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Motorhome / Caravan?

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Mel B - 2009-05-25 4:50 PM


........... I've seen lots of cars towing caravans where the caravan places so much downforce on the tow car that the rear wheel arches are almost touching the wheels especially when they've stuffed the tow car to the roof with a massive amount of stuff too! As for bikes, it isn't as easy with a caravan and, as Brian mentioned, getting the right combination of caravan and tow car can be trying. I'm not saying whether it is right or wrong to have a motorhome or caravan, just trying to point out something which needs to be thought about that's all.


Mel you actually stated


Mel B - 2009-05-22 5:39 PM


""You also have to watch what payload you have due to the towing limit (train weight) for the tow car and caravan combination.""


I say again this is a 'Red Herring', in your later reply you now change what you are saying to describe a badly loaded caravan which is something completely different to 'payload' or 'towing limit'.

If you have seen lots of cars in the situation you are describing then it is to do with the manner in which the caravan has been loaded, creating too much downforce onto the tow bar, not due to the 'payload' or 'towing limit' or 'train weight' as you have stated. In the same way I have seen many motorhomes lower on one side than the other or with the back axle clearly overloaded due to poor positioning of the load or bikes on an oversized bike rack.

Could you please explain your comments on bikes with a caravan and why you consider it is not so easy, what could be easier than having a rack on the rear of the tow vehicle (something we did for years when the children came away with us) no holes to drill and easily removable on site.


Out of interest have you ever towed a caravan over a long period of time?



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My, Basil, you are being quarrelsome!  The original poster is undecided as to which way to go: ergo he has not yet gone either way, ergo, if he chooses to go with a caravan he will be an inexperienced caravaner who will be well advised to respect the 85% rule.  Your experiences with heavier combinations therefore seem of somewhat marginal help.

What Mel B referred to was the need to respect the GTW of the towcar.  That is not a red herring, it must be respected for legal reasons.

Many people would not be able to drive the 5025 Kg combination you describe, because their driving licence will not permit them to do so.  However, the point both Mel and I were making was not about how big/heavy the outfit can be, or how much payload it could have, but how the choice of towcar will affect what caravan you can tow, and what overall load it can carry.  Your assumptions all seem to be based upon a Landcruiser type 4x4.  However, if you start off with with something like a Ford Escort, the picture will be radically different.  That is where the matching becomes much more critical.

What Mel and I both were seeking to do, was to make the original poster aware of the potentially expensive pitfalls of poor towcar/caravan combinations, not to score points on behalf of either caravans or motorhomes.  Pax?

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No Brian, not being quarelsome (curious how you are able to make your points without being accused of being quarrelsome but others don't seem to be allowed to), just trying to make clear some of the misleading comments posted by you and Mel. Yes you are quite right in what you have said, I said that earlier, but the emphasis and reasons that you appeared to make in your posts were clearly misleading in my opinion. My comments were mearly to balance out what you had said and de-emphasise your misleading aspects.


I will make no further comment.



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Thank you Brian for trying to explain more clearly what I was on about ... at least you understood me! 8-)


Basil ... perhaps being quarrelsome was not your intention, but you certainly seem to come across as liking to be right all the time! :-S


Me ... I'm off ... fishing for red herrrings ..... I hear they're rather tasty!!! (lol)

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Mel B - 2009-05-26 6:23 P


Me ... I'm off ... fishing for red herrings ..... I hear they're rather tasty!!! (lol)


Yes indeed Mel they are and one of my favouites only we call 'em - kippers!


But even they are not as much fun as watching others chase wild geese!

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Getting back on track to the OP we too came up through the ranks, tent, trailer tent, folding camper, caravan & finally last year Motorhome.


I think the caravan was great when the kids were in tow much better now if they want to come they have to bring their own car & tent & take me down the pub.


Much prefer the Motorhome wished we had changed sooner only disadvantage is UK height barriers & anti councils with their parking restrictions, still it gives us a good excuse to go abroad more often.


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