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Very interested in your comments Brian Kirby regarding Dutch influence, ownership, etc. Last year after visiting the Pyrenees we spent a few days on a lovely site on the French coast near the Spanish border. On one occasion I was rebuked by an obnoxious Dutchman when I took a short-cut to the amenities. On a further occasion I emptied my grey water down the washing-up sink and I was told " You should not put your water there, it should be emptied in the toilet". It's seldom that I lose my temper but on this occasion I did. I asked him in a loud voice " Do you own this f*****g site?" He was somewhat taken aback by my response and never bothered me again but was constantly 'spying' on us for the remainder of our stay. In all my travels abroad I have found the natives of the countries visit very friendly and helpful but this guy was more like a Nazi!
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Well, if your shortcut was through his pitch I think you might have given him grounds to complain.  My view on pitches is that you rent them for the duration of your stay so, in effect, they become your property, so others passing through display at best poor etiquette.

Grey water down the washing up sink?  Well, I have to say I don't think I'd exactly encourage that either.  There is usually a drain provided for waste water, but failing that, why not use the chemical toilet disposal point?  Many people use the washing up-sinks to wash food before they eat it, for example salad ingredients which are eaten raw.  Someone's ageing waste water doesn't exactly strike me as the height of hygiene, especially if it contains the waste from cleaning their teeth - or worse!

So, for me, the score is Dutch 1, Brits null points!

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Colin, I tend to agree with Brian on the point about you taking a short cut across someone else's pitch, WHY (?) would it really have taken you that much longer to have walked around (!)


Not sure I fully understand the point about the Grey water though Brian. When people use the washing up sinks to wash their pots after cooking a meal surely that is 'Grey Water'. Although I rarely use these areas on campsites and stick to my own facilities, on the occasions that I have, it annoyed me to find that people failed to clean up after themselves, leaving food blocking the sink, dirty draining boards. But at the end of the day it is a washing up point and where you would expect 'grey water' to be disposed of (Obviously not from Grey Waste holding tanks).

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Guest Tracker
Grey water should never be put down a sink in which food may be prepared - far better to do what so many others do and just drive off site with the waste tap open - just as offensive but far less unpleasant!
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Tracker - 2009-07-09 8:17 PM


Grey water should never be put down a sink in which food may be prepared - far better to do what so many others do and just drive off site with the waste tap open - just as offensive but far less unpleasant!


This is going to sound really argumentative but I do not intend it to be taken so. I just cannot understand your interpretation of 'Grey water' as opposed to my understanding of it. I only have one kitchen area in my van with one sink which I obviously use for both preparation of food as well as washing up (Washing up water being 'Grey' water yes ?). If you should 'never' put 'grey' water down a sink in which food may be prepared do you have the luxury of two separate sinks in your van (?)

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I expect there's a difference between the water from a washing up bowl and that which has been quietly "fermenting" in the waste tank.

Both are classified as "grey" but I wouldn't fancy the latter being put down a sink.

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Ralph - 2009-07-09 9:10 PM


I expect there's a difference between the water from a washing up bowl and that which has been quietly "fermenting" in the waste tank.

Both are classified as "grey" but I wouldn't fancy the latter being put down a sink.


I understand this difference. In Colin's post he only stated that he put his grey water down the sink, he did not clarify where this 'Grey' water originated from. Now if he drained his 'grey' holding tank waste down the sink then I fully understand the response that he got from the camper and would agree with everything that Colin, Tracker and yourself have said.


So Colin, please clarify for me, was the 'Grey' water you referred to from your waste holding tank (?)

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Guest Tracker

The generally accepted description of 'grey' water is the waste water that comes from both kitchen and ablutions and is generally accepted to refer to the entire contents of the waste water tank.


Washing up water, untanked, unstored and unfermented one would expect to be able to pour down a sink designed for use both for food preparation and washing up - much like any other kitchen sink anywhere else?


It seems that maybe a misunderstanding has arisen here?

