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Anyone Been Here ?

Big Momma

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I guess before I can rectify the mistake of pressing the send button before I enter text ! the sharp witted will already have made some replies - I look forward as usual to reading them :D


The point of my thread is to say that me an OH are spending our sumer hols (in 8 weeks time B-) ) travelling around a little bit of Spain. Having never done this before and knowing the wealth of knowledge that members of this forum have was wondering if there is anyone who has visited the following sites and any advice on transport links, places to go etc, do's and don'ts (don't want my tyres stabbed !).


We will be travelling from Bilbao to Camping El Escorial just North of Madrid (2 nights stopover). We move on to camping Bonterra Park North of Valencia (7 Nights) then up to Villanova Park near Barcelona (4 Nights) then El Delfin Verde, North of Barcelona (4 Nights) before finishing off at La Pavillon Royal about 5 mins from Bairittz before returning to blighty via Bilbao.


We will be taking the trusty bicycles for short journeys to shops and local villages but for longer expeditions on previous European trips we have always made use of local transport (Buses, Trains, Trams, River Boats) without any bother.


We have read a few articles about incidents in Spain and although I have tried to reassure OH by telling her that there are hundreds, no thousands, of Motor Homes and caravans that tour Spain on a daily basis and you do not hear of many unfortunate incidents she is still a bit apprehensive and I am worried that this may spoil the trip if we cannot fully relax for the fear of being attacked and robbed by 'bandits'. We will be travelling using main routes and not during hours of darkness or early mornings so there should be plenty of fellow travellers.


Anyway, if any of you have visited any of the above sites I would be grateful for any tips whether travel, site or sightseeing related.



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Guest JudgeMental

Looks like a nice trip........


I two would be worried regards attacks as they seem to be on the increase and make alarming reading on various forum. while I kinda agree with your view on the 100's who happily visit without incident, there is definitely an alarming increase in incidents with some being particularly unlucky*-)


I think your partner is absolutely right and you cannot really afford to relax while travelling on main routes in Spain. You must just be extra vigilant, particularly for motorbikes when you slow down at lights, tolls etc.... Both watch through your rear view mirrors at these times and be prepared to jump out and batter the ba$tard$ remembering not to leave your keys in the ignition:-S


a baseball bat,ball and hat essential travel items in Spain I would think. I would hope missing the main French/Spanish route you may avoid some of the worst areas but not really sure on this.....Barcelona is reportedly problematic


have visited Northern Spain and the Costa brave without incident the last time was 4 years ago :-D

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Hi Big Momma, Not been to Spain but been to your Swindon a couple of weeks ago and had problems with attempted break in ..... so guess it makes no difference where we are we have to be vigilant and prepared as the other posters state.


Try not to let other people's experiences ruin a good holiday but always keep their warnings in the back of your mind ready to deal with situations.


Joy x

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Guest JudgeMental
duetto owner - 2009-06-02 3:56 PM


if taking a baseball bat remember the ball cap and catching glove to prove it is for recreation purposes and not an offensive weapon you keep for self defence.


why do yeah fink i mentioned the hat and ball :-D

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Thanks for the advice, I am always cautious after being broken into in France a couple of years ago, but really just trying to allay OH's worst nightmares !


I thought the ball would be hard enough to throw and do some damage and hat was crash hat type to protect one's self when being attacked :D

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Hi we go to Spain most winters and wild camp mostly,we have never had any problems at all ,but we do take sensible precautions,mostly common sense really. I have not camped on Bonterra site but we have used Azahar which is just up the road from it. Bonterra is a large site and I am told the pitches are generous, we have had a wander round the site and it seems Ok. they have a good restaraunt and pool area and we have used both. several clubs rally there so that tells you its OK as they have their members to please. Benicassim is a very nice town with a super Prom to walk or cycle. In January there is a super Fiesta in the town, but you will miss that ,bull ring, paella cooked in the streets , parades and lots of fireworks,it goes on for a couple of weeks and there is usually a Harley Davison street parade too.I understand that Bonterra is becoming anti dog {good } and we noticed lots of signs there to support that, in fact some say they are going to ban dogs there all together?? I also understand that if your rig does not fit completely on your pitch you get charged extra. lots of German and Dutch use the site and all nationalities set there own rules as happens in any Clique, don't try to play Boules if it is German time or you will get an ear bashing. Right outside the site is a Mercadona , although we prefered the one in the town as it was more Spanish and the prices were better, there is also a Lidl in walking distance of the site, enjoy your stay, but have a look at Camping Azahar too, it is now run by an English couple, Patty and Bobby and Her Git, otherwise known worldwide as Hitler or Raymond has retired.
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We go to Spain a couple of times a year, we wild camp mainly.


