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Sand Flies

David Dwight

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Presumably, you want to know how to get rid and avoid them biting?


In my experience, they're much more troublesome than mosquitoes and rank with midges as the hardest to deal with.


Avon So-Soft Body Lotion works for some for midges but I've only ever used some of the really horrible and highly concentrated DEET stuff for Sand Flies.


Not sure of the brand but it was one of those available in more up-market outdoor equipment shops with a much higher DEET content. "Life-survival systems"???


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Not sure if this info is what you're after but:


Around the Med area, the BIG risk with dogs and sandflies is a desease passed to the dog by sandfly bites: leishmania (also called Leishmaniosis).


Our dog contracted it here on the Costa Blanca about 3 years ago, like tens of thousands of others.

It can usually be controlled/managed by daily pills once the dog has it if diagnosed pretty fast, but not fully "cured".


There is an anti-leishmania collar that any vet here in Spain can sell you, which last for several months (approx 4 I think from memory) if you are taking your dog to the beach/near the seaside.

It is NOT a totally guaranteed shield against sandfly bites, but acts as a deterrent to them landing on/biting the dog.


Maybe search previous threads on the forum here or Google for "leishmania" or "leishmaniosis" for further info...........



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Thanks Bruce, I had thought it was you that had had problems with your dog and sand flies. I have found that there is a deterrent similar to frontline, called Adventix although not 100% give around 85% protection, its available online.



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