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thats the one brambles, have not worked out how to link on this site yet and i also got the page wrong in MMM it should be 294. cheers, on the subject had a reply to my queery from that website to say they are experim enting with HHO (browns gas) from electrolisis of water !! as a way of boosting power . any thoughts
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I think I'd want to see some more research results/proof of exactly what it does and how much it improves things, just saying they've used it on their own vehicles and on 'volunteer' vehicles means nothing really.


Phrases like 'up to ....' mean from 0 to whatever percentage is being quoted ... if it doesn't do much for your van, then it's a lot of money to pay for '0' improvement.


If it was really THAT easy why would other companies be doing a much more comprehensive and expensive version - surely they'd just install this but charge the higher prices too???


Maybe I'm just cynical! 8-)

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The website suggests there are quite a few UK dealers marketing the Synergy units, so you might try getting in touch with one near you and, if practicable, drive a vehicle with one of the tuning units fitted, or have a unit added temporarily to your own motorhome to see whather you think it's worth buying.


The website also says there are reviews of the Synergy products in two current motoring magazines ("What Diesel?" and "Car Mechanics") which may well provide sufficient information for you to decide whether it would be sensible to buy one.


I note too that a 30-day 'money-back' guarantee is offered for the tuning modules (see FAQ and Terms of Business sections), so, if the things don't provide the shattering power increase you might have anticipated, you shouldn't lose out.


Unfortunately there's no certain way of knowing how effective a tuning product will be unless you install it on your own vehicle.

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