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Hotel motorhome?

Derek Uzzell

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Recently I had a conversation with someone who was considering the idea of operating a 'hotel motorhome'. This would be on the lines of 'hotel boats', that are well established on inland waterways, except on wheels.


I'm not seeking comments on the pros-and-cons of such a scheme, I just wondered if anyone knew whether it had been tried before.

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I assume this is a cross between motorhome hire and a hotel - where people would 'book' into your motorhome, as they would book a room in a hotel, but instead of letting them loose with your pride and joy, you go with them, doing the driving, cooking, cleaning etc? You'd need a large motorhome to do this with though in order to give people privacy - boats are okay as they all have their own cabins, but I don't think you could really do this with a motorhome unless you had a big American job of some sort. :-S


Unless of course it's like the set-up that Judgemental has with his manservant ... who has to sleep in the garage? (lol)

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The 'hotel motorhome' idea is exactly as Mel B describes. A maximum of (say) three 'paying guests' living/sleeping on board the vehicle, touring around the UK being wined, dined and generally cosseted.


I believe the plan would be for the owner/driver of the motorhome to leave his guests to their own devices overnight and book himself into B&B. He has had many years of successfully operating a guest house and a 'hotel' canal narrow-boat and is now looking for a change of direction. The idea is very much at the is-it-viable? stage and I agree with Mel that an RV would make sense financially and for the space it offers.

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Personally, I would be scared to death leaving complete strangers in charge of my pride and joy and would be constantly following them around watching which switches/levers etc they operated or looking for tiny scratches, marmalade on the upholstery, feet up on the sofa with shoes on.....................you get the picture.



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Now if there's an enterprising Madame out there with a huge american RV plus Airstream trailer, both equipped with an island bed or two, lots of comfy sofa's and a few moveable privacy screens......... and just think of the franchising opportunites once the business model is proven............


Bob ;-) :-D

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Usinmyknaus - 2009-05-27 9:27 AM


Now if there's an enterprising Madame out there with a huge american RV plus Airstream trailer, both equipped with an island bed or two, lots of comfy sofa's and a few moveable privacy screens......... and just think of the franchising opportunites once the business model is proven............


Bob ;-) :-D


Drive down through Spain and Portugal and the local ladies have already sorted it.


OK they are fairly basic but I have seen some tidy motorhomes of less than 20 years old.



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I once saw a publication in a French newsagent's that I thought was an ordinary motorcaravan magazine. It clearly had a photo of a motorhome on the front, but when I took off the shelf (it was on one of the higher ones) I could see that there were a couple of very peculiarly dressed women (think Max Mosley!) lolling suggestively against the vehicle that had the words "F*** Wagon" written on it in large letters. I didn't have the time to look inside the magazine, but I've sometimes wondered whether it contained a test report and what it would have covered.

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