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first motorhome and lady driver

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Hi Margaret, I'd say have a good look around to see what type of vans are available within your price range. Then start to think about what you really need, is an oven important, or a shower? How many berths do you want, will it fit in your parking space? Whatever you do, don't rush the decision or buy the first one you see. You will get loads of great tips from the other, (more experienced than me) people on this site, so be sure to come back often! Buying a 'van is a major purchase, so its important to get it right. There are loads to choose from, and since the credit crunch there are bargains to be had. Buy some magazines, MMM is popular with most of us, and read what the experts say. Good luck.
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Hi Margret & welcome to the forum

Regarding the lessons in driving a Motorhome, the Caravan Club are the only organisation I am aware of that offer this service.

They also usually hold "taster" sessions at the NEC shows in February & October.

I have checked the mag, but can't find the info (will keep looking) but it may also be available on their website.


There are some regular lady owners/drivers on this forum who will no doubt pick up on your thread shortly and I am sure they will be have helpful advise.




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Hi Margaret


I strongly suggest you begin by obtaining John Wickersham's book "The Motorcaravanning Handbook" as this covers the sorts of thing a potential or new motorhome buyer needs to know. This is a link to one supplier




I don't think there are any ladies-only motorhome clubs. There are a couple of clubs - "New Companions" and "Phoenix Camping" - that cater specifically for 'singletons' (of any sex), but I don't think that's what you are looking for.

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Hello Margaret, and welcome


Both the Caravan Club and the Camping and Caravanning Club (think I've got all those Cs in the right order) run motorhome driving courses every year in different parts of the country.


My wife, Sue, went on one in Somerset and found it very helpful indeed in building her confidence. She also passed on a fair few tips which I've also found useful. So while going straight from driving a small hatchback to a 25-foot-long motorhome may seem daunting initially, these courses certainly help to make the transition a safe and smooth one.


Incidentally, all but one of the fellow students on Sue's course was a lady (and she got a rather nice certificate at the end of it, which is more than I have!)


Go for it, and have fun along the way.

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Hi Margaret, There are a couple of us who are lady only drivers on this site and we meet up when we can at various sites. In the meantime we just go it alone but believe me you will make many many friends along the way.


As for the van, my biggest sugestion is that if you buy an overhead bed PLEASE TRY OUT CLIMBING IN IT AND THEN TRY CLIMBING OUT OF IT (IMAGINE MIDDLE OF NIGHT AND NEEDING URGENT WEE) beFORE YOU BUY.


I love my van to bits, but really struggle with the overhead bed. I guess you may be younger than me though.


Look forward to maybe meeting up with you in the future.


joy x

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Guest JudgeMental
ROON - 2009-05-09 11:23 AM


As for the van, my biggest sugestion is that if you buy an overhead bed PLEASE TRY OUT CLIMBING IN IT AND THEN TRY CLIMBING OUT OF IT (IMAGINE MIDDLE OF NIGHT AND NEEDING URGENT WEE) beFORE YOU BUY.


joy x


You need a Gentlemen to carry you up the ladder when you are roaring drunk......and back down again in the morning. *-)

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Hi Magaret,

I am also looking to buy my first MH, everyone has told me to take my time and try out as much as possible before buying, to this end I recently hired one for two weeks and although expensive (Compared to a car) it has saved me thousands since I found out the one I hired was totally unsuitable despite looking good on paper. I used it to visit two MH shows and learned a hell of a lot at both and now (after nearly six months) I'm just about ready to dive in and buy.

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margaret.macklin - 2009-05-08 10:48 PM


Hi I would like to buy my first motorhome. No experience at all so any advice gratefully received. Is it possible to take any lessons in driving a motorhome? Also are there lady only clubs or is that not pc? Sorry guys but us ladies have some special needs.


It is a very steep learning curve Margaret - but it is fun - mainly!


Have you been to your local dealers and had a look see at what layouts are about and have you determined your budget yet?


Have you considered hiring a van for a few days first to see what kind of layout would suit you best?


