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Advice wanted on Remoska


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one of the best things we have ever purchased used it all over Europe, cooks anything , oven chips, fish ,cakes etc and never triped the electric, we now use it at home, only available from lakeland never seen one for sale abroad, for what you get I think it,s overpriced but still worth having
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Yes, they really are good. And yes, they do seem expensive for what they are but that is what I like about them - their simplicity. After using one in the camper we bought an additional one for use at home. It is used nearly every day for our evening meal. Consider it one of our best buys. It seems that Lakeland are sole distribitors of the Remoska so I think you are unlikely to find it for sale elsewhere although there are similar items available but can't remember the name of 'em.
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We bought both of ours in Spain, one from a table top sale on a camp site we were on and the second one at a Rastro, {car boot sale } Fabulous bit of kit , great roasts , cakes , etc, etc, You can only buy from Lakeland in England, three sizes available, low wattage too. (lol) (lol)
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Invented and manifactured originally before WW11 in Czechoslovakia. Had one for 2 years. Bought at lakeland. Used extensively at home and abroad. Low wattage. Cooks just about anything. We have purchased a inner separator (the wife's veggy). Megga piece of kit.



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We have a Bravoska www.bravoska.co.uk much more versatile, not only does it bake with the heat source on the top but when you have the heat source to the bottom it can be used as a frying pan we love it.

JC Yags

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I agree with all the above. The last time remoskas came up on the forum some recipes were put on. I find that anything I can cook at home in the oven can be done in the remoska, but casseroles I've not tried, I use it as an oven.


We cook for two in a medium one, but you can get three chicken pieces, chops etc in the medium one. I made cheese scones at home in mine today.



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Just an aside, the lid {which contains the heating element } of our Remouska rattles and being a mendologist I had to find out why.On taking the lid apart I found that the heating element is a coiled spring type of thing and every few centimetres it has a collar of ceramic material round it rather like the necklace sweet thing you buy for kids or like the series of floats you see on fishing nets, so the rattle is perfectly normal as all this fits in a designed ring . Happy cooking (lol) (lol)
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