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WARNING Dont leave your vehicle unattended on the sevices.


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Just had a call from our Roon.

She has travelled down to see her daughter and stopped at the M5 sevices before the Bristol junction. She parked in the lorry park, locked up and went to get a drink, and stretch her legs. Brought her drink back to the vehicle with her. A lorry parked near her had 2 youngish blokes in when she left to get the drink on the way back she noticed one outside at the front of the wagon who moved quickly back to said vehicle along with his friend and they left the lorry park imediately. She says she thought it strange they were suddenly in a hurry then when she started her m/home and felt the draft she realised why. They had broken the habitation door window in order to gain access but with her quick return they fortunatley hadnt had time to take anything although she thinks they tried to grab a bag that was near the door as it was on the floor.


So she asks that everyone be very viligent when parking on the services.


She now needs to get her window replaced this week while she is away so does anyone know of a Discover dealership not far from Bristol or inbetween Bristol and her home in merseyside


Maggie on behalf of Joy



The very nice warden at the site she is staying on has made the window secure and weatherproof for her, untill she can get it fixed.

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My sympathies go out to Joy, it just makes my blood boil when you hear of something like that happening. Luckily they didn't take anything and she is unhurt, but she now has to deal with the inconvenience and expense of putting it all right, plus she will be feeling I imagine pretty shook up.

Dare I ask which nationality the truck was?

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Sympathy also for Joy. It is not a pleasant thing to happen.

As to discover dealers they are in Weston S.M., Newport, Delamere and Chorley.



if it helps. Any good dealer though should be able to replace but problem is window may need to be ordered.

Good Luck to Joy and hope it does not blight her trip too much.

Hope she reported to the police .


edit - typos.

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M5 is approaching the favourite haunts of the travelling community. I experienced a road rage incident on it nr Gloucester. The vehicle had been sold in Bristol 6 months earlier and no new keeper registerd.

Now is the time when they start moving to the South West.

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I had one of my habitation windows broken a few weeks ago...tried my dealer who were no help so phoned converter whos said go back to dealer and as window comes from Belgium...it could take months....got number for Belgium and spoke to a nice friendly lady....one week later new window arrived..fitted it in minutes...all this and I only had to pay once I had gotten the new window....I hope Joy is as lucky as I was..
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I can sympathise, had similar thing happen to me in France whilst staying overnight in Services. What really annoys me is people who cannot keep their hands off other people's property. In some Middle Eastern countries thieves get their hands chopped off, stops repeat offending - bit harsh maybe but if we had reasonable deterrants perhaps this sort of incident would disappear :-(
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sorry to hear of your bad experience but remember there are far more people in this world that would help you rather than rob you and thanks for the warning not to leave at least 1 in the van on the services
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Guest JudgeMental

And why I always carry a roll of Gaffa/duct tape


I have read of similar incidents where truckers were suspected of theft. Probaly east european drivers tempted by the easy pickings and luxuries motorhomes contain............Best to avoid truck stops then *-)


I never leave the van unattended in a service area, I send the family oft for a meal and get them to bring me something back. Harder when travelling alone.

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Guest Tracker

Sorry to hear of Joy's misfortune.


We never stop in the lorry park preferring to stop in the main car park where there is more coming and going and a van is more conspicuous.


We too carry duct tape and a large sheet of thick waxed cardboard which lays flat in the crows nest (as we call it) - or overcab - or luton.

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Ladies handbags are one of my pet hates,they are a magnet for thieves , witness most break ins of vans and it seems the bag is the prime target, why do woman need these bags any way why can't they keep things in their pockets like men do ?Tongue in cheek of course, and thanks for the warning. :'( :'(
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Why is it when theft is mentioned lorry drivers are dragged into the issue, as a retired ex ADR HGV Tanker driver with many years tramping behind me I take a serious view of these type of comments. If I saw anyone interfering with another vehicle whilst I was parked up I can assure you that I would always make my presence known. I have been a victim myself of fuel being syphoned out of my tanks whilst I've been asleep in my cab. A driver in front of me had his tank syphoned as well and he had an Alsation in the cab with him. That happened whilst I was parked at Kinkardin Bridge one night. The thieves that carry out this type of theft are very well organised with large tanks and quiet pumps in the back of vans.
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Joy, only just come on this thread, hope things are getting sorted out for you and the window does not take to long to fix. Unfortunately while we are away we are being constantly warned to be careful not carry handbags and be vigilant in all the cities, this is happening all over Europe as well as the UK, but the enjoyment of motor homing out ways the disadvantages so keep trucking girl. Love. Carol.
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Poor Joy,

What awful people, but as others have said above, there are many more nice people than awful ones in this world - at least I think so! This tale has made up our minds about having a "sleep tight" alarm system fitted to our van. We saw it at Newbury yesterday and were weighing up the pros and cons (costs :-S ) but after reading this thread can think of no better way of spending our hard earned cash....


The system, based on reversing sensors fixed around the van, connected to bright blue lights, allows you to set up an invisible "wall" around your vehicle - from 9" to 3 metres, and when activated the lights flash quicker as the "villain" gets nearer then within touching distance the lights stay on and an audible alarm sounds. There is a remote alarm monitor you can take with you into servce stations if you leave your vehicle for a while. We hope this will deter the type of creton Joy came across, before any damage is caused to our investment.?? :-S

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Hi Thanks all for your sympathies and advice.


What happened was that they didn't smash the window, they actually removed the plastic bit from the outside of the window on the door and removed the glass window.


My van was completely secure in my own mind, as the alarm was on, all the window blinds and curtains were drawn and my bag was hanging hidden on the wall at the side of the habitation door. It was an old handbag in which I keep my digital camera, mobile phone and 'emergency money'. The window they took out to put their hand through - I presume to open the lock on the door - had a big sticker on saying 'beware of the dog'.... Fortunately I walked back before they had time to do anything on a major scale as I brought my tea back to the van to drink.


The wardens at the site were wonderful but there is a 3 to 6 week waiting period for a new part plus window so I am stuck with a plastic piece covering the window for the time being.


Thanks again all, but I try and think positively that I am lucky I didn't get back just a few minutes later or they would have been in the van when I got back. :'(


It was my birthday on the Tuesday too so it sort of took the spark out of it.


Thanks again all. Joy

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When parking in strange places take photographs of any vehicles with unusual occupants and make sure they see you do it, also use your mobile phone in conjunction with the camera. You do not have to dial anyone just make it look that way.



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libby - 2009-05-25 12:12 AM When parking in strange places take photographs of any vehicles with unusual occupants and make sure they see you do it, also use your mobile phone in conjunction with the camera. You do not have to dial anyone just make it look that way.

Joy, very sorry to read about this incident, some good tips from Libby above, and please do report it to the Police, they won't get them for this but if they try again at least the Police will have a record, it does help in the long run.

I had a hire van on the same M5 services last month and I didn't even want to go to the shops I was so worried some low life would break in. I decided to make my tea in the 'van, of course I like it made a particular way and no service area cafe can make it like I want lol.

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