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Tom Tom - HELP

Tony Jones

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(I'm using an open thread this time, rather than a PM to Way2Go, in case others have expereince of this particular problem - but Barry, if you can sort it please do!)

Looking for a TT map to cover this summers trip, I went for the "Western & Central Europe" one. Not available pre-loaded on a card at present, and needs 2GB, so I bought a Sandisk card and ordered the download version.

It spent all last evening downloading - no surprise there, it's a LOT of mapping!

Then went to the "Installing" stage, but after a while this aborted, with an error message saying a particular file "did not exist." The filename concerned included the words "Western Europe," so I wondered if there's some conflict with the original map in the unit's own memory? But surely, that "exists" too much, if anything? Or has it refused to download that part of the big map, because it's "already there," then couldn't install because the new stuff wasn't complete?

I've shelled out £55 for this so I'd quite like it to work. Any ideas anyone?

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Turns out I hadn't done things in quite the right order when I first put the SD card in.

Got it working now, it just needs to re-learn where "home" is (which isn't my real home, just near enough to use from a distance - I don't want someone to steal the machine on hols, and be led straight to my empty house!)

Then I'll download the Aires POIs again, as they've disappeared now, but I've managed that before so let's see ...

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Yep, done it. Not only that, but found German Stellplatze from the BordAtlas site, and put them in too.

Who's a clever boy then?

Couldn't have done it without Barry's (Way2go) "How to" guide on "Hints and Tips" though.

Now I'll have to see what Aires & Stellplatze I can find in Poland, Hungary, Austria, CzechRep ....

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You don't need any help Tony.  You can keep the thread going all on your own :-) :-)

You're welcome to a copy of the Stellplatz POI I've been using.  It includes full instructions and a spoken warning when you are near the location (a bit like the spoken speed camera announcements).

You just need to follow the 'how to' below to link the sound to the POI.


TomTom - Loading the Stellplatz POI.pdf



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