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MHF Website ?


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Motorhomefacts is the largest motorhome based web site in Europe, it is an excellent web site and many motorhome manufacturers and others from the trade are members and take an active interest in what the 36,0000 members think.


Given size of the web site, self appointed "experts" often get shot down in flames of "facts" and huddle complaining about Motorhomefacts! (lol) After all and Expert is purely an "Ex" as in past, and "spurt" as in a drip under pressure (lol) This leads to people slinking away and calling it the dark side, which is of course ridculous



Even more ridiculous when you think that with over 36,000 memebers dotted accross Europe the rescoures, help and information available to people that enjoy motorhomes is limitless (unless you talk nonsense and then there are 36000 people to tell you, hence the name calling by some)




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Oh come on Eddie - don't be shy - tell us what you really think!


There is no right or wrong - just different - and I for one prefer this forum - but thanks for the tip!

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eddievanbitz - 2009-06-23 11:51 PM


Given size of the web site, self appointed "experts" often get shot down in flames of "facts" and huddle complaining about Motorhomefacts! (lol) After all and Expert is purely an "Ex" as in past, and "spurt" as in a drip under pressure (lol) This leads to people slinking away and calling it the dark side, which is of course ridculous




Given the unwarrented 'attacks' made against you on this forum I can understand your attitude, BUT, the reason I started the 'dark side' referances came about due to a thread on MHF where members made remarks such as " Their all a bunch of arseholes on OAL", now any selfrespecting mod would have deleted that thread and repremanded the member, but no, they just tried to hide thread on members only pages, so forever more it shall be 'the dark side' :D

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Think you will find the 36,000 are not full members and therefore only use the site for info, they do not pay the £10. There is only a small amount of these that do pay full membership.


I am one of them and I am really really sorry if it offends people.


I am sure many of you belong clubs and other sites where you would like to pay just £10, I learnt a lot from the site and yes they have opinionated members and cliques but please don't tell me other sites including this one doesn't have some of those.


Many apologies again


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duffers - 2009-06-24 9:35 PM


36,000 members, don't think they update their records to show people who leave

partly because of the fee, but often because of the aggressive / cliquey way it's run


just my opinion of course


:-> :->

i'll go along with that mate, much prefer this site i.m.o.

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One thing I always find slightly ridiculous in these type of threads is that many users of this forum will use motorhomefacts, motorhomefun, motorhometoday, themotorhomelist, and probably many other web forums too.


What I'm trying to say is that when anyone makes a comment about users of a different forum very often they are talking about people on here too 'cos they're the same people.



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fjmike - 2009-06-24 2:39 PM


Nice little earner that 36000 X £10 = £360000 a year NOT BAD :-D :-D :-D


Mandy&Andy - 2009-06-25 6:16 AM


Think you will find the 36,000 are not full members and therefore only use the site for info, they do not pay the £10. There is only a small amount of these that do pay full membership.


I am one of them and I am really really sorry if it offends people.


I am sure many of you belong clubs and other sites where you would like to pay just £10, I learnt a lot from the site and yes they have opinionated members and cliques but please don't tell me other sites including this one doesn't have some of those.


Many apologies again



Both the above comments are very relevant, I have no axe to grind with the other site other than the comments I made at the time of the decision to charge, however it still surprises me how some can delude themselves into believing it is something more than it is.

The 'Facts' are that there are 3500 subscribers and the so called 36000 membership is in a large part made up from those who have signed up just to have a look and may or may not return (as with many other forums) and those with multiple accounts to gain the ability to post five times each join up.

My figures come from the latest MHF letter (June Newsletter), sent out by David Burley, and the multiple accounts I know to be true as I have 6 accounts myself and know of at least three others who have more than one account.


As a site it is probably useful to some beginers, however there is nothing that they could not find from other forums without the need to pay.



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