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Swansea to St Andrews

wild rover

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Hello, my partner and I are thinking of going up to St Andrews for a short break - about 6 days. Could anyone tell me how long it would take to get there? Obviously we'd use the motorway to save time. Just a rough estimate would be great. Thanks in advance!
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Guest Tracker

Do you not have a route planner?


It's only about 500 miles - at a guess - a good day's run if you get an early start and can be flexible about when you arrive due mainly to the unpredictability of motorway hold ups.


If not it'll need an overnight somewhere along the way.

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Drive for three hours and stop for an hours break, three times, then two hours for the last run in, 15 hours all together. TIREDNESS BENDS YOUR 'VAN AND SHORTENS YOUR LIFE .........Follow a good HGV as a pace maker. Lets us know how it went????
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Guest Tracker

The whole point of a motorhome is that you don't have to be anywhere at any specified time and for us the journey is as much an enjoyable part of the holiday as the holiday itself - so why rush?


If time is a problem just don't go quite so far?


Tootle off gently at a time that suits you and when you've had enough just park up, or find a site, and continue the next day.


CSs & CLs are ideal for this - and if you don't know about CLs and CSs try searching for them in the search facility.

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Thanks again for all your replies. I take on board the fact that the beauty of a motorhome is that you don't need to hurry. But we have to be in Scotland for a particular reason (a birthday party) however we also want to visit the Trossachs for a few days too, so we would like to get up there asap. Next time we'll be able to take it easy...
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Guest Tracker
In that case if it were us, and we wanted to be at a specific place at a specific time we would get up very early and crack off the bulk of the miles whilst most of the country was still nighty nights and then stop for a kip on the way when we were quite close depending on the time available.
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We live in Lancashire and m'homed up to St Andrews a few months ago.


We're regular travellers to the far North but were slightly caught out in that St Andrews (lovely spot) took a bit longer to reach than we'd thought - maybe 5-6 hours or so on the road and going pretty hard. This was a weekday trip so lots of commercial traffic.


If you're good at minimising the negative effects of the midlands m'way system and securing a clear run I guess you would reach Lankyshire from Swansea in perhaps 4 hours or so therefore maybe 9-10 hours in total? Crikey!


Our run was very heavily trafficked up to about Kendal (but no real delay) and then heavy again from the Edinburgh by-pass - pretty hard going to be honest and had to push the old girl a bit - not very enjoyable!


We returned via Glasgow and, sadly, that wasn't much better.


Timing is everything - day of the week and the hour of the day. Good luck!

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