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Nice one Nicola!

Tony Jones

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I've just seen Nicola (aka "Josie Gibblebucket") on BBC Look East, putting the case for the council at Clacton (Tendring DC) to provide somewhere that motorhomers CAN stay overnight.

Given the tiny amount of time they gave her, she did brilliantly - came across very clearly, as a reasonable person who wants to co-operate with local people.

Well done Nicola - keep up the good work! (and nice little van you've got there, too!)


Tony x

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Tony Jones - 2009-05-08 7:31 PM


colin - 2009-05-08 7:20 PM


expecting presenter to say "sorry"


I agree, but when did you EVER see a BBC presenter apologise (unless it was for phone-in rip-offs)? They're NEVER wrong about editorial stuff!


Oi, you having a go at our stuart and suzie, next thing you'll be critisizing "julie big hands" :D

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:$ :$ :$ I'll never be able to show my face around here again, I'm so embarrassed! but thanks for the kind words guys!


I suppose they did cut it a bit short, the trouble was they had to cover the ipswich/norwich football club story (which team has the highest turnover - are they talking about managers or money?) but I agree the edit was a bit odd!


Alex Dunlop and the cameraman (who I think was Suzy Fowler-Watts husband) were really nice and had me in stitches. Especially when Alex couldn't get the hang of shutting the sliding door. They were great, really good fun.


After leaving me, they had to drive to Norwich then Alconbury. It certainly opened my eyes to how much work goes into putting the show out every night. ps I now KNOW I need to go on a diet :-(

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