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I'm setting up a Motorhome Dealership

Ned Swift

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Its just clicked, your the guy whose companies have been through 4 pre-pack quick administrations in 5 years, you know, where you ran 'em for cash, boosted your pension pot by millions, folded 'em, stuffed loads of customers and self-employed suppliers and then bought 'em back from the administrators for a fiver each time? I knew I recognised you, that expalins the collection of vintage Astons, the Lambo, latest Roller and Ferrari, the properties in Cannes, Auckland, Cape Town, Marbella, Florida and Essex.


What an entrepreneur, your mentor Robert Maxwell must be beaming with pride as he looks down upon your achievements.


Have you thought of franchising your business model? There are going to be loads of suitably minded individuals with huge tax-payer funded payoffs looking for opportunities to maintain high-end lifestyles very soon. Their contact address is House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA






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Ned, you don't trade under a name that includes a colour and a geographical feature do you?

Or is it a name that includes an attitude of mind and a series of 24-hour periods?

C'mon, give us a clue - how can we respond to the allure of your advertsiing if we don't know how to find you?

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I first saw my dealer's website some two and a half years ago; it contained some simple spelling mistakes.


Being a helpful sort of chap, I sent them an email pointing these errors out. My logic being that dealers’ websites should be free from error as their presence may well be off-putting to potential customers. If my dealer went out of business, where would I take my Motorhome for service, guarantee work etc?


The result was silence.


I did it again.


The result was an email asking me to correct the mistakes (this is literally true).


I mentioned the problem on my next visit. No change.


I mentioned the problem on my next visit. No change.


I mentioned .................................... (you get the picture).


My dealer revised their website, still with the same spelling errors, but this time with a new on-line "Customer Contact" form. I used the form to point out these, over two year old spelling mistakes and this is the exact reply that I received:


"I am fully aware of this mistake and we are in the process of changing the website and currently we have a deal that updates stock only, so this is why we are changing our webdesigner so we can control our full site at less cost. To change this mistake it would cost over £1000 so it has no huge sense of urgency to me at present. We are selling 40-50 motorhomes a month so we obviously have less spare time on our hands than you."


It’s nice to know that they are so busy and prosperous ;-)


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spospe - 2009-05-21 1:04 PM


I first saw my dealer's website some two and a half years ago; it contained some simple spelling mistakes.


Being a helpful sort of chap, I sent them an email pointing these errors out. My logic being that dealers’ websites should be free from error as their presence may well be off-putting to potential customers. If my dealer went out of business, where would I take my Motorhome for service, guarantee work etc?


The result was silence.


I did it again.


The result was an email asking me to correct the mistakes (this is literally true).


I mentioned the problem on my next visit. No change.


I mentioned the problem on my next visit. No change.


I mentioned .................................... (you get the picture).


My dealer revised their website, still with the same spelling errors, but this time with a new on-line "Customer Contact" form. I used the form to point out these, over two year old spelling mistakes and this is the exact reply that I received:


"I am fully aware of this mistake and we are in the process of changing the website and currently we have a deal that updates stock only, so this is why we are changing our webdesigner so we can control our full site at less cost. To change this mistake it would cost over £1000 so it has no huge sense of urgency to me at present. We are selling 40-50 motorhomes a month so we obviously have less spare time on our hands than you."


It’s nice to know that they are so busy and prosperous ;-)


SOUVIENS, (Prosperous), Will you correct your spelling please, that is not the way you spell pompous. :-D



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Well, no it's none of the obvious candidates thanks Tony. I am just a one site operation.


And we know that if I get named here then I will pull my advertising which is in MMM each month.


So I've got an idea for you all, and I'm sure you can work this out.


Just come to me, you know it'll be rubbish, stop going everywhere else and then maybe you can club together and get me to change - because if you knew who I was then in your masses you could make that happen.


Alternatively if you really want to get on my t*ts, keep phoning me for bloomin brochures and information (although I have sent them out without sufficient postage (yes really - ha ha )) and not buying anything, then at least you'll know how crap / rude we are before you spend your hard earned......


Oooops nearly giving the game away, I hate it when I have to be nice.


Ned >:-)

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I'm sure you are the dealership who sold me my motorhome, did you not have a dealership in Nottinghamshire, which went into liquidation just after I bought the van! who wired my sat nav live so that it drained the battery, but you got your dealership in Lancashire to check the wiring but there was nothing wrong with it according to your man their, thankfully I knew a decent auto electrician chap who managed to resolve the problem that you caused!
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Thanks fud3, sounds like our work, but not on this occaision, anyway why didn't you switch the SatNav off - wouldn't have drained you battery then.


Are you working your way up country, Nottingham, Lancashire little further yet mate !


Ned (lol) (lol)

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I met one of your favouritecustomers the other day. He was so p*ssed of with your aftersales service that he slagged you off with every Tom, Dick and Harry. He was adamant that he would never deal with you again. More or less swore it on the good book. Went to a show and bought a van from you. You must be magic!!!!!

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I've got it, Ned will go into administration next week, having pocketed all the profits from them 50 sales / month and all the deosits paid by his punters for their new vans that haven't been ordered from the manufacturers.

Then buy one of the recent sites that have closed from other administrators for a pitance.

Lets beat this dealer at his own game - get in with the Administrators before him and set-up a User owned Dealership, there must be a high No. of retired Business people amongst the ranks of Motorhomers.


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Well you'll all have been away this weekend, oh how I love sunny bank holidays, you're all eyeing up each others MH's across the Park and thumbing MMM which came just in time.


How many muppets drop in on their way home to see about an upgrade??? Hundreds of you - ha ha ha (kills me), in fact we lay on an extra salesman just between 3.30 and 5pm !!


VAT free !?? ! Don't confuse me with detail, how do you know whats been claimed or not ? You don't, we sell VAT free vans and charge VAT, pocket the difference and go on holiday all the time !


Must go. another Autotrails just pulled in, you can hear the Indians screaming from here - or is that just their mental kids !


Ned - luvin hot days :-D

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It all sounds like it was your dealership that sold me my used motorhome. You wouldn't be "One of the fastest motorhome dealers in the country would you"?

I gave up with your business in the end, and even though the 12 warranty hadn't ran out I took it elsewhere to have things put right. I ended up spending over £700.

You didn't even refund me for the tyres I had to put on replacing those you sold me on the vehicle, that I found were badly cracked along the side walls, when I arrived home after collecting it (only 130 miles down the motorway).

And whilst away this weekend I found the tyre you did replace at time of purchase, had cracked side walls. Strangely that was only about 16 months ago, so looked a little closer to read on the tyre wall, the max psi for the tyre was 35, and max load 680kg, yet you filled it to 60 psi. Bloomin good tyre that for a 6 berth motorhome.

One day you'll kill someone


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