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Insurance while in France


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Hi all

I have read several past posts on insurance but things became no clearer. my question it - - - - -

The motorhome is insured through Caravan Guard, last year I took out Travel insurance through Tesco and had a break in (covered in earlier post)when I tried to claim I was told that because the motorhome was actually parked on a street and not on a site it was classed as a motor vehicle and I could not claim. I was only covered while on a site/Aire.


Sorry, not got to question yet *-)


What other travel insurance do you experienced regular continent travelers take out alongside your motorhome insurance?

And if additional insurance is taken out, who with?


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Your 'van and contents is usually covered for that type of incident, provided you have got a policy which includes cover on the continent. Check your Caravan Guard policy. If it is only for UK you need to get it extended for the EU countries - they all come as a package. Check also if you need to notify them of you dates abroad - most don't bother now.
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What were you claiming for?

If it was personal possessions left in M/home parked on the street when you werent there, presumably insurer would refuse because they would consider it lack of care-Im sure an insurance expert will be along to clear this up. I'm with caravanguard, who, as I read the policy, cover motorhome equipment but not loss of clothing, valuables, cycles or money, or articles insured elsewhere. I have always understood that ormally personal possesions are covered under home contents insurance as 'articles temporarily removed from home' Valuables like jewellry would be covered on the same policy under all risks section.

I have to say the above is my interpretation - like most people, I wont find out until I have to make a claim!

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Another thing you need to check is the maximum length of trip abroad that your travel and your 'van policy allows. If it is insufficent, you will need to negociate an extenson. Your 'van policy should cover you for accidents to the vehicle, fire and theft of the vehicle. As the previous post mentons, personal possesions are normally covered by your house contents insurance whilst temporariloy removed - check this, as the 'van insurance usually allows cover for these to be added at an additonal premium. Travel insurance usually is needed for medical treatment not covered by the EU health card (you need to get one of these from Newcastle and to read the sticky post on this topic.) Make sure the Continental cover for the 'van includes repatriaton in the event of a major incident.
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My policy with Club Care Insurance Services through the Camping and Caravan Club covers me for unlimited time in Europe and to park in the road. I had to ask for this cover but it was readily given. The premium was competitive as well.
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