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Knaus Tabbart Group Seal Warranty

Brian Roberts

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I have a 2005 knaus Sun TI 650 MF bought second hand from Lowdams in 2007 and we have noticed a few weeks ago very slight water ingress by the left pillar under the top right side of the skylight above the cab when raining.

As the yearly damp check was due contacted Paul Macy @ Lowdams and he told me that even though Knaus Tabbart group have been taken over the new owners are not honouring any claims for water ingress from exisitng warranties like mine, which was supposed to be valid till 2010.

If anybody else has come across this, or knows how I might be able to claim, if at all, would be pleased to hear from them.



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Hello Brian,


I bought my van new from Lowdhams. They told me a few weeks ago that they consider all warranties before October 2008 null and void but they added they would be very happy to do any work at normal workshop rates - ha, ha very funny, good to see they retain a sense of humour.


On the plus side it meant I was able to get my habitation check done by an independent engineer a year earlier than I had thought I could.


If the leak is a midi-heki I have formed the opinion that this is a very common Knaus failing given my own experience and from talking to other owners. Mine was very simple - whoever had fitted it had used hardly any sealant. Whatever the source of the leak do get it fixed asap. Ours went from small drip to major flooding (no exaggeration) in the course of a traditionally wet Welsh weekend.



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