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Aires for England


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This is a thread stemming from Aires for Sheffield as I thought more people would visit the thread if it was not just for Sheffield. Background information to this can be found on that thead.


The main reason for posting this is to encourage everyone to pester their local authority. Getting the name of the person responsible is a good step forward so perhaps we could post these so that we can support each other with emails to them. Lots of emails means means more of their day will be devoted to considering dedicated motorhome parking. Successes could also be posted to use as support for our case to other councils.

Steve Carnell is the man at Exeter City Council and he has said:-

"I am in regular contact with the Parking Manager at Teignbridge and will be interested to see how their motorhome initiative unfolds.

If it proves a success then I suggest that might be the catalyst for a review here."

His email is Steve.Carnell@exeter.gov.uk


Others may have an interest in the other parts of the UK and may want to start their own thread.


I know Graham (GJH) through www.motorhomeparking.co.uk has been instumental in trying to improve our lot (he has suggestions for letters/emails to councils) but interestingly the thread of 27th October about a petition only lasted from 27th to 29th October 2008, Not exactly fired up are we.

So let`s see if we can get up to 25+ pages like the juddrerererers.


Roy Fuller

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while I applaud this worthwhile idea and am happy to put my backing to an Aire-type system for the UK, I do feel that your thread title is a little inflammatory to the ten million UK residents who do not live in England or some of the rest who may want to travel to Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales and perhaps use an Aire there too!
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Great initiative Roy. Hope it takes off.


For anyone who does want to contact their local council please think about how the message is phrased.


If it appears to be whinging or criticising the council for not providing services it wil stand a lot less chance of success than an approach which points out the positive benefits which can accrue from provision.



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messerschmitt owner - 2009-06-12 2:01 PM




I'm all for it - so why don't I word some basic wording (that could form the basis of a personalised e-mail or letter) over the next couple of days that we could all use!


I think I can come up with the right tone to use!

Good idea, I'm sure plenty of people would find it useful.


As Roy mentioned, I have some templates myself Here. Please feel free to take and improve on them.



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Thank you messerschmitowner, but I clearly said in my thread that my interest lies in England (Exeter) and others may want to start a separate thread for other parts of the UK. I think the pressure has to come at a local level but the results shared. Below is my email response to the gypsy/traveller argument put forward by Exeter City Council for information.


Dear Mr Carnell, I can understand the reluctance for the reasons you mention. In Europe where dedicated motorhome parking is widespread, ( in France known as aires ) they even provide water and emptying facility, and are often free. Some charge a small amount. Because they do not permit commercial vehicles or caravans it is easy to spot an offender. I do not think travelers can afford the cost of a motorhome.

If the parking is available in the same vicinity as normal parking it can easily be monitored by the attendants who supervise time limitations.

There is an excellent small book produced by Vicarious Books ( www.vicariousbooks.co.uk ) called All The Aires France which might help you and your colleagues to see what type of facility is offered and just how extensive it is. I have no way of knowing just how much revenue is generated in the localities, but clearly they think it well worth while. My wife and I are going to France, Spain and Portugal in September so we will one of many spending our money.

I hope that the Teignbridge initiative proves successful and look forward to hearing from you.


I agree with Graham completely that we need to demonstrate the benefits (financial) that follow, and not appear to criticise their policy.


Roy Fuller

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  • 4 weeks later...

Come on people, the response to this thread might be a reflection of why councils do nothing to provide facilities for motorhomes. Things will not change without effort, so is there anyone out there prepared to do something about it and tell us.


Roy Fuller

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I have tried with both Birmingham and Blackpool, with little success, recently tried with centro (responcible for park and ride etc within Birmingham) they are to build a new park and ride at longbridge, about 3 miles off the m5 on the outskirts of Birmingham, you have to pass a tesco and morrisons to get to it, and the train takes you to cadbury world and Bham city center, and Stirchley, which has some of the best curry houses in Bham.


At first he said no, and was told that it isn't their policy to have cctv cameras on their park and rides, I pointed that free security that comes with motorhomes parking overn ight, he said that he would take it up and see what comes of it, so you never know, didn't get his name though, but any emaild via the centro site, would probably get there.

this was at a transport users forum.


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