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Superb Service From Sleep Tight!!


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Last Saturday we travelled to Liverpool from our home in Southampton to have a sleeptight security system fitted (perfect in our opinions for stopovers in Aires etc.) and what a service we had......


We were welcomed with coffee and the offer of bacon sandwiches - great start! :-D This is a family business and whilst Anthony and Andrew started work on our MH, their father Les took us in his car to Liverpool City - Albert Docks, with instructions to call us whenever we were ready to return and he would pick us up.


We had a great few hours wandering round including a wonderful Suschi lunch at Liverpool One Centre, called Les and he duly fetched us and took us back to our MH. As it wasn't quite finished we were installed in their living room, complete with offers of more drink / food if we needed it and provided with the remote control to their TV, to amuse ourselves until the work was finished. :-)


The system looks unobtrusive and we now feel confident in parking up and actually sleeping in the MH when we stopover off campsites.


This has to be the very best service we have had throughout our MH ownership so a big thank you to Les, Ingrid, Anthony & Andrew for making spending our hard earned cash such a pleasant experience!! :-D


I have to add we have no other connection to this company except as extremely satisfied customers.

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Good to hear :-D Nice sometimes to hear the positive rather than just negative comments about dealers, suppliers etc. Might be worth just dropping a line to the Ed of the magazine to get out to wider readership. Then at least the company may benefit from their attentive service ;-)
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Prices as follows :-

Kit 1 ~ 8 sensors, 4 lights £499

Kit 2 ~ 12 sensors, 6 lights £599

Kit 3 ~ 16 sensors, 8 lights £699

Fitting ~ £100 at their premises. Extra lights at £20 each.

They recommend large system for my 8 metre van. surprise surprise, but jury out at the moment on cost. However we do a lot of "wild camping" and am retiring at end of year so may change my mind.





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Just had a Beenybox fitted at Camborne Cornwall. It’s nice to tell of excellent service. We had a long weekend at St Agnes so it was easy to arrive at the appointed time 9am. Reversing into the garage was a little tricky, ( I managed to knock the awning end cap off, but it went back with no problem) after talking the requirement through, we were told that it would be done by 3pm. There is a railway station almost next door so if like us a day in Camborne doesn’t appeal to you it’s easy to go somewhere else. We arrived back at 2.45pm. To find the job done. It’s just as good as they advertise, a nice solid job that will hold 45kgs. There web site Beenybox.co.uk gives details and the MMM article is attached. The cost may seem expensive at £395.00 but if you compare it to the dealer charges for fitting a rear ladder or anything else come to that, it doesn’t seem to bad at all. We were both pleased with the end result.


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Guest JudgeMental
I am sorry but I just don t see the point in this system. As long as you have a good cat1 alarm with the facitlity to be armed when asleep and decent dead locks, what else do you need..........I'll leave the blue lights to the boy racers lol
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Errr Judge, the point of this system is pretty obvious, it will deter (hopefully) any foolhardy souls from testing your alarm system by warning them that they've been detected. If they ignore the warning then an alarm sounds that will wake you up, all before your main alarm goes off.


I looked at this system as a possible product to retail but was put off when I spoke to them at the NEC. I asked what the current consumption was and was told "it takes nothing to run it". I pointed out that no electronic system using ultrasonic sensors could run on zero power at which point he went into flannel mode so I walked away, from their stand and from their business.


I'm not saying it isn't a good and worthy product but I do expect a certain amount of technical nouse from the people who claim to have designed the system!



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Guest JudgeMental
davenewell@home - 2009-06-25 6:43 PM


Errr Judge, the point of this system is pretty obvious, it will deter (hopefully) any foolhardy souls from testing your alarm system by warning them that they've been detected. If they ignore the warning then an alarm sounds that will wake you up, all before your main alarm goes off.


I looked at this system as a possible product to retail but was put off when I spoke to them at the NEC. I asked what the current consumption was and was told "it takes nothing to run it". I pointed out that no electronic system using ultrasonic sensors could run on zero power at which point he went into flannel mode so I walked away, from their stand and from their business.


I'm not saying it isn't a good and worthy product but I do expect a certain amount of technical nouse from the people who claim to have designed the system!




