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Is the dongle (modem) system all its cracked up to be??


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Hi Lenny,

I have a vodaphone pas you go dongle, as you say, i can pick up my pop3 emails but not send any via pop3.


would you happen to know smpt address to use, and can i set up another pop3 account using my orangepop home address and the voda one still leaving my orange address as default.

Would this work?

many thanks


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Sorry didn't reply to your second question.


Yes it will work, I would recommend trying Thunderbird as this can handle multiple SMTP servers, so you can have one account and 2 SMPT settings, mine's set up with 4 accounts & 2 SMTP servers works a treat I don't have to change anything when I swap between home network & the dongle.

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I am surprised if it does, I tried it with no joy but I believe BT SMTP servers now require authentication.


One possibility is Vodafone being a small player in the internet field they could be using BT's Routers & Servers.

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Hi Lenny.

I'll guess you've got the answer in there somewhere.


As with most answers there's another question though! If the using of Voda's server is mostly necessary when using Voda's dongle, then where do we stand when using site WIFI's?

CC and CCC use BT's network I think, so maybe mine'll work. But what if you don't know who the ISP is? The answer's probably "use web access instead" but that's a bit defeatist!

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I think you summed it up yourself, most wifi being the the cloud or openzone which both use BT you may be able to send via BT server if you have BT account. You need the BT account as they require authentication.


With the Vodafone dongle being so cheap to use if you are on wifi it is probably worth connecting via the dongle to send your emails.

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