this message is sent in the most civil and friendly way .




Bless you Corky that’s fine ! This site suffers from a lack of moderation and things get out of hand from time to time. I was not arguing with the content of this thread? or anyone’s right to speak their mind? My point was primarily regards keeping things tidy that’s all.....


and I have posted on the main Fiat thread before now.....as the van I want from EuraMobil is only avalable on a Fiat *-)



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Guest JudgeMental
Come on Richard give me a break you pompous sod........you have a monopoly on self righteous hot air on here and you don’t even have an X250 for God’s sake. Enough of your nonsense or I’ll track:-D you down and put your lights out you tart.
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I say Eddie old chap - steady on there - you are surely not suggesting that I should go out and buy one of these wretched things just so that I can post on this thread are you!




I used to be a tart but my wife won't let me any more!




Seeing as how it's you Eddie - break given!

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Guest peter

It's funny how the most vociferous condemnation of Fiat seems to stem from people who don't even own a Fiat X250.

Get a life.

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I,for one have found the posts on Fiat problems enlightening.


I am (or was) looking to replace my VW with something a little larger, and many Fiat based options were in the frame. But not any more, I am considering alternatives but I think I will wait until the manufactures (of the motorhomes) convert to other makes of base vehicle, as many already are beginning to do).



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hallii - 2009-05-01 11:06 AM


I,for one have found the posts on Fiat problems enlightening.


I am (or was) looking to replace my VW with something a little larger, and many Fiat based options were in the frame. But not any more, I am considering alternatives but I think I will wait until the manufactures (of the motorhomes) convert to other makes of base vehicle, as many already are beginning to do).




Oh really, who are the many sure people would like to know.

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JudgeMental - 2009-04-30 5:50 PM


Here we go again.......Recently the Fiat issues were in danger of destroying the good natured banter and helpful advice on this forum, The front page was full of disruptive and repetitive Fiat based threads which was making visiting the forum unpleasant. I went away on holidays and was happy to see on my return that the unnecessary contributions had disappeared or been pulled....


There was no need for this thread? It could have been added to the large Fiat thread? Not all of us have any interest at all in Fiats? And I for one am sick to death with it.......So please help in keeping this forum interesting? and please engage your brain before posting.


I to have just returned from holiday and agree with Eddie, why yet another thread on what is becoming a tedious subject. Fiat are now sorting the problem out, after a long delay I agree, time to leave it alone.

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rupert123 - 2009-05-01 12:11 PM


JudgeMental - 2009-04-30 5:50 PM


Here we go again.......Recently the Fiat issues were in danger of destroying the good natured banter and helpful advice on this forum, The front page was full of disruptive and repetitive Fiat based threads which was making visiting the forum unpleasant. I went away on holidays and was happy to see on my return that the unnecessary contributions had disappeared or been pulled....


There was no need for this thread? It could have been added to the large Fiat thread? Not all of us have any interest at all in Fiats? And I for one am sick to death with it.......So please help in keeping this forum interesting? and please engage your brain before posting.


I to have just returned from holiday and agree with Eddie, why yet another thread on what is becoming a tedious subject. Fiat are now sorting the problem out, after a long delay I agree, time to leave it alone.

Rupert , I started this thread as an observation on a quick visit by Fiat Uk whom I,d never see before on this forum, my thread was addressed to them,If your good self like others do not wish to read about other peoples problem with the fiat gearbox, You have the answer at your finger tips " Dont Click on the thread " , God forbid you ever have trouble with your Motorhome but if you did I hope the good folk on this forum would try and offer help and hopefully no matter how long it took stay with you till you got an acceptable outcome if possible, so Please allow others to persue a favourable outcome to their problems through these threads, I hope you had a good holiday, Corky :-D
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I am delighted that so many people can tell us that they have a fault free gearbox on their X250 - at present - but do be aware that when you bury your head in the sand not only does the problem that afflicts so many others not go away but you do also leave your own bum very exposed to a good kicking should your own van develop a similar or related transmission problem!


I have never criticised Fiat dealer service as I have never experienced it so please check before having a go - but I do condemn their cavalier attitude, delaying tactics and misinformation to all the owners of very expensive X250 based motorhomes as widely reported both in the media and on here.


I for one totally support all these aggrieved owners in their fight with Fiat - something which you unaffected owners might wish to consider - if in no small part because I would one day like to have enough confidence to buy one.


It never fails to amaze me - although I don't know why it should - that those who are quickest to shout the loudest about the postings of others are generally those who are slowest to offer support to other members in need?

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Said: "I to have just returned from holiday and agree with Eddie, why yet another thread on what is becoming a tedious subject. Fiat are now sorting the problem out, after a long delay I agree, time to leave it alone".


It's time to leave it alone WHEN the problem has been sorted out.

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