I get the gist Dave but still think about as useful as narcotic gas alarms*-)


I believe it uses reversing sensors which are usually activated when they become live? (reverse gear engaged) so seeing the amount of sensor's involved in this kit and the fact that they are live all night there must be a current demand.......Very odd that they don't put peoples mind at rest regards this or offer a back up battery ;-)


I just see it being a pain on busy Aires as it will probably be set of frequently, waking you up to jump into full ninja mode probably unnecessarily lol


surely not that difficult to put your own system together without the flashing lights.....whats the point if you alert the bu$$ers and dont get a chance to bash em up :-D

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JudgeMental - 2009-06-25 7:05 PM .....whats the point if you alert the bu$$ers and dont get a chance to bash em up :-D

Methinks his Lordship has entered his dotage, or has become a little "holiday happy", with all this lenient talk of mere bashings up.  Surely he must have in mind stringings up, with little legs jerking at the end of a rope?  Or at the very least transportation to the colonies?  Makes one doubt one's faith in British justice.  Bashing up indeed!  Zounds Sir.

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"I believe it uses reversing sensors which are usually activated when they become live? (reverse gear engaged) so seeing the amount of sensor's involved in this kit and the fact that they are live all night there must be a current demand.......Very odd that they don't put peoples mind at rest regards this or offer a back up battery "


Well yes it uses ultrasonic sensors and they must consume some power, which was my point in the first place and why I walked when his answer was "nothing". How much power it uses is the point and in fairness I'd expect its "standby" current draw to be a few hundred milliamps at most. As I understand it the system flashes the external leds on initially detecting something and this is supposedly enough to let miscreants know they've been detected. Only if they continue to stay in the detection zone will it set off the internal alarm to wake/warn you. Apparently the lights flashing are enough to scare off animals and prevent false alarms.


Like i said earlier, I looked at this system as a possible product to carry but its too expensive (IMHO) and I was put off by the lack of technical info available.



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Guest JudgeMental
Brian Kirby - 2009-06-26 12:05 AM
JudgeMental - 2009-06-25 7:05 PM .....whats the point if you alert the bu$$ers and dont get a chance to bash em up :-D

Methinks his Lordship has entered his dotage, or has become a little "holiday happy", with all this lenient talk of mere bashings up.  Surely he must have in mind stringings up, with little legs jerking at the end of a rope?  Or at the very least transportation to the colonies?  Makes one doubt one's faith in British justice.  Bashing up indeed!  Zounds Sir.

Dear dear boy....How I weep for the changes to the penal code. But all is not lost! More enlightened regimes around the world adopted elements of our legal system and still hang indiscriminately! I often attend, but they lack finesse. and can end up in a slow strangulation and the mob throwing all sort's of things and sometime tearing the body right of the scaffold.....I have video if you wish?
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Hi, my name is Anthony and work for sleeptight. I would like to say thank you for the kind words, and return the compliments on how nice the couple were.

I was the one who spoke to Dave Newell at the N.E.C and i have to admit at the time i did not know all the technical data. However since then, we have had the system tested by the AA and the power consumption, when switched on, but not flashing or buzzing, the power used is 0.1 of an Amp, this is similar to a clock on the dashboard, and when all the lights are on and the buzzer is sounding, it uses 0.3 of an Amp, which is similar to a boot light.

I think if Dave had waited until the technician returned without rushing off, he would have found this out a lot earlier.

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Hi Anthony and thanks for your response, if only you could have been more forthright at the NEC :D . As for rushing off, I did no such thing, I just ambled away disappointed by the response you gave me. I can only assume that you mistook me for a general run of the mill punter but even if that was the case (I did have my business name on my shirt:D ) I found your reply to my reasonable question rather weak to say the least. Why was it necessary for the AA to test it to ascertain the power consumption? Your company apparently designed the system so should know what the power consumption would be before even the prototype was built and tested.


I think this system has promise but is overpriced, simple as that really but I do expect people who are selling "high tech" equipment to know at least some technical facts and if not then to be honest enough to say "I don't know but I'll find out, give me your contact details and once I've established the details I'll get back to you."



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We had our Sleep Tight system fitted yesterday with the very same welcome and service that catinou had. Very freindly and efficient service. I know Dave said it is too expensive but how do you put a price on safety. Another thing, as with all these high tech things development costs will be very high.


I know we will feel much safer in this ever changing (not for the better) world.



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Guest JudgeMental
I still believe its important to have a good Cat 1 alarm with the facility to be armed while sleeping.... Plus secondary dead locks fitted (especially to the cab) first *-)
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This concept is new to motorhomes and I think a lot of use as a deterrent to any potential breakins when wilding or at aire de repos on motorways.

