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Water purification


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The water in my tank is used for everything other than making tea or drinking, we use bottled water for that.


Abroad, I am sometimes a bit suspicious of the water quality in some of the "out in the sticks" places, and there are the higher temperatures to take account of. We have never been ill but there is always a first time.


I always wash the tank out before setting off but I would be happier if I could add something to the tank to keep things clean.


Specifically, do the chemists out there know if I can add household bleach to the water? Not the thickened stuff just good old fashioned bleach.


If so how much would do the job?




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Bleach, I think you will find is poisonous.

Milton is a safe steralising solution, which can be used to clean the water system and is relatively safe ( its what babies bottles are steralised in), however it needs to be flushed out if it gets into the hot water system as its nt good with stainless steel. I think some of the aquapure water teatments are safe for leaving in the system, but when I was looking for the right one I found the instructions less than clear and gave up, I also thought they were expensive.

Im sure an expert will be on line with the definitive answer shortly.

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I use bleach as per my owner's manual.


My Winnebago manual has the same instructions as those below, copied from the Vintage Airstream Club site (of course maybe we're made of sterner stuff over here in the Colonies! >:-)


Q: What should I do to sterilize my Potable (Clear) water system?

A: Once each year, fill the water tank half-way, then add a premix of 1-cup of household bleach & 1 gallon of water. Finish filing the tank. Run water at all faucets until you can smell the chlorine, don't forget to allow the water heater to fill completely. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight, then drain everything.



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Are you wanting something to sterilise the drinking water already in the water tank ,if so you do need sterilising tablets /solution, from chemists or any good adventure clothing shop,try Army and Navy as well, for just sterilising the water tank itself there are proprietary products especially for the Purpose from any Caravan shop. and as previously said Milton solution like they use for baby bottle,s etc.

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It's the water in the tank I want to purify, I avoid the word "sterilise" as I think it implies a complete elimination of everything, and for non drinking I don't think that is required. So that I have water on board that is at least clean.


I reasoned that bleach produces chlorine and chlorine purifies water. I know that it is used in Africa for drinking water, so it must be safe. Anyway I don't want to drink it, just clean my teeth with it etc.


I have used the tablets (Iodine) and they work, they also cost a lot if you are purifying 20 - 30 litres a day.


So can I use bleach and if so how much in how much water?



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Hi geoff


If it is pure drinking water from your tank (regardless of the original source) you want then have a look at this website:




These are easy to fit and used on motorhomes and boats. It will even make canal water drinkable!


It is possible to fit the cartridge/purifier direct into the cold water feed to the kitchen tap or you can take a feed to a separate faucet so that you are not purifying all the water you use and can make the filters last longer.


They are available at many outlets and are often at the major motorhome shows.



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Hallii , I dont think anyone is going to advocate using Bleach, it may be used in Africa ,but I bet you it is not your household bleach and it will be scrupulously metered out as a percentage to water used, if you only want it to clean your teeth why not boil a kettle of water and allow it to cool over night then bottle it/use it
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We have the nature pure system and love it, we have just changed the filter as the flow started to slow and we had froth on the water.


The filter has lasted 2 years exactly because we have the separate tap system just for drinking and therefore don't waste the filter by filtering washing water as well, there are 3 of us using the van.


The new filter was £52.95 but its worth it to us not having to worry about carrying water or drinking water from various places we have doubts about.



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Proberly the cheapest way to treat fresh water tanks is by using supermarket sterilising tablets these cost a fraction of the caravan market ones.

One example is asda little angels 56 sterilising tablets the box gives instructions for water purification and sterilising and costs about 70p We always used puraclean or aquatabs for sterilising etc untill an industrial chemist pointed out that most tablets were made by one firm. I clean our fresh water tank at least twice a year as we use the van all the time.


We also use a nature pure water filter


For the last year we have been using a product called ELSAN Elsil this is a drinking water purifier it is used in the aircraft industry for aircraft fresh water tanks they quote treated water lasting weeks.

they Quote it

complete sterilisation,effective against all organisums including bacteria,viruses,amoebas,fungiyeasts and spores.it is long lasting and prevents

recontamination.A 100ml pack treats 1000litres of water.


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Our Nature Pure is on a seperate drinking tap.We have used a Nature Pure or a Safari water filter for above 30 years.

But as we use the water in the fresh water tank for washing and washing up etc we need to satisfiy ourselves that this water is as free from bacteria etc as we can make it.

Its no good drinking bottle water and having food and hands washed in contaminated water with bacteria etc.


The Elsan webite claims that water treated with Elsil will store 6 months.


If you look at the Elsan website check out their new blue bag toilet sachets

we have started to use these as they seem very good.


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We must have strong constitutions then! Have always drunk tank water. Always flush through fully and then refil at beginning of season and drain down fully at season end. Never had a problem.


New van came with a NaturePure tap so we can now keep up with the Jones,s!!




Should add that we eithjer make Tea or Coffee, both go through a boiling stage in the process of manufacture!!


Tonic is sterilised by the Gin anyway.



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Clive - 2009-05-04 10:54 AM


We must have strong constitutions then! Have always drunk tank water. Always flush through fully and then refill at beginning of season and drain down fully at season end. Never had a problem.




Hear hear Clive!! Just like you, we must have good constitutions.


We've never even flushed a tank, we just drain it on the last night of any stay, leave the tap open to empty the odd cupfull that's in the pipe and that's it.



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I too am a fan of Nature Pure filters. If you don't want to fit one permanently into your van they do a small portable pump type which is a little bit fiddly but will fill a 1 litre zigg water bottle in a minute or so. We tend to fill three bottles at a time and keep them in the fridge to ensure a constant supply. We have used one successfully for 2 years and are very pleased with it. Its easy portability and light weight means you can take it on overseas trips where you are travelling without your van and we have found this helpful. As for the type previously mentioned, in an emergency you can convert pond or ditch water to drinking water with this kit.



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Our system is sterilized and flushed through at the begining of the season, and we use a purifying tab in the tank, that water is used for washing, cleaning, teeth,making tea and coffee, I use bottled water for drinking cold, I have a very sensative stomach the least thing upsets me but have never been ill in the van from using the tank water and that includes abroad.
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