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MMM Reviewers/Writers

starvin marvin

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I've just been reading the May MMM and I cannot help thinking that I'm not enjoying the read as I used to. The reviewers are not grabbing my attention. Dave Hurrell seems the worst, a very tedious read whilst my favourites are (excuse the pun) by a whisker, Jonathan Lloyd, from Di Johnson. Andrew Bromley seems promising.


The travel writers are also not interesting me much, I can certainly live without Andy Stothert and Roger Mechans various, recycled articles and photographs from other magazines. The guest writers always seem to be the most interesting. Whilst Andy Stothert is a one joke pony.


Finally the editing, how did he manage to serve up two articles on D-D Day and Normandy and two articles on Ireland, in the same issue?


Come on MMM, you can surely do better than this.

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Well just goes to show you cant please all the people all the time .


I disagree , Andys particular writings have me in stitches .

Actually not really nice of you to say ,why dont you try it if its getting on your tits. .

Go on write us all a nice read, lets see if you make me laugh .




:D :D

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michele - 2009-04-30 10:15 PM


Well just goes to show you cant please all the people all the time .


I disagree , Andys particular writings have me in stitches .

Actually not really nice of you to say ,why dont you try it if its getting on your tits. .

Go on write us all a nice read, lets see if you make me laugh .




:D :D


If I wanted a laugh I'd buy Viz, or the Beano at least the jokes would be better. What I want to read are interesting, accurate and informative articles on one of my hobbies. Jonathan Lloyd for me is on the "money" every time.

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I thought Andy's latest article was an absolute hoot! I was giggling away to myself last night when I was reading it ... I could just imaging him leaping across the motorway in hot pursuit of his wheel trim!!! I have had the pleasure of meeting both Andy and Marion ... Andy really IS like that!!!! :D
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starvin marvin - 2009-04-30 10:26 PM


michele - 2009-04-30 10:15 PM


Well just goes to show you cant please all the people all the time .


I disagree , Andys particular writings have me in stitches .

Actually not really nice of you to say ,why dont you try it if its getting on your tits. .

Go on write us all a nice read, lets see if you make me laugh .




:D :D


If I wanted a laugh I'd buy Viz, or the Beano at least the jokes would be better. What I want to read are interesting, accurate and informative articles on one of my hobbies. Jonathan Lloyd for me is on the "money" every time.


Like I say ,whats sauce for one etc etc ...What you find interesting probably wouldnt be for me . I know this cause I can tell :D .

Why on earth people want to read boring serious stuff is beyond me .

Anyway,Q" who says its not interesting or accurate or informative .

May not be to you but to us its brilliant and certainly makes us want to take off in search of the destinations .


As for accurate who gives a toss just take a walk on the wild side.

Wished my canoe was capsizing , beats this place anyday

I actually dont find the other writers that entertaining but just goes to show it takes all kinds to make a world . *-)

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Michele, I've read a few of your postings over the last year or so and your advice to me to take a walk on the wild side ...now that is really funny.


My criticism of Andy's writing style is just one of many in this months MMM. Andy I'm sure would be an interesting person to talk to, but his writing style doesn't cut it for me. As I said I think he's a one joke pony. If you find Norman Wisdom funny I guess you might smile at his article. It just makes me shake my head in disbelief that the he's trying the same joke again and again. One thing for sure humour is subjective.


I find it interesting that when Andy writes for the CC mag its in a different style, whereas Roger Mechans style is very similar as are his articles.


I think the MMM is ready for a change of editorial direction, this last months mag was poor and not worth the money. MMM needs in my view to look at some changes to invigorate a tired format.

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I agree with Tony, (Starvin) on the Editorial front, like he says, 2 articles both on the same subject is puzzling to say the least.


I find Andy's musings hilarious and I suspect there's a good book in him somewhere.


Van reports, well I can take them or leave them. Some I find interesting whilst some inspire me to watch the proverbial gloss drying but I don't attribute those views to any tester in particular.


On the whole I'm satisfied with the mag, but there is room for improvement.



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Clive - 2009-05-01 12:54 PM



I can only say I am gutted. I bare my soul after drilling holes in my water tank and I don,t even get a single mention from Marvin.


I will go and sulk now.




Never mind Clive ... next month you can own up to stuffing yourself silly on all those tea-cakes (marshmallow type) last weekend! And no, before you say it, you weren't just eating them to stop them were melting in the sunshine!! :D

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I too find much of what is MMM boring and repetitive particularly some of the travel articles which read more like 'what Katie did next'.


On the other hand I doubt I could do better so I don't grumble!


Nevertheless I still consider MMM a useful magazine on balance, if only because somewhere in every issue is usually a gem of information that either saves me time or money or both - I just have to wade through it all to find it!


Anyone who considers that he/she can do better should do so - and then we can criticise them (tongue in cheek before you all have a go at me again!)!

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J9withdogs - 2009-05-01 7:20 PM


{{{la la la la }}


I'm saving my MMM for my holiday next week so don't spoil the plot for me :D


Goin' anywhere nice Miss Whiplash?


Hope the sun shines for you - it generally does for the righteous - so I'm told?

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Unfortunately the survey doesn't inspire much confidence in the team behind the mag with at least two unanswerable questions or rather if you answer them they may be interperated several different ways.

I too believe that the mag is tired (have done for some while), although disagree with the comments on Andy, I also have little faith in the editors as I know from personal experience that they are 'party liners'.



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I must say that I support what Starvin Marvin says. I stopped buying the mag on a regular basis, some time ago for exactly the same reasons. It doesn't hold a candle to how it used to be. I only buy a copy now if it has a particular subject that I am interested in.