I don't know where you live but maybe you could meet up with one of the many other lady motorhome drivers on here to talk vans over a pint - or should that be a crate of red wine?


Getting it wrong is very expensive as dealer margins run into many thousands of pounds these days and if you do get it wrong and want to change it could well cost an awful lot of money.


Once you do get your pride and joy, everyone learns from someone else, so you might consider joining the Motor Caravan Club and/or the Motorhome Section of the Camping and Caravan Club who hold many weekend meets where you will meet only Motor Caravanners all of whom had to learn.

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Hi Margaret and welcome. I am also one of the solo lady owner/drivers and have been for a few years now so have quite a lot of experience both in this country and abroad where I go quite frequently. I also belong to the New Companions Club and many of the members are women, both m/home owners and tuggers. It is a very relaxed club and you can join in or do your own thing as you please.


I did ponder about down-sizing the m/home after my husband died but was not too impressed with the alternatives and certainly not with the ridiculously low exchange price offered. This suggests that you take the advice already offered on here of doing thorough research before you buy.


I am still not brilliant with technical matters and rely heavily on male advice, mostly from this forum, where it is given generously and comprehensively. You have definitely made an excellent start by joining this forum and seeking advice here.


I looked to see where you live to see if we could meet up as Roon suggests and perhaps offer advice in person. Unfortunately you do not include any area details in your profile. In any event if you would like to PM me I will try to help you where I can.

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JudgeMental - 2009-05-09 7:09 PM


You need a Gentlemen to carry you up the ladder when you are roaring drunk......and back down again in the morning. *-)



Judge, gallant as ever!


Margaret, something else I just thought of, make sure that you can manage to lift a full gas bottle into place with whichever van you choose. This may sound trivial, but with some vans this may be up to waist height, or more if you are quite small. Depending on the size of bottle used, they can be fairly heavy. Chances are, there would usually be someone around to help if needed, but sooner or later you'd have to do it by yourself. Its one thing picking something up a few inches off the floor, quite something else if its a couple of feet. I'm sure you will be fine though.



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Hi Margaret and welcome,

Deciding on which motorhome to buy is all down to personal choice but having said that, there are many pitfalls which the dealers won't tell you, so you end up having to change it and hey presto - they make more money out of you!!

However, don't be put off. There's a lot of good comments already made to you. I would also add that you should make a list of what you need, what you would like. Then think what do you need to take with you - where would it fit in the motorhome? It's no good thinking of lazing around on a lounger if there is no where to store it and it has to be wedged in the van in the way. This in a small area would soon get on your nerves and spoil your outing/holiday.

Layout regarding fixed beds. Again a personal choice, we have a fixed bed as it would be no fun in our eyes to have to keep making a bed up each night - other people don't mind in the least, but you then have got to think where are you going to put the bedding during the day.

Best advice is to talk to as many people as you can, ask how they use their van and what if anything would they change if they could.......you may get some interesting answers.

Try before you buy is good advice, but don't rush your choice take your time and then enjoy!

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and another point to consider, when you find the layout you like is to make sure it has enough passenger seatbelts just incase there are other people that you would like to accompany you occasionally. eg for daughters or grandchildren or just friends. You can only carry passengers that you have seatbelts for, wether the motorhome is supposed to sleep 2 or 6.


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Margaret, Chatterdog drives REALLY REALLY big vehicles and is a brilliant person to ask if you need any support on this part of it.


(Maggie, worried about you not heard from you for ages and my mobile not been in commission). Joy

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Hi Margaret and a rather belated welcome to the mad-house!


As the other girls have already said - take your time and do your homework well. I know someone not a million miles away from here who bought a 'van that was too big to fit on her driveway. It happens with impulse buys.


Weekend rallies with the CCC are a good way to get out and meet other motorhomers, and mostly they don't need to be pre-booked.


I'm currently sitting (fuming) at the CC Chester Fairoaks site listening to the M53 next door and breathing in smog from some refinery or other. Moving on tomorrow - motorhoming is great most of the time (lol)

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