The advice above is all good.


In my opinion the areas at a higher risk are those in or around the major cities, you should never leave anything valuable in sight, wherever you are,

lock up whenever you leave your vehicle, camp site, service station, supermarket etc.


Do not carry a handbag, only carry enough cash for your shopping trip and maybe one card. Do not wear expensive jewellery, watches etc, someone may take a liking to them.


Pickpockets operate at most markets so keep your money in a front pocket zipped if possible.


Police always wear a uniform and drive a marked car, if anyone else tries to stop you, drive to a service station, police station or other place with lots of people.


Now some good news, I have never been mugged, robbed or broken into in 15 years of travelling, this may be due to my basic precautions but is more likely to be luck. I think that if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time then you might be unlucky, just make sure your insurance is comprehensive for all eventualities.


Spanish people are friendly, honest and generally nice people, as everywhere, it only takes one bad apple.


Now, I left my door mat somewhere in Spain so if you find it it's mine






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Many thanks for all the info. I have another request for advice about taking money (Euro's). Usually I just carry cash and have a hideaway where I keep what I don't need along with passports, credit cards etc. Never had any problems doing things this way. However, after all the reports of 'Banditos' my OH does not want me to take large amounts of cash. I have had a look at the options, travellers Cheques (but this means having to take passport when you want to exchange some) and also the Post Office Travel Money Card. Wondered whether anyone else has used the Travel money card and whether it is a good solution. like everything it costs to withdraw from hole in the wall but we would not make that many withdrawals (I would still get enough cash out for several days and put what not using in hideaway).


Grateful for any advice on this, or any other suggestions about taking cash overseas.

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Guest JudgeMental
A nationwide card, no cost and excellent rate ( you get commercial rate not tourist rate) and just use ATM machines......
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Judgemental is right, a nationwide card costs nothing to withdraw cash or purchases (in the EU, outside they now charge).


But take some cash, not everywhere likes cards, some small restaurants don't like them for instance and they are useless in a market!



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Yes definately Nationwide, get a couple of hundred euros each time,not a lot to loose if you are unlucky, I would steer clear of travellers cheques as they are not popular any more, you can use you debit/ credit card in fuel stations if no attendant, its very easy and you are guided through the process in English ,all the Supermarkets take cards just as England ,you just need a bit if jingly money in your pocket for coffees etc ,have fun. :-o :-o
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Guest JudgeMental
Big Momma - 2009-06-03 8:02 PM


Mel B, I stand corrected and suitably chastised. Why don't we all just put that in to our tyres from day 1 instead of waiting for puncture to happen (?)


A lot of us do, and have "puncture seal" as a safety measure and hopefully more controlled deflation if you are unlucky. The post office swears by the stuff on their truck fleets apparently


but it don't stop a stabbing in the tyre wall unfortunately *-)

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Judge many thanks, I am learning lots of new stuff every day :-D Now I will really show my ignorance - How do you put this stuff in to your tyres (through the air valve I am suspecting) (?) What is the difrence between the stuff that Mel B was talking about and the 'Puncture Seal' that you mentioned (?)


Many thanks for advice

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Guest JudgeMental

they come to you, deflate the tyre and pump the gunk in. then reflate with compressor. cost about £60-70. do a forum search for details.


not sure re difference...Except make sure it is the type that can be washed out, or else tre cant be repaired I believe.

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