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Tom Tom One XL and POI downloads help required


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Hi experts!! I have followed Way2Go's excellent guide on the Hints and Tips section with all the attached advice, but i still seem to have a technical problem. Firstly i downloaded the Aires GPS from campingcar-infos web site into a folder on the laptop then, as described, extracted the file, so far so good. I've connected the TT to the lap top and opened the application software. I've then dragged the extrated files from the folder into the POI folder of the TT device. This is where i get confused because although when i physically check the contents of the POI folder the Aires info is in there is doesnt show up on the maps on the screen. That is, when i look at a map of France the Aires are not on there or if i choose the option of selecting a POI near a destination in France it always comes up as "Nothing Found".Help please Should the download go into the map folder rather than the POI folder, I'm scared of wrecking the map folder which could prove expensive

I've posted in this section as i think more people look at this rather than the hints and tips.

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Way2Go thanks very much for the info. I took the plunge and put them in the maps folder and it worked!! Now you've replied i feel reassured that i've done it correctly. A very good point about backing up and i'll do it now.

I must say a very informative thread on the hints and tips so thanks very much for your hard work and sharing it.

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