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Design and Drive - Caravan Club.

Guest Tracker

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Guest Tracker

With the latest MMM comes a 32 page booklet proclaiming the best Motorhomes currently available.


It is a wonderful advert for Sevel based vans as these appear on 25 of the 32 page advert but isn't it strange that in all these pages, as in previous years, not one mention of gearbox issues or reverse gear is made?


How can it be that the CC, who often claim to champion it's members causes, are so unable to mention even one small sentence about neither potential and actual problems that the high reverse gear issue and the even worse FIAT attitude issues have caused so many unsuspecting buyers?


Perhaps I am naive when it comes to any organisation putting their members needs before their advertising revenue needs but I find the CCs attitude once again, at the very least disappointing, and at worst downright misleading?



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However the Editors bits in the main mag does bring up once again the ongoing problems with the Sevel reverse gear arrangement and the pityfull lack of responce from Fiat / Peugeot.


It is no suprise than an increasing number of converters are offering (and selling) the Transit as a base to a market previously smitten by Sevel brands. About time too.




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I am a member of the CC, that's out of the way. I agree with "Tracker" and if you look at the CC mag you will notice that despite motor home owners accounting for more than 25% of the membership there is very little mention of motor homes. On average there is one road test per issue. I can't remember the last time there was an owners comparison report and all the competitions I can remember have caravan specific prizes. There has been mention of the reversing problem but usually progress reports and well behind postings on this board and no real censure about how owners of the affected m/h have been treated. I can imagine the out cry that would ensue if, for instance, Al-co caravan chassis started to fall apart when being towed at over 30mph.

Why do I stay a member? Mainly for a very good Continental insurance package and the fact that we have had really bad experiences when visiting sites run by "the friendly club".

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Guest Tracker

The clue is in the name - The CARAVAN club!


They are simply not interested in us perceived 'travellers' - especially those of us with the temerity not to book and still expect to simply arrive and get a pitch for just one night - even when there is plenty of space off peak.


Well they always used to be like that but I left when compulsory electric hook up was 'included' in the price - even for a properly designed to be fully self contained means of camping like - er - a Motorhome.


So I am a bit anti CC - nevertheless when I see them actually supporting us I will be the first to congratulate and thank them - but I ain't holding my breath!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Tracker

I emailed the CC about the lack of reversing info and they have very neatly side stepped their responsibility to their members with the following reply, and I quote -


"Thank you for your email passed to me for reply being responsible for the production of the Club’s Motor Caravan Design and Drive Awards and also my sincere apologies for the late rely.


The Motor Caravan Design and Drive Awards judging criteria does not currently include a reversing test however we are of course constantly reviewing all the Awards criteria and I can assure you that this matter is already noted for such a revision.

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Yours sincerely


Len Short


Events Manager

The Caravan Club " End of Quote



With thoroughness like that it is clear that the CC have no interest in serving their membership with honest information and I shall remain a non member!


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I won't comment on Tracker's 20 year grudge against the CC (if he was ever a member of course!). I think that the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the CC from this forum's members, as in the thread 'Caravan Club' below, speaks for itself.

However, what I always find wonderfully amusing is his oft-quoted comment, which he thinks proves his point that the CC is anti-motorhome, but which in fact simply proves tha he's totally grasping at straws to find something negative to say.

'The clues in the name - Caravan Club' he parrots once again! Let's try to explain it to you old chap!

The Caravan Club was formed over 100 years ago. There were no motorhomes then, so guess what they called it - yes, the Caravan Club! Perhaps it should be renamed to satisfy those snobs who think that a motorhome isn't actually a caravan, which it is of course, and many of us call it a motor caravan! I do anyway, I don't have any hangups about being labelled along with towing caravanners, then again I'm not snobbish about these things.

So, perhaps we can have a competition to satisfy Tracker's antipathy to the name Caravan Club. At the very least it will have to be:

'The Caravan, Motorhome, Motor Caravan, Folding Caravan and Fifth Wheeler Club.' Now I know that the name 'Caravan Club' is a very well known brand, nurtured for over a century and some might say that to change the name would be a marketing stupidity, but what the hell, if it keeps Tracker happy!

I do hope that I've not offended any other kind of caravanner by leaving them out of my proposed snappy new name!

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Guest Tracker

Many thanks for the personal attack Tom, but it does you few favours in the credibility stakes when your only way of communicating is to attack another.


Your arguments would have been so much more creditable had you been able to make them without having a jibe or three at me - but I don't mind as long as you are happy - as I too enjoy a good wind up!


I always have had reservations about people who quote others out of context just to suit their own ends.


I have no love for the CC it's true but I don't knock others for remaining believers that the sun shines out of a dark place for this organisation, as it does have a lot to offer for those whose needs and camping style that it suits.


I certainly have no grudge against the CC as you suggest - it just don't suit my needs - where did the 20 year grudge come from Tom - or is that too your imaginary figment at play!


I was a CC member from around 1972 to around 1978 and again almost continuously from around 1980 to around the time when EHUs became non optional - 2005 I think - but it's quite OK if you don't wish to believe that.


By the way I just love the snappy new name and I thank you for thinking of me in your imaginative handiwork.

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I'm a bit confused! Tracker quote one from a few inches up this thread:

'So I am a bit anti CC - nevertheless when I see them actually supporting us I will be the first to congratulate and thank them - but I ain't holding my breath!'

Tracker quote two from a bit lower down:

'I certainly have no grudge against the CC as you suggest ...' 


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Guest Tracker

You seem to have trouble with the meaning of words Tom?


Let me try and explain for you.


Grudge - broadly means resentment or ill will towards.

I don't resent the CC and I have no feelings of ill will towards them - in fact just the opposite as, given their size and potential influence, I would love to see them become the true caravanner's champion.


Dislike - broadly means aversion or objection to.

Yup - fair enough - that's me! I dislike the way that they do some things. That's my view and I'm sticking to it. By the way, I may be in a minority but I'm certainly not alone - or would you prefer that I did not have my own views?

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All magazines appear to put their advertising revenue first including MMM.

Do you ever see any reports about damp & water ingress even thought it is very common partially on vans built in a certain factory in Cottingham, I’m not surprised as they probably account for the largest chunk of advertising revenue.


I’ve had 2 British caravans a German caravan and now a German Motorhome, I’m all for buying British but not in this market.

Damp, Water ingress:- standard on British vans it’s not even on the options list on German vans.


By the way I love my Fiat it’s a great drive roomer & bigger cab than other vans & so far reversing hasn’t caused me any problems that’s not saying it won’t.


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