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Gas Bottles


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According to the sales brochure my motorhome,(Autocruise Startrail) it holds a 7KG and a 13 KG gas bottle, any way when we picked it up no matter how we tried ,us and the sales team , we couldn't get the 13 KG one in


We have tried since but no joy, obviously we are doing something wrong but what, has Autocruise made the gas locker smaller? or what?

I suppose some one will come up with the solution!! *-)

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Our Rimor is supposed to be able to take two 13kg bottoles but we can only get a 13kg and a 7kg in because the regulator is placed in such a way that you simply can't get the other 13kg one passed it into the gap. As we've now gone for a Gaslow system it's not a major problem anymore. :-D
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mondo - 2009-06-17 10:19 PM According to the sales brochure my motorhome,(Autocruise Startrail) it holds a 7KG and a 13 KG gas bottle, any way when we picked it up no matter how we tried ,us and the sales team , we couldn't get the 13 KG one in We have tried since but no joy, obviously we are doing something wrong but what, has Autocruise made the gas locker smaller? or what? I suppose some one will come up with the solution!! *-)

Have you considered asking Autocruise to justify their claim, and pushing for a refund if they can't demonstrate that it is possible?  After all, they make both the van and the claim, so you should get an interesting response!! :-)

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Mel B - 2009-06-17 10:34 PM


Our Rimor is supposed to be able to take two 13kg bottoles but we can only get a 13kg and a 7kg in because the regulator is placed in such a way that you simply can't get the other 13kg one passed it into the gap. As we've now gone for a Gaslow system it's not a major problem anymore. :-D


our rimor is supposed to take two 13kgs and they do just fit, but as I use the locker for the ramps, spare regulator plus butane regulator too, and a few tools, I opted for a 13 and a 7kg - and my 13kg does go past the regulator - easily!

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We also have an Autocruise Startrail - 2008 model and we don't have any problem putting both the 13k and 7k bottles in. My husband says the 13k bottle has to go in first, by tilting it head first towards the locker and straightening it up as you push in it at the back, the 7k then sits in the front slightly to the left. I can take a picture and email it to you if you like, but not until the weekend as we won't be getting the van out until then I'm affraid. I will also try to post a picture to here if it works, but I'm a bit of a computer dud :-D

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