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Help Please CBE Control Panel PC-200


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We have a CBE Control Panel PC-200. Although the leaflet explains some of the captions on the panel it does not cover all of them, so we have no idea what they are for. Does anyone have this Electrical system and can you explain the symbols.

Some of course we understand but a few are not shown in the leaflet at all -

These are

on the far right is a symbole that looks like an open book, underneath is a symbol that looks like an upright hoover, or gas bottle, next to the "open book" is a quare "grid" . Underneath the plug and lead is a * star.

Please does this mean anything to anyone.

Also when we fill the water tank the symbol often says empty or 35% (or something) when it should be full, or at least nearly full, so we are never sure just how much water is in the tank.


These may sound daft questions to most of you old timers. I mean old timers in the motorhome. Im the old timer, bones creek, joints ache, etc, but please for those of us (me ) , who are really are daft, the brain aint what it used to be, a little help goes a long way.





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Thanks Tracker & jhorsf for those links, but no luck there They just show the same symbols as in the instruction book I already have.

Have tried the internet but no luck there either.



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Guest Tracker

OK then try this and if all else fails you could email them or better yet go back and ask whoever sold it to you to explain it all!




Most symbols are self evident by what happens when you activate their control but I do agree that these so called easy to use international symbols can be very confusing!


NO van has an accurate water tank contents and most of them are an utter waste of time. Far better to know what your tank holds and after using it till it runs dry a couple of times you will know how your use fits in with your capacity. Our van has an 18 gal tank and it lasts us at least 5 days without showering so we simply ignore the panel and refill it every four days - more often if we shower - but as that is only once a year that is not an issue!

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Kris - 2009-05-12 7:15 PM


Thanks Tracker & jhorsf for those links, but no luck there They just show the same symbols as in the instruction book I already have.

Have tried the internet but no luck there either.






KRIS download the pdf english file on my link and look at page 5 under the picture of your panel it says captions then just use the key numbers it is simple if you read it lol they dont have an emoticon for pulling my hair out

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Re all above,

check the pdf instructions for the PC250, it has a few more symbols like square grids and a star for solar panel charging. The gas bottle/hoover and open book baffles me. Could the open book be to say, problem - read the manual. The star belongs to the the grid and is the sun, and possible hoover thing is waste tank?? It is baffling. Are you sure it is a PC200 and not a PC250?



Edit - corrected loads of typos - sorry to those who read via email notifications.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have received an e-mail from CBE regarding the Control Panel symbols for the PC200. They say that not every van has everything that all the symbols cover. This I understand. We do not have an awning, even though we have a switch for an awning light, so of course we do not turn this switch on. But why does the instruction book not list all the symbols that appear on that model, and tell you what their functions are. At least that way you know if you should ignor them or not.

I was just worried that if a symbol that we did not know the meaning of starting flashing, we would not know what to do to correct it.

I think I've got the hang of most of the symbols for the things we do have. I shall just ignor the rest, and hope for the best.


The water symbol is still a problem. Flashes all the time for empty, when the tank is full. I shall do what Tracker suggests and through trial and error work out how long the tank lasts us on each outing.

The van is going back for some alterations soon, and they are going to have a look at why this is happening.


Thanks to everyone who tried to help.



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H i - If it helps, The tank gauge reads incorrectly because they have put the sensor in the tank thaat comes with the pc 200 kit, however this is to short and doesn't reach the bottom of the tank. We measured the tank depth and got the right length sensor from CAK TANKS


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These types of CBE system are marketed as complete kits comprising a control panel, battery charger, 12V and 230V distribution boxes, fresh-water tank 'probe', waste-water tank 'full' detector, and connecting wiring harnesses.


When the kits are provided to a major motorhome manufacturer, they are normally tailored to suit that manufacturer's models. My Hobby is fitted with a CBE PC-100 system and the control-panel carries the word "Hobby". The CBE instruction booklet is also "Hobby"-marked and includes details of PC-100HB and PC-100HB-T control-panels, with the latter being differently shaped and carrying a switch+symbol for a waste-water tank heater instead of a switch+symbol for an awning light. When a 'generic' kit is fitted - as is likely to be the case with Nu Venture motorhomes - it may well not marry up perfectly with a particular model's features (as CBE highlights).


As wooly advises, there is plainly a need to match the fresh-water tank probe-unit to the depth of the actual water tank. I can well believe that NU Venture may have fitted a unit with too short probes - and this would undoubtedly cause the level-gauge to under-read - but I'm surprised that Kris's gauge won't register a full tank. Although (as Tracker warns) water-tank gauges can be lying jades, my Hobby's provides reasonably accurate read-outs. This suggests that there's something genuinely wrong with Kris's system as far as water-level sensing is concerned.


One good thing about the CBE kits is that their modularity means that it's relatively straightforward to fault-correct simply by plugging in replacement control-panels, senders, etc.

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Thanks everyone for your coments, they were very helpful.

We had arranged a visit to our camper dealer to have some alterations done, and to ask about the control panel and water level indicator, but the water problem is now solved, but not in the way we intended. We bought another van. 4 birth, instead of two.

A very expensive way to solve a problem, and to be trueful I felt a little sick to think what we had done, but as my children keep telling us "you cant take it with you, so enjoy it while you still can".

So having just got use to the layout of the old van, and where to put everything, we now await the new van, to start all over again.

Hopefully the new van will not have the problems with the control panel.

Being first time campers (well you cant count 45 years ago) we soon realised that there were a few things we wish we had, but didnt, single or double beds, more space to store things, and the chance to take some of the grandchildren out for the day. now we have it all.



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