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Fiamma Awning f45i - Mis-aligned, Help required

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Does anyone know how to re-adjust the above awning.

The end opposite the winding handle appears to drop to such an extent that it will not enter the casing without lifting it in with an extension rod. Even when entered the awning does not appear flush even though the red flag drops.

There are two spring dampers with two nuts and allen key heads,what function do these play?

When the awning is part way out say 2 feet it appears the canvas is less taught at the end that sags?

Any help greatly appreciated.


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It sounds to me as if that side of the awning has been stretched, so that it is no longer tight when it is fully wound in. The only remedy that occurs to me is to try winding out the awning fully then winding it back in with the outer end diaplaced sideways towards the side that sags, taking care not to get creases in the awning as it winds in.
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I have the Fiamma Zip and have a similar problem. When I wind the awning in I have to use the awning rod to push the casing fully home, this did not happen with the previous Fiamma awning which I believe was the F45i. If I wind the awning in slowly then I do not get the problem, however, if I wind it in too fast then I do. Do not have the problem with the 'sag' though.
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I had this problem with an earlier 'van. When I phoned an agent, they suggested sticking insulation tape to the edge of the awning to increase the diameter as it is wound in. I know this is a bodge but it served me for a while.



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A couple of suggestions as I have experienced the same problem with a couple of F45s

1. You can adjust the "length" of each arm by undoing the bolt on the front edge of the tensioning member and moving the arm left/right. Trial and error. However - use a pencil to mark the starting positions so that you can always return to this position if things go pear shaped.

2. Check that there is no dirt/debris on the fabric. I few specs of dirt can increase the diameter of the cylinder holding the fabric as it is wound in. I tried for ages to adjust one awning until it dawned on me that the reason one side was winding in faster than the other was a result of a grit stuck to one edge.

Good luck.


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