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reversing camera


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Hi I have an ELRO wireless reversing camera and screen. Since parking the van up 6 weeks ago when the camera was working fine I have now found that the camera is not working correctly. When switched on I get the initial fuzzy screen and two small blocks of fuzz ( this was normal before ) then the screen goes black. Any ideas? the set up was brand new with the van ( Roller Team Granduca on Fiat x2/50 ) two years ago.


Regards Tim


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Hi timofleeds, I had a similar problem when my camera was powered by the reversing lights. On the advice of a pal of mine I now power it from the rear fog lights of which I have two, and it is fine now, plus in the dark extra lighting.
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Hi, thanks for your suggestions, the camera is powered from an ignition live feed, I have dried the interior with a hair dryer just in case there was any moisture. I am now stuck, could a part in the camera just give up the ghost?


Regards Tim

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