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Barcelona - tyre stabbed


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We have just returned from a great France/Spain trip.

However on the way south we had a nasty experience. Driving through Barcelona on a Sunday afternoon we were stopped at traffic lights. When they changed we found that the wall of one of our rear tyres had been stabbed. The culprits were two people? on a scooter who had been with us in the traffic for several minutes.

A Spaniard standing on the pavement saw the incident and pointing to our number plate said "Tourista" and made a stabbing action and an apologetic face.

No attempt was made to rob us - not wishing to be robbed you understand but at least it would have made some sense.

I did not report it as that would only involve more hassle and would have no effect.

So I changed the wheel - learnt how to say "I need a new tyre" and "not expensive" in Spanish and continued with the holiday.

Absolutely determined that the incident would not spoil our holiday - and it didn't!

I'm posting this to make others aware that Barcelona is still 'bandit country' for we motorhomers.

Pity really because we have visited Barcelona in the past and it's a lovely city.


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I'm sorry to say, but welcome to the club.

They have been stabbing tyres/spraying vans/damaging vans for years now. It used to be only on the Autopistas from the Spanish border all the way down to Alicante (usually at the services or as you queued up to pay at the toll booths) but more recently it has extended itself to traffic lights, stopped in traffic etc. Their next move would have been to "try to help you" with the aim of getting both (usually there are two "touristas" in the campervan) out to see the "damage" whilst a member of the "BANDIDOS" (as the Spannish call them) nips inside and removes your wallet/handbag or any other valuables.

You are right about the Spanish Police (Guardia Civil on the Autopistas). I gave them photographs and number plate details of the three seperate cars that attacked us over a two hour period - they never called the information into their control room (I'm a retired police officer) just shrugged and took us to get our TWO tyres repaired telling us "Autopista NO!"

Been driving on holiday to Spain since early 70's, now just pass through as quickly as I can. Next time you are in Spain filling up at a service station, say the word "Bandidos?" to the pump attendant naming the nearest town and see what he says!

Cattwg, you were lucky.


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4petedaniel - 2009-05-29 7:36 PM


I am surprised that you took a motor home through Barcelona I have always foundthe traffic terrible there except on Sundays.and no where to park


Here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=41.4133+2.2222&sll=41.413312,2.222264&sspn=0.001943,0.005236&ie=UTF8&ll=41.413976,2.219582&spn=0.007773,0.015235&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=41.41311,2.222104&panoid=Jos2lL9lqFXufuWxXwNwnQ&cbp=12,20.75,,0,5


Large secure car and lorry park at the end of the Avenguda Diagonal, GPS: 41.4133 2.2222




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