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Tracker - 2009-05-01 5:27 PM


I am delighted that so many people can tell us that they have a fault free gearbox on their X250 - at present - but do be aware that when you bury your head in the sand not only does the problem that afflicts so many others not go away but you do also leave your own bum very exposed to a good kicking should your own van develop a problem!


I have never criticised Fiat dealer service as I have never experienced it so please check before having a go - but I do condemn their cavalier attitude to all the owners of very expensive X250 based motorhomes as widely reported both in the media and on here, and I totally support all these aggrieved owners in their fight with Fiat - something which you unaffected owners might wish to consider - if in no small part because I would one day like to have enough confidence to buy one.

:-D Spoken like a true Gentleman Thank you Richard :-D
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peter - 2009-04-30 9:38 PM


It's funny how the most vociferous condemnation of Fiat seems to stem from people who don't even own a Fiat X250.

Get a life.

agree peter i.e tracker,i would not have known there was a problem if i had not read this forum.12000 in 18mths ist m,home

my wifes corsa judders if you try to start on hill at low revs, solution, dip the clutch, increase the revs, sorted, same with my m,home.

why are people seeking out a 1in4 just to see if they have a problem, just drive normally if you have a problem then complain.

stop asking me on campsites if i have a problem with reversing, then getting stroppy when i say no.

if i had vehicle that was smelling and shaking while driving i would stop, but thats me , not andy,i only worked for rolls royce for 16yrs, and aeorospace for 40yrs

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bigal55 - 2009-05-03 8:26 PM


peter - 2009-04-30 9:38 PM


It's funny how the most vociferous condemnation of Fiat seems to stem from people who don't even own a Fiat X250.

Get a life.

agree peter i.e tracker,i would not have known there was a problem if i had not read this forum.12000 in 18mths ist m,home

my wifes corsa judders if you try to start on hill at low revs, solution, dip the clutch, increase the revs, sorted, same with my m,home.

why are people seeking out a 1in4 just to see if they have a problem, just drive normally if you have a problem then complain.

stop asking me on campsites if i have a problem with reversing, then getting stroppy when i say no.

if i had vehicle that was smelling and shaking while driving i would stop, but thats me , not andy,i only worked for rolls royce for 16yrs, and aeorospace for 40yrs

Here we go again why are so many people happy with riding their clutch , the clutch is there to smooth the tansfere and changing of gears and allow take up of the drive to be smoothly done , then clutch released when the gear is fully engaged, anything other than that is riding the clutch (misuse) You as an engineer should be advocating that. , you say "if you had a vehicle that was smelling and shaking when driving you would stop " that means if your on a road and have to reverse to allow something larger to Pass and the clutch started smelling / smoking you would just stop and sit there ? , some of us have to reverse up hill my drive is on and incline only a small one but my Motorhome judders even then.?.Bigal my son currently works as an aerospace engineer at British Aerospace, Brilliant at his job. But what he knows about vehicles you could write on a stamp, I hope your Motorhome doesn't suffer from reversing problems and its nice to hear that , 12,000 miles maybe going forward is only one of the things the vehicle was designed to do, one of the others is to reverse smoothly and Safely which at present mine does not, Keep safe, by the way this should be on the other = Fiat/Peugeot/ citroen Problems, :-D
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bigal55 - 2009-05-03 8:26 PM


peter - 2009-04-30 9:38 PM


It's funny how the most vociferous condemnation of Fiat seems to stem from people who don't even own a Fiat X250.

Get a life.

agree peter i.e tracker,i would not have known there was a problem if i had not read this forum.12000 in 18mths ist m,home

my wifes corsa judders if you try to start on hill at low revs, solution, dip the clutch, increase the revs, sorted, same with my m,home.

why are people seeking out a 1in4 just to see if they have a problem, just drive normally if you have a problem then complain.

stop asking me on campsites if i have a problem with reversing, then getting stroppy when i say no.

if i had vehicle that was smelling and shaking while driving i would stop, but thats me , not andy,i only worked for rolls royce for 16yrs, and aeorospace for 40yrs


Is it a late model Corsa as they are made by guess who?


FIAT its the same as a punto

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Melvin - 2009-05-04 8:16 PM


I believe the Diesel engines in the Suzuki Grand Vitra are Fiat, are Grand Vitra is due for replacement, I will try another brand :-D[/QU






Fiat make fantastic diesel engines you would be surprised at how many are fitted to different makes and models

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Guest Tracker
This was in danger of dropping off the bottom and we wouldn't big brother to miss seeing it now would we!
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hymer634 - 2009-04-30 4:39 PM


Don't let the Peugeot label put you off the 107. We tow the Toyota Aygo - its the same car as the 107 and the C1 , all made by Toyota in Slovakia - just different bits of trim. Fantastic to drive and tow, not much bigger than a Smart but much more room.


Not quite correct they are not made by Toyota or in Slovakia but are made in the Czech Republic at a new factory and company known as TPCA (Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile) by a completely new workforce, financed by the closure of Ryton in Coventry and subsidies from the EU purse that we again pay for. The engines are in fact not Toyota, contrary to popular belief, but Daihatsu (which is at least part owned by Toyota) and are a development of the engine fitted to the Cuore.

All aside they are one of the best 'small' cars on the market and those sentiments I agree with hymer634.



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