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Tuggers versus luggers


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Having been both and recently gone back to being lugger, I am puzzled why some luggers add a car behind them.


I guess that those who do , will say that they can have flexibility of car when on site and saves breaking camp with big vehicle just to go shopping. If that is their reason, why not buy a caravan and tow it with a car. Saves money?


Motorhome plus car costs are more than caravan plus towcar ???


Easier to move on,? why?


Can anyone give a logical reasoned view.?


Why did we change after 40 years of tugging ( xyl 's question !)


answers on a postcard please !!!!


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There is no right or wrong way - just different.


We are all individuals and we all see things differently!


Personally I do not enjoy towing as it prevents me from exploring the out of the way places we so like to find whilst we meander from this to that and on to summat else - but each to his own!

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I would imagine that there are some places that you just can't get a motorhome up (like some of the passes in the Lake District) that maybe a car would be a bonus, but on the whole I believe that it's mainly the people staying in a motorhome for a long period (eg the winter in Spain) that require both. No doubt others will put their points of view over too.
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My reason for towing is that none of the cars we own are big enough to pull a caravan.


They are a Mitsubishi Colt, a 1963 Ford Anglia and a Suzuki SJ.


Towing one of them allows us to take the appropriate car for the type of holiday we intend to have.


We do also go solo when a car is not required.


All in all an ideal solution and we do not have to drive an oversized, uneconomic car when not touring.

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Hi Again, Follow up questions, for those who do tow are they a frame users or on a trailer?


are a frames acceptable everywhere on continent? ,And what about insurance issues


Do sites charge extra for second vehicle, if so do they explain why when car/caravan combination isnt extra?


What effect does towing have on fuel consumption versus solo?




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Motorhome plus car costs are more than caravan plus towcar ??



Prove it give examples please.


It is cheaper for me to run a large m/h and small car than a large car and large m/h


It is cheaper on road tax, insurance, storage, yearly fuel costs and dereciation.



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I use a trailer because of the choice of cars to transport.


I have never been charged more for the car on campsites.


I actually take up no more space than a car and caravan.


If there are space constrants I just park the car back on the trailer each time we return to site

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yrocker - 2009-05-16 10:02 PM


a Mitsubishi Colt, a 1963 Ford Anglia and a Suzuki SJ.



Ah, Memories Len! My first car, in 1972, was a 1963 Anglia.

I bought it for £65, painted it electric blue (by hand!), kept it for a year (inc a holiday in Suffolk) and sold it for £30.

And no, it certainly couldn't have towed ANYTHING.

Reg was 2994 VR, so it answered to "Victoria." I don't suppose it's the same one, as it was falling apart even then!

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John Cleese and Nigel Mancell are both luggers.


I guess that Ronnie Corbet is a tugger!!


Not sure what Ronnie Barker was though.


Seriously though we have tried both, changing over for the obvious reasons, just one vehicle to tax and a runabout once pitched. BUT when tugging you have a poor viewpoint from a vehicle that is working its whatsists off to pull the shed along behind you. You have to get out into the rain and change around just to have a cuppa. The viewpoint from a car when travelling is limited by hedgerows. Reversing can be a bugger for some and the rig is a tad long.

On the other hand a lugger is driving a commercial vehicle designed to carry weight all day long and has a seating position designed for someone to spend a full working day in it. The higher driving position gives a much better view over hedgerows. Reversing (unless its a Fiat) is not normally any problem and most panel van conversions can double as the familly vehicle or the runabout once your destination is reached. Having a cuppa means applying the handbrake in a layby.

Those of us with bigger tardi tend to carry a scooter of something to get around locally. The really greedy group tow or carry a small car.

Our ratio is about 10% tugger and 90% lugger. When our grand tardis becomes to much for us then if I were making a choice today I would probably flog my jucy 4X4 and the camper and the cash resulting would I hope get a Murvi on a Merc.







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I have over the years had both caravans and motorhomes, I currently have a motorhome, but I loved both, its just different ways to camp, I had a de-mountable for some years, it was a super bit of kit. I would never tow a car behind a motorhome personally, My thinking on this is that if I need to tow a car I might as well revert back to car and caravan,just my opinion, no disrespect to those who do.We have a couple of bikes on our van and they are great for getting about on and good exercise too.I also wonder if the caratow system will go the same way as the once popular Bull Bars [ down the pan ] as surely regulation will kill these eventually 8-) 8-)
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