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motorised bikes


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Chatting to someone who suggested a motorised bike (not electric) 50cc petrol. Had a particular brand name but no search engines can find this. Looked it up on the internet at the time but promptly forgot what it was called. Any ideas?! Got the folding bike but might need help on the hills!
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Guest JudgeMental

Have seen these on YouTube with a motor strapped to a normal push bike doing ridiculous speeds. Now, a push bike is not designed for these kind of speeds or the stress that the motor puts on driven wheel. Foolhardy and dangerous IMO


Furthermore......Dirty, extremely noisy and probably illegal unless taxed, licensed and insured. Why would you consider one of these awful things when you can get environmentally friendly, clean, quiet and cheap to run E Bikes that need no registration or licensing or petrol *-)

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Legally, to my knowledge, if you have a petrol engine attached to anything and want to use it in 'public', ie on the road etc, you must be insured etc and I believe it has to be taxed etc too. This is why the petrol scooters (ie no seat type that you would normally push along with one foot) died a death a few years back because you were nor legally allowed to use them except on private land, same as more recently with the mini-motos.


If you want to have something to put on your existing bike you can actually get an electric 'add on' kit, this is just one, as far as I can remember a few companies make them, go towards the bottom of the screen:




Believe it or not it was Sir Clive Sinclair who used to make a similar thing to this, called a Zeta:




We used to have one of these and it did work ... after a fashion! We sold it on eBay!!! (lol)

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