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Duetto scratch remover


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You could try some coloured car wax/polish. We had some scratches o the bonnet of our Renault Megane some years ago, a local moggy decided it was a nice place to have a kip and then must've slid down it with its claws out. The scratches were quite deep but some of the coloured wax soon sorted them out and you really could not see them, even the dealer didn't find them when we traded the car in and he went over it with a fine toothed comb!!! :-D
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Guest peter
As Tracker says, T.Cut. But don't go through the Laquer or you will be getting the Bonnet re-sprayed.
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You can get sheets of self adhesive extreemly thin plastic sheet the colour of the required paint and stick it on, hardly noticable, but very, very fragile, and needs great care when applying. Obviously found on the paint shelves in most motor care shops.
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You can get sheets of self adhesive extreemly thin plastic sheet the colour of the required paint and stick it on, hardly noticable, but very, very fragile, and needs great care when applying. Obviously found on the paint shelves in most motor care shops.
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You can get sheets of self adhesive extreemly thin plastic sheet the colour of the required paint and stick it on, hardly noticable, but very, very fragile, and needs great care when applying. Obviously found on the paint shelves in most motor care shops. SORRY ABOUT THAT CLICKED TOO MANY TIMES
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