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Tracker - 2009-07-10 11:08 AM


The generally accepted description of 'grey' water is the waste water that comes from both kitchen and ablutions and is generally accepted to refer to the entire contents of the waste water tank.


Washing up water, untanked, unstored and unfermented one would expect to be able to pour down a sink designed for use both for food preparation and washing up - much like any other kitchen sink anywhere else?


It seems that maybe a misunderstanding has arisen here?


Yup ! Hold my hands up, It was my misunderstanding sorry :$

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While on a site in Bidart last year i was emptying the waste water container ( i sometimes use a caravan type one on wheels to save driving to the service point as our waste water tank is quite small) down the drain of the MH service piont when a dutchman thought i was emptying the toilet waste down the drain!! How he laughed when i explained his mistake not *-)
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Guest Tracker

Just in case anyone else is thinking of asking - my 2009 ACSI book is currently on loan to Syd and I do not expect it to be available before October at the earliest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Tracker - 2009-07-19 4:37 PM


Just in case anyone else is thinking of asking - my 2009 ACSI book is currently on loan to Syd and I do not expect it to be available before October at the earliest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:-D :-D :-D

Sorry Rich, did I start you getting a lot of PMs?

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Big Momma - 2009-07-09 9:04 PM


Tracker - 2009-07-09 8:17 PM


Grey water should never be put down a sink in which food may be prepared - far better to do what so many others do and just drive off site with the waste tap open - just as offensive but far less unpleasant!


This is going to sound really argumentative but I do not intend it to be taken so. I just cannot understand your interpretation of 'Grey water' as opposed to my understanding of it. I only have one kitchen area in my van with one sink which I obviously use for both preparation of food as well as washing up (Washing up water being 'Grey' water yes ?). If you should 'never' put 'grey' water down a sink in which food may be prepared do you have the luxury of two separate sinks in your van (?)


I think what he was saying is he put the grey water from his tank down the communal sink!!!! which I think was disgusting!! and the Dutch man was completely in his rights to point this out!! What I would like to know is did he go and clean the sink with anti-bi afterwards???? when you tip your washing up water down the sink if its left in a tank for anytime at all it will start to multiply bacteria 8-) and then to go and pour it down a sink that someone is going to come along and wash pots or prepare veg in is completely unacceptable.

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Guest Tracker
Ralph - 2009-07-19 9:19 PM


Tracker - 2009-07-19 4:37 PM


Just in case anyone else is thinking of asking - my 2009 ACSI book is currently on loan to Syd and I do not expect it to be available before October at the earliest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:-D :-D :-D

Sorry Rich, did I start you getting a lot of PMs?


No probs Ralph - you were not the first nor the last - so I just thought that I would save anyone else the trouble!

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Hello everyone


Interesting info re: Camping cheques and ACSI. We have just returned from France and have found that some of the sites have extended their dates for the use of the CC, eg from 4th July to 25th July, which we found very useful, but we had to ask when they stopped accepting them for the high season, there weren't any notices up. They said it was better to have people in with CC than half empty sites, understandable when some of the sites were charging 25 - 32 euro a night. We generally use aires, ACSI and CC and some of the very good municipal sites.


Had a lovely time and now have to get stuck into sorting out the garden, the house and expected first grandchild in 2 weeks - can't wait!



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We have just returned from a 3 week trip to Germany, brought the ASCI book for the first time. We only used it once and it saved us a whole one euro, you are supposed to get electricity & shower tokens included, we had electricity but they expected us to pay for showers.

Of the 22 nights we only spent 2 on sites for the others we used Stellaplaz.


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Last week we stayed at Camping Lake Caspe in Aragón.


The normal rate for two and EHU is 23.7€, ACSI rate is 15€. Plus we saved an extra 4.05€ per night for our dog.


Over three nights we saved 38.25€.


Last month we were at La Viorna in Los Picos.


Normal rate 20.8€, ACSI 16.2€ inc IVA (dogs free). So we saved 4.60€ per night.




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