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Changes in French Speed Limits

Vernon B

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Not sure if this topic has been raised - but my search didn't reveal anything.


Anyway for others who may have missed the news a weight related speed limit has been introduced in France. Apparently vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes will be limited to 90kph on motorways and dual carriageways with central reservations and 80kph on other roads outside of built up areas.


What isn't clear, as you'll see from the piece in the July edition of the Caravan Club Mag (Page 38), is whether the 3.5 tonne limit applies to the weight of a "vehicle" or an "outfit" ie car + caravan - or presumably a motorhome + trailer.


A further requirement if you fall into this class (what ever it might eventually be defind as) is that you'll need to plate the vehicle with 80 and 90 kph stickers.


Ah ho more red tape - but I suppose we'll be using less juice on those trips south.









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Dont think so on French roads at present. Speed restictions apply to vehicles over 3.5 ton that are towing.


But as said, there seems to badly written law and there are two legal views taken on the weight issue.



With many thanks and acknowlegement to the the touringandtenting.com from whom I C&P'ed the item below.



This is the text from the Caravan Club:


We recently published new speed limits for vehicles/outfits towing in France that are over 3.5t in weight (May edition), which was provided by the legal department of the Association Française des Automobilistes.We have since received conflicting information from two different sources: the FFCC (Fédération Française de Camping et de Caravanning) and the FIA (Fédération Internationale de L’Automobile).


Both of these professional organisations have interpreted the same French law (Code de la Route articles R413 – 8 and R413-8-1) in two different ways:


The FFCC have interpreted the law as follows:

The lower speed limits of 90kph (on motorways and dual carriageways with a central reservation and 80kph on other roads outside of built up areas) are for any outfit where the towing vehicle has a maximum GTM (Gross Train Mass) exceeding 3.5t (as indicated on the vehicle's handbook, or sometimes on the engine plate), irrespective of what the actual weight of the caravan/trailer being towed. If the GTM of the towing vehicle is less than 3.5t then these lower speed limits do not apply.


The FIA do not agree:

They interpret the law to be, that any vehicle or combination of vehicles that has a total GVM (gross vehicle mass) of over 3.5t must adhere to the new lower speed limits.


When subject to specific speed limits, as mentioned, stickers indicating these new limits should be displayed on the back of the trailer. There should be two: one for 80kph and one for 90kph. These stickers can only be brought from HGV supplier in France, the FFCC have advised us that law is very tolerant towards vehicles that don’t have the stickers, however this is only their opinion.


Both the FIA and the FFCC agree that the wording of this law needs to be clarified, and we will keep you updated if and when this happens.


Our advice for now is to drive at the lower speed limits if you have GTM exceeding 3.5t or a combination of vehicles with a GVM (which is the same as the maximum permitted weight) of over 3.5t, and obtain the stickers, until such times as we can confirm the correct interpretation of the law. We will of course keep you updated!


If you have had experience of obtaining the 80 and 90 stickers please can you contact travelserviceinformation@caravanclub.co.uk or call 01... so we can pass on the information to other members.




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We did read a French Caravan magazine when in France in May, and there was also this 'interpretation' of the rules - and lots of French caravanners were complaining that according to the FFCC it would make it Ok to tow a large caravan with a small car, but not a large caravan with a large car! It just appears confusing and perhaps the CC are right to advice people to be cautious if they come within these limits.






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Guest JudgeMental
tonyishuk - 2009-06-30 7:21 PM

Dont think so on French roads at present. Speed restictions apply to vehicles over 3.5 ton that are towing.

But as said, there seems to badly written law and there are two legal views taken on the weight issue.



I see.......thats explains while on my yearly overnight dash to the south, I have cars with trailers flying by me at speed. They are normally Dutch plated. Years ago I caught up with one, he was upside down in the ditch and the trailer was about 3 miles further on.......

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