A similar system has been an option on high end cars which has a voice warning and then the alarm. So what is the difference between a £60000 BMW and a £60000 Autotrail,apart from the fact the Beemer will reverse with no problem (lol)

Dave whilst I understand your frustration, knowing what you know now have your views not moderated I sure that Andrew is still learning his craft

and is not a practised salesman. As for the AA why not an independent assessment?

I would rather have one of these going off than a screeching alarm that everyone ignores. Opportunist theives do not like having attention drawn to themselves also physcological tests have indicated that a light operating from an unknown source especially a blue one (associated with emergency services) can cause the blood (and I would suspect the bowel action) to quicken.

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Well, we bought, had installed, and used on our week in Norfolk. An extra bonus to the system was that whilst other campers were clearing rabbit droppings from around their tents every day, we had no such problem around our M.H.! We can only surmise that the blue lights "moved them on". :-D


Seriously, we slept much better knowing we had the system set, even though we were on a site - once we had realised we set it over too wide an area the first night, when the roaming peacocks set it off and woke us at 5.30 a.m. :$ Husband checked consumption and "negligable" was a word he used.


Can't wait to use it on Aires on next trip........money very well spent in our opinion ;-) B-)

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Guest JudgeMental
catinou - 2009-07-02 10:22 AM

Seriously, we slept much better knowing we had the system set, even though we were on a site - once we had realised we set it over too wide an area the first night, when the roaming peacocks set it off and woke us at 5.30 a.m. :$ Husband checked consumption and "negligable" was a word he used.Can't wait to use it on Aires on next trip........money very well spent in our opinion ;-) B-)




Out of interest what other security do you have?

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Guest Tracker
bounty hunter - 2009-06-25 11:27 AM

Kit 1 ~ 8 sensors, 4 lights £499

Kit 2 ~ 12 sensors, 6 lights £599

Kit 3 ~ 16 sensors, 8 lights £699

Fitting ~ £100 at their premises. Extra lights at £20 each.


Not being a techno geek I fail to see how 8 reversing sensors linked to 4 blue flashing lights can possibly be so complicated and advanced that it equate to £599 - just for the bits?


Even £20 for a single blue flashing light seems a lot for not a lot?


£100 for the expertise in a neat fitting job seems reasonable though!


Perhaps someone could enlighten me please - a cool blue light would be nice!

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JudgeMental - 2009-07-02 2:13 PM


catinou - 2009-07-02 10:22 AM

Seriously, we slept much better knowing we had the system set, even though we were on a site - once we had realised we set it over too wide an area the first night, when the roaming peacocks set it off and woke us at 5.30 a.m. :$ Husband checked consumption and "negligable" was a word he used.Can't wait to use it on Aires on next trip........money very well spent in our opinion ;-) B-)




Out of interest what other security do you have?




How many years have you slept in motorhomes before aquiring this system? Presumably you must have slept reasonably well or you would not have kept on motorhoming. I accept this is an aid if like me you "wild camp" all over Europe but not sure I want to pay campsite fees and then have to pay for an expensive security device in order to feel safe.

Our last 4 vans, covering 17 years, have all had security systems fitted which allow you to sleep in them while the perimiter is armed. We have "wild camped" far more than we have used campsites, if I won the lottery tonight I would still not use campsites as I don't like them and it is not to do with cost, and always set the alarm and have always felt safe and secure. If I don't feel safe I move on.

However I accept each to their own and if you are happy then I am happy. I have lots of "must haves" that my "friends" wouldn't buy!!




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JudgeMental - 2009-07-02 2:13 PM


catinou - 2009-07-02 10:22 AM

Seriously, we slept much better knowing we had the system set, even though we were on a site - once we had realised we set it over too wide an area the first night, when the roaming peacocks set it off and woke us at 5.30 a.m. :$ Husband checked consumption and "negligable" was a word he used.Can't wait to use it on Aires on next trip........money very well spent in our opinion ;-) B-)




Out of interest what other security do you have?


A Cat1 Thatcher alarm Judge ;-)

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Hi John,


We don't always stay on sites - our stay at Clippseby Hall was quite last minute as the weather forecast was better for the area than the French area we had intended visiting - using Aires etc. We only had one week so decided on the UK for a change. Our first - and possibly last! - visit to a UK site for a holiday. The only reason we had the new (extra) system on when on the site was - it was new and we wanted to try it out..... sad, but true. *-)


We do like a belts and braces approach to our security and we are happy with it. The main purpose for the original post was to give some not often deserved praise to a company that we feel deserves it. Still say they are brilliant!! B-)

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