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Blocked drain


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I have a problem with a slow draining double kitchen sink in my Hymer 584.  I've cleaned both the traps and used drain cleaner with only marginal success.  The larger of the two sinks drains not to badly but some of the waste backs up into the smaller sink which drains very slowly. I think that the pipe between the two traps may be partially blocked and would welcome any tips for clean it as the final solution of removing it involves some major dismantling that I just don't fancy..
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Have you tried the good old fashioned sink plunger?


It works for us - or should I say it works on our van sink when it gets a bit slow to drain away!


You will need to plug one sink (and any overflow - if any?) up while you plunge t'other and I find that hot water often works better than cold.

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doonhamer - 2009-05-19 8:40 PM


.... The larger of the two sinks drains not to badly but some of the waste backs up into the smaller sink which drains very slowly. I think that the pipe between the two traps may be partially blocked ..


Surely if the large sink is 'backing up' into the small sink then the blockage must be downstream of the big sink. However if you are saying that the waste from the large sink goes to the small sink then on to the waste tank then the blockage must be downstream of the sinks not in the pipe between the sinks. Normally its where they enter the waste tank that gets partially blocked, some have a baffle at this point and that helps to create a blockage.



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doonhamer - 2009-05-19 8:40 PM

  The larger of the two sinks drains not to badly but some of the waste backs up into the smaller sink which drains very slowly. I think that the pipe between the two traps may be partially blocked 


If it is as you say, then it would most like be the pipe after the join, that would explain the waste coming into the smaller sink instead of draining away.

p.s. I see basil's posted while I was typing.

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Have you by any chance left the plug in the bathroom sink? I had this problem with a 584 and found that leaving this plug out helped the draining of the sink in the kitchen.

I assumed that there was no vent in the waste tank so air cannot escape, well only through the other sink.

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After burning my arm with hot water, shoving goodness know what up the pipe, hurting my back and other bits trying to unblock our waste pipe drain, I had the ingeniuous (?) idea of sticking a hose pipe up it and blasting some cold water in.


Had we been at home I'd have used hot but on site's a different matter. Success in no time at all, out came the gunge and this has worked for me on 2 other occasions.



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