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Embarrising moments


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So there we were on site at Dienkirch after a journy worrying about a possible wheel bearing going home (Bessacar 645).Tried to take wheel off but jack would not raise wheel high enough.Called AA who sounded as if they were around the corner that some one would be with me in half an hour. Got a cup of tea on and up comes this chap very profesional looking,told him problem , took hub cap off found big stone , me very red face.
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That's not embarrising,

many years ago, we were camping on Hailing island, with a pop top camper and a very small porta potti.


My wife, her cousin who was around 13 at the time and myself.


the cl was pitch black, and i jokengly said to the cousin, you will have to pee up the hedge, like me as the porta potti is nearly full and you might need it in the morning.


well being 13 and the cl pitch black, she did no more than drop her knickers and crouch down, just in time for a car to come rushing on to the sight with it headlights on.


you had to be there, i didn't know you could run in that position.



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I was working out in the country and the time came when I needed a nature break.

There was a lane close to where I was and all day nothing had come up or gone down it so I decded to water the hedgerow.

Well you can guess can't you , there I am in full flow when a Range Rover appears with an elderly lady driver, she didn't say anything but, by her expression, she must have been related to Queen Victoria because she was not amused but, you know how it is, I had to finish what I had started.

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Well as the subject has taking the turn for nature how about this one. We had hired a car in Crete and were up in the hills when my brother-law wanted to do No 2 urgent. He walked up this hill a bit more where a shepherd stone hut was, and proceeded where upon this old lady stepped out from the back of the hut and gave him a right verbal. Apart from the laughter we also said how on earth did this lady get up there as it was miles away from habitation. :$
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I was sitting on the Porta Potty inside a toilet tent on a CL near Damage Barton, we were near the cliff edge and it was blowing a force nine.


There was a sudden gust of even stronger wind and the toilet tent simply took off, there was I on a CL with a quite a few observers sitting on the Porta Potty in full and plain view.


Now that's embarrassing.



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Very Lucky.

In the seventies driving back from a club in the early hours of the morning I needed to relieve myself.

The road in Eastcote.North London was well lit so we stopped by this 4ft wall on a hilly road, I vaulted the wall and had a soft landing and started, I was first aware that the water was a long time hitting ground level then as my eyes became adjusted to the darkness I realised I was in a lorry car park standing on top of a large lorry.

I have passed that way on occasions and have twice stopped and looked over that wall which is a car park at the rear of a pub,I shudder when I think of falling between the lorries.

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many years ago staying on a static mobile homesite, had a look around some show homes for sale was bursting to go for number 2, the salesman popped back to the office so I used the toilet in the show mobile home after the download found it was not plumbed in no water. Had to leave quietly too embarrassed.
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I think my moment would have been many years ago, whilst on a long trip on my motorbike. It was a red hot summer, so just had my leathers on - i had popped into the services grabbed some food and used the facilities and went on my way.


I was just overtaking a few cars when i realsied how cold it was down below, upon glancing down, had forgotten to do my flies up!


Take it from me, doing 70mph down a motorway on a bike and trying to do your flies up without being noticed is not easy! :$

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We bought a secondhand RV, a big one, we decided we ought to do a weekend shakedown trip before we went to France for our main holiday. We booked a site at Cheddar, giving no thought to the advice that it was an adults only site.

We had a good weekend, but everyone that walked past the RV kept giving us strange looks, and didn't seem to want to talk to us. I think that there was something about the van that put them off, but for the life of me I can't think what it was. Ours was just an ordinary 32 foot Georgie Boy Swinger, with the word "Swinger" in foot high letters, front, back, and both sides.



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We booked the RV onto Eurotunnel for our main holiday, usual late night/early morning trip to save money. Those RVs can really move when you put your foot down, and we got the Folkestone early, so we were almost at the front of the train.

We had the usual pleasant crossing, and as they started to open up the train we tried to start our engine to leave - nothing, it wouldn't even turn over. Now those big RVs have an unusual transmission setup, when you put the gear selecter into park the electro/hydraulic system applies the handbrake and locks up the transmission. If the engine isn't running, then you cannot release the handbrake or unlock the transmission. We were stuck.


We eventually managed to convince them that they couldn't tow it out, and that there was no point in taking us back to Folkestone, so over the next 5 hours 120 car/caravan outfits had to reverse out of the train. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth and tears, and we were taken away to the terminal " for safety reasons".


Soon after a wonderful French mechanic came, diagnosed a cracked cylinder head and water in the cylinder, he removed the fuel injector, removed to water and we were able to drive to his workshop where, over the next four days a new cylinderhead was fitted, and we completed our holiday.


We eventually sold the RV, but even now, whenever we book with Eurotunnel, they make us wait until the very last minute before we load, and we are always the last vehicle to board.



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My first trip out in my motorhome, I went to Yorkshire and was met as I drove in the site by the owner of the pub whose field it was. I asked him where I was to go to pitch up.


He looked at me and said, "Have you any chocs?"


I was disgusted and let him know by my expression....... fancy asking for a bribe in order to give me a good pitch on his field.


I said, "NO! Anyway, I don't eat chocolates!"


He looked at me disdainfully and explained that chocs are the levelling blocks for un der the van's wheels. I was red. :$

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I was sitting in our toilet tent, next to our van, in a, very dark, rally field.

Suddenly the tent started rocking violently.

I thought at first that it was the kids messing about and shouted out for them to stop it.

But the rocking continued and so, becoming rather anxious that the tent would fall right over, I shouted out for help.

My other half came out of the van and started laughing.

The cause of the shaking was a horse which had got into the field and thought the toilet tent was ideal for rubbing against its rump.

It was a great cure for constipation.

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