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Pictures please - Ducato headlight masking


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I stopped subscribing to this forum last month after about two years, the month I finish something useful comes up...




There are some pictures a little way into the thread which, if you look uber carefully, you can see the little crosses and marks courtesy of Fiat - So I'm nearly there, just need some headlights with the masks actually fitted (lol)


Might make a useful topic for MMM?

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lennyhb - 2009-05-28 5:29 PM


Hi brambles,


As I said before Eurolights should only be used for short periods and should not be left on for any length of time.


The problem with using tape is that is that it reflects the heat back into the lamp unit which shortens the bulb life & can cause the lens to distort, if you want to take the risk fine but don't cry when you have to buy new headlamps.


Lenny, you have misunderstood me which is my fault actually, When I said can get away with, I should have written you may be lucky and get away with using, and to add to that my attitude is the same with eurolites as well. You may get away with using direct on lamps. They do and have caused crazing on headlights when they are cut to smaller square shape required because they still insulate the surface of the plastic to some extent if the lense plastic suddenly cools it may craze.


If they are left full size or only modified slightly then the crazing of the plastic does not appear to me a major issue. When cut as I say to a much smaller size then the plastic can craze.

You say should only be left on a short time, what do you call a short time as many motorhomerrs travel for a couple of months at a time not just a couple of weeks.

Hence why protectors should always be used - it saves any risk.


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Having fitted the correct Fiat headlamp covers, and stuck on the masks (see above) into the little etched areas on the cover, I can say that the results were fantastic.

We travelled through France, Belgium and Germany last December and had our headlights on permanently.  Not only did we not get flashed we could also see the road ahead very well.  A bit pricey but well worth the investment.

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Hi Bramble,


I’ve just rung the Eurolites manufacturer & asked them about leaving them on from long periods of up to six months. There were taken aback that anyone would want to leave them on that long & the girl said she would make enquiries & gave me a call back within half an hour.

They said although it should not cause any problems they wouldn’t recommend it.

I ask about your scenario of lamps very hot & the being splashed with cold water they said there is a slight possibility of a problem in extreme conditions the lamps were very hot and the water very cold.

Summing up they have sold over 500,000 in the last 12 months and only had 3 complaints of which one was a Motorhome, not too much to worry about then.

Also made the point to follow the instructions when removing and DO NOT use White Spirit, Thinners or Acetone based cleaners they recommend Meths or neat windscreen wash.

I must admit if I had not read it I would have used White Spirit always my first port of call for getting rid of sticky.


I’ve just brought a pair of headlamp covers from the guy on ebay they were £10 + £4.95 postage, they are made by Airplex in New Zealand they are excellent.


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I am sorry, depending on the nature of complaints but you can imediately multiply by 100 as only about 3% of people will complain, so that is really about 300 wil have had problems in 500,000. Then reduce by those using on glass headlights and those who bought but never used. That is a lot of people with problems. I have read of numerous people over the years on these threads who have had crazed headlights. They used to always blame the adhesive, which is not actally the reason for crazing.

I am also an Engineer in the Auto industry, I have been imvolved with plastic headlights and when they were initially used it was accepted they fell short for being as good as glass but an incredibly reduced cost of manufacture. Manufactureres accepted they would relace with out question any which crazed, went milky, just cracked under internal stress in the plastic etc. This attitude by manufactures seems to have been dropped very quickly.....I wonder why - maybe because so many give problems. Why risk increasing the probablity of failure.



So from what you are saying, can I claim against Eurolites for new headlights as their product caused crazing during 1st year I used. Which was for a 5 week period in 2003. They did not want to know when I contacted them an suggested I claim against FIAT for faulty lenses. FIAT equally did noit want to know as headlights where still functional and crazing of the plasic was cosmetic and is not a good enough resaon to claim under warranty.


If you are driving in North Itally with your headlights on and drive into a hail storm, you have a very high chance of crazing your headlights around the mask. Some head lights are more prone to this than others.

The Ducato 2002 model has a particularly hot spot in the area to be masked just due to the way it is designed. Many plastic lenses and the reflectors have a more even distribution for the light path (and Heat) so it not so much of a problem. As to the new Ducato X250, I have not seen a map of the light or a temperature profile for the lense so cannot comment.


But to say sudden temperature changes is unusual is just not true, it is very common for some people to be constantly driving in really hot sunshine and climates and drive into cloud bursts be it rain or indeed hail in the southern parts of europe.


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btw, white spirits now come in bottles and has for many years made of the same basic material as plastic headlight lenses. It is safe to use and will soften the silicon based self adhesive used on the masks. Some neat winscreen washes can contain solvents as an antifreeze which are not safe to use undiluted.
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Sorry for the delay but hopefully this will answer your question.

Below are a couple of photographs showing the official Fiat Ducato headlight protectors/masks in place.

Bear in mind that headlamps are not vertical and therefore shooting the headlamps from the front will give a certain amount of distortion and forshortening but hopefully this will give you what you need.




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If you still cannot fix the masls in the correct place, then maybee if you post the town where you live some kind member of the forum who has an official set of masks fitted could send you a PM and offer to let you see their installation.

Good luck


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