Many of you new readers wouldn't have the benefit of knowing how interesting it was back in the 1970's / 1980's. The mag then was more for motorhomers than the advertisers, and it wasn't full of uninteresting travel articles. It had, I feel, a much better balance.



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You know what, you have the right to say what you feel ,however to come on a public forum and openly talk about a few of the contributors in the manner you have choosen is in my opinion disgraceful.


If the shoe was on the other foot would you feel so nice if someone called you a one horse pony ? .

If you feel the magazine is lacking ,why not do as Dave Newell Suggested and write to the editors .


Not trying to say that you have to sell everything as rosy ,just trying to say that its not nice to openly slander someone who is obviously doing his best . As said before I don't have a problem with his writing or anyones & actually look forward to reading the next saga .


I am beginning to wonder if he has upset you in a previous life ?

Maybe the Fiat thread ? Umh , Just wondering .




*-) 8-) *-) Come on Tony ,you dont go onto an open forum and say that about someone unless of course you are waiting for a response from the man himself . I think there may be more to this .


Not amused .

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We have a subscription to the MMM magazine and still find it entertaining. There is a lot that I don't read, mainly the reports about areas of the UK because I know that we would not be going back there only to visit relatives and we don't have time to wander to different areas so I find the travel articles of places over this side of the water extremely useful, but its horses for courses.


Its the old saying of you can't please all the people all the time.

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michele - 2009-05-02 9:47 AM




You know what, you have the right to say what you feel ,however to come on a public forum and openly talk about a few of the contributors in the manner you have choosen is in my opinion disgraceful.


If the shoe was on the other foot would you feel so nice if someone called you a one horse pony ? .

If you feel the magazine is lacking ,why not do as Dave Newell Suggested and write to the editors .


Not trying to say that you have to sell everything as rosy ,just trying to say that its not nice to openly slander someone who is obviously doing his best . As said before I don't have a problem with his writing or anyones & actually look forward to reading the next saga .


I am beginning to wonder if he has upset you in a previous life ?

Maybe the Fiat thread ? Umh , Just wondering .




*-) 8-) *-)


Michele, So far the responses have been interesting, one or two a little bizarre in their content if not "off the wall"


My views are basically that as a customer of MMM, I'm not satisfied with the product and rather than grumbling about it into my beer I thought I'd ask if others thought the same and there seems to be enough of us. I'll do now what some others are doing and only make occassional purchases.


If you are in agreeement I'll close my replies on the subject of Andy because he is only one part of the issue for me. Is it slanderous to discribe a writers articles as containing basically the same joke (ie a one joke pony) and slightly reworking it. The editorial management should in my view ask Andy if this is the best he can do and suggest he introduces some changes. Really if this is an example of hime doing his best then...... I shall hold my tongue.


Surely this type of medium is ideal for contacting the editor, I'll wait and see if this thread is reproduced in the mag as some threads are, but won't hold my breath.

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People have the right to raise their concerns about the magazine. Once those concerns are raised, the debate should move on very quickly to look at how we improve the magazine.


If we want more well written articles by capable journalists, we may have to pay more and we run the risk of alienating those readers who like to see their articles in print - if only just once. So, is MMM more about being a community magazine or is it to inform the motorhome fraternity?


What price are we willing to pay? MMM is a top quality magazine so should we trade the quality of the paper for say fewer advertisements? Do advertisements provide a good source of knowledge for inexperienced motorhomers on the range of products available to make motorhoming more enjoyable?


As an example of what can be achieved, I receive a photographic magazine which has a street price of £4.99. The articles are informative and written by photographic professionals; there is space for reader letters, questions and photographs. And there is also a well produced CD showing various tips and tricks to improve my photography.


So let's start talking about how we can improve the magazine. How about reviewing the 'house style' which covers the rules etc for writing articles? How about the regular contributors getting together to raise their standards and thus set a lead to the rest of us? How about the editors being explicit about what the magazine is trying to achieve and how it is achieving this?


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Here's my two bobs worth, I appreciate that the site reviews, (4 tenners), will please and inform some folk, but..


Personally I see little point in paying folk £40 for reviewing, (badly on occasion), Caravan Club Sites. The sites also seem to be reviewed by essentially the same folk providing a nice little earner for them. Go back through a dozen or so issues and you'll see what and who I mean.


But my real gripe with those CC reviews is that not only is the number of them reviewed disproportionate, you can access in the region of 90% of the info from the CC website or by doing a spot of Googling. So in essence you're reading what you've already read or can do if you prod a button or 2. Plus the fact that anyone who uses CC Sites knows full well that they are spotless/well run etc etc. I admit that to newcomers it will serve some purpose though.


This subject has cropped in the past & I seem to remember Dave N airing his view, something along the lines of, "well don't read them then". Dave, sorry if I've misquoted you.


But surely, that's not the answer, would it not better to perhaps limit the number of CC reviews to say 3 or 4 a year, and certainly not by the same folk? An example being on page 93 of April MMM, no disrespect to the reviewer, (s), but what did they inform of other than what's in the last paragraph or 2?


A glaring omission in the review, (to my eyes), is the walking effort required to get Peterborough. Anybody setting off on that walk underprepared would be in for a shock, it's quite a distance. Maybe they didn't make the walk but a line to say how far it is on foot would be far more helpful than the usual,"it's got 16 amp electrics"


And before anyone screams, "well can you do any better?", my response is simple, if you don't like the odd brickbat, don't put yourself on the stage.


Reaching for crash helmet..






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