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storing glasses

wild rover

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Hi again everybody, just a quick query! Can anyone tell me the safest way to store glasses in a motorhome. I don't mind drinking coffee from a plastic cup but I'd rather drink wine/whiskey from a proper glass. Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks.


We went on our maiden voyage in our new MH last weekend. Being newbies we were a wee bit apprenhensive but it was wonderful. Can't wait for our next outing.



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I made up a set of appropriately sized interlocking dividing inserts from stiff cardboard and this sits in a plastic container in which sit the glasses and the whole thing sits on a shelf in a top locker - next to the bottles it serves!



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We hang our wine/sherry glasses upside down with the glass stems held in small terry clips fixed to a timber batten on the inside of the wine cupboard. Space them out in such a way that they dont chink against each other. Cheers. ;-)
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Mel B - 2009-05-27 7:18 PM


You can also use some of the expanding 'netting' stuff you get round fruit which stops them banging together.


We use that on the bottles!


They then take up less space so you can carry more of them!

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We love nothingbetter than drinking a nice wine (or soft drink if driving) from a decent glass wherever we are. Ours were purchased in M & S and came in boxes of 6 - a bit like a wine box with cardboard dividers. 2 boxes of 6 assorted glasses fit nicely in one small locker - easy to retrieve and also handy to put back for travel if we are not wasting time heating water to wash up on a day out. When you get home, just pop them indoors, clean and dry and return to their box. B-)
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Quite often glasses come in a suitable cardboard sleeve that can be used in the motorhome or otherwise I use the netted sleeve that you can get on fruit. This is also useful for bottles and glass jars aswell as between anything that rattles - best bit is they are free - my favourite!!!
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As a slight digression, if you have cans of hair spray, deodorant, or bottles of sauces etc, you can put some elastic bands round them in a couple of places (wound a couple of times round at least to give them a good rubber layer) which stops them chinking together.
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