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Gas Pressure Problems - 2007 Autotrail Scout SE

Guest Merlin1

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Guest Merlin1


Writing on behalf on my Stepfather who owns a 2007 Autotrail Scout. On the first trip out this year, he noticed poor gas pressure. If more than one gas ring is on, the pressure drops dramatically to the point of having about half a flame to each ring. The same happens if something is cooking on the cooker and he puts the external BBQ on, the gas pressure will drop on the stove and the BBQ, same goes for the fire as well. If only one thing is on, it seems ok.

He has replaced the gas Bottle and checked the hoses in that compartment, all ok and he has checked the gas pipes which he can see, all ok with no smell of gas anywhere so there can't be a leak. The flame on the hobs is the usual blue colour.

Can anyone suggest what the problem might be and I'll pass your comments on to him.

Many thanks in advance.

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Hi Merlin,

It's probly a gummed up regulator caused by plasticiser from the cylinder connecting pipe being allowed to run into the regulator. The inlet to the regulator should point downwards to avoid this.

I'm sure you'll get a much more technical explanation in due course.

Mike P

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It certainly sounds like something is stopping the gas getting through when you put the system 'under pressure', ie when a higher draw is needed. As more than one appliance is affected and he's changed the gas bottle (assuming the replacement has gas in it?) then I would suggest the same as Mike P, the regulator, or it could even be the pipe which has deteriorated. When was the pipe last changed? Might be worth changing this first and seeing if it sorts out the problem, if not, then change the regulator.
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Guest Tracker

Some gas pigtails (the hose from regulator to bottle) have a non return spring held ball valve retained by a hex key operated gland.

The ball can stick and not let gas pass properly in which case undoing it , cleaning it and re assembly can help.

Do be aware that when you undo the hex fixing the spring and ball can leap out at you and be a real b##ger to find - specially on grass!

If it aint that odds on it's the regulator and as the van is still in warranty I would be inclined to ask the supplying dealer for their help.

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Merlin1 - 2009-05-05 5:09 PM



Writing on behalf on my Stepfather who owns a 2007 Autotrail Scout. On the first trip out this year, he noticed poor gas pressure.







DARE I SAY baked beans NO i will not lol

sounds like a blocked regulator very common problem

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As has already been said, your stepfather's problem shows all the symptoms of a gas regulator that's on its way out.


I'm pretty sure that Auto-Trail will have chosen to install a Truma-branded, GOK-made EN61-DS-type bulkhead-mounted 30mb regulator. These have gained an unenviable reputation for failure and I've had two pack up on my Hobby, both failing to function after the motorhome had been standing idle for an extended period.


There is now a recommended configuration for fitting these regulators that minimises the likelihood of liquid gas, or any 'muck' that may collect in the gas feed-hose(s), reaching the regulator and blocking/damaging it. The dealership who sold the Auto-Trail to your stepfather should be well aware of the recommended configuration.


When the problem was most rife, Truma(UK) agreed a 'deal' with UK motorhome manufacturers (who were threatening to fit alternative-make regulators to counter the Truma product's high failure rate) that, if a regulator failed, a free replacement would be supplied and - if necessary - the regulator's installation would be optimised free of charge. I think Truma take a harder line nowadays (essentially "Tough luck!"), but it would still be worth your stepfather complaining strongly to the vendor of his motorhome (that, I assume, is still under warranty) and demanding a free repair.


If it proves impossible to get the problem corrected at no cost, then I suggest your stepfather fits (or has fitted) the regulator/hose combination marketed by the Gaslow company as shown on page 222 of the May 2009 issue of MMM magazine.

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Guest Merlin1
Derek Uzzell - 2009-05-11 7:44 AM




As has already been said, your stepfather's problem shows all the symptoms of a gas regulator that's on its way out.


I'm pretty sure that Auto-Trail will have chosen to install a Truma-branded, GOK-made EN61-DS-type bulkhead-mounted 30mb regulator. These have gained an unenviable reputation for failure and I've had two pack up on my Hobby, both failing to function after the motorhome had been standing idle for an extended period.


There is now a recommended configuration for fitting these regulators that minimises the likelihood of liquid gas, or any 'muck' that may collect in the gas feed-hose(s), reaching the regulator and blocking/damaging it. The dealership who sold the Auto-Trail to your stepfather should be well aware of the recommended configuration.


When the problem was most rife, Truma(UK) agreed a 'deal' with UK motorhome manufacturers (who were threatening to fit alternative-make regulators to counter the Truma product's high failure rate) that, if a regulator failed, a free replacement would be supplied and - if necessary - the regulator's installation would be optimised free of charge. I think Truma take a harder line nowadays (essentially "Tough luck!"), but it would still be worth your stepfather complaining strongly to the vendor of his motorhome (that, I assume, is still under warranty) and demanding a free repair.


If it proves impossible to get the problem corrected at no cost, then I suggest your stepfather fits (or has fitted) the regulator/hose combination marketed by the Gaslow company as shown on page 222 of the May 2009 issue of MMM magazine.



Thanks Derek,

This problem only started after the winter lay up so it certainly seems like he could have had the same problem as you did with your van. Have passed your comments on.....much appreciated.

He has since purchased a new regulator and hose which he's going to try asap so will post here and let you know if those two items have cured the problem.

Thanks again everyone !

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