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Wave then silence.


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I think that socialising has declined with the advent of more TV's as already suggested but I also feel that more people now seem to be totally self contained in their vans.


They use in-van toilets and in-van showers and therefore do not venture to the shower block so often.


This means that we no longer meet other campers so much and do not even pass their vans so often which removes the chances of even saying hello.


There also seems a certain amount of snobbery creeping in with the " I've got a better van than you have" syndrome.


We do not all own the latest top-of-the-range machines and I have found that it seems to be a much more friendly bunch using the older and self-build vans!

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You lot do have some weird experiences. We nearly always wave, some wave back some not. However when we do not wave it may be due to any amount of things, usually lost and trying to concentrate on sorting it out. I guess others are the same not meaning to be antisocial but just did not see you for whatever reason. On sites we find people will always acknowledge you and speak, even if only to say hallo. We to would not park next to someone on a nearly empty site, not being antisocial or, I hope, lacking in social skills, just like to be on our own. As for aires, you can keep them, you have to be more social, you are normally about two feet apart. Just got back from six weeks in France and stayed on two. One at Honfleur with about three hundred others and charged 7 euro for this appalling place, could not wait to get out of this m/h slum, never again. One at Mont St. Michel which is 8 euro, not even water what a rip off, we stayed on sites with full facilities for 9 euro. We would use aires for a one night stay if nothing else available at the time but really why bother.
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rupert123 - 2009-07-02 12:10 PM

One at Honfleur with about three hundred others and charged 7 euro for this appalling place, could not wait to get out of this m/h slum, never again. One at Mont St. Michel which is 8 euro, not even water what a rip off, we stayed on sites with full facilities for 9 euro. We would use aires for a one night stay if nothing else available at the time but really why bother.


I have to agree Rupert that both of the above Aires are awful places with many undesirable and/or inconsiderate occupants at times.


Honfleur is a lovely little harbour town and well worth a visit. We stay at the very quiet (free) Aire at the village of La Riviere St Saveur about 2 miles out of town.

Similarly with Mont St Michel there are any number of quiet and low cost village and small town Aires within easy distance where a pleasant evening stroll and/or meal followed by fresh supplies in the morning are readily available from the (mainly!) pleasant shop keepers.

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I wave ,I sometimes flash (my lights ) and if you dont wave back you get called a miserable Bat,but I have noticed the people who are most willing to wave are the ones with the older Motorhomes ,I also happened to noticed when I had the Bessacarr on a 04 Ducato (now that would reverse without noise or judder ) drivers/co.pilots with the same aged M/H and older M/H would wave whereas the snooty new M/H brigade wouldnt or only occasionally would. Me I wave at Bt vans, Ambulances, Horseboxes, even the odd white vanman , But not so much since I got my new spec,s though, Give a Wave you may make someones Day and it exercises your arms on a long journey :-D
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Corky 8 - 2009-07-02 1:14 PM


Me I wave at Bt vans, Ambulances, Horseboxes, even the odd white vanman , But not so much since I got my new spec,s though, Give a Wave you may make someones Day and it exercises your arms on a long journey :-D


When I first told the OH about this tradition of waving she didn't believe me until first trip out. She is so in to it that even when she is in the car and see's a M'home coming towards us she waves and moans when they don't wave back :D


I just do not understand when people talk about snobbery. When we are on the road I will wave at Motorhomes and Camper Vans of all different sizes, new or old and genberally get a wave back.


Got a bit confused last time out though when got so carried away that I waved at a Horsebox and the driver gave me their traditional wave, do all horsebox drivers only have two fingers :$

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Rapido-lass - 2009-07-02 9:45 AM  We also found having travelled all the way to the Nordkapp last year, that there were only a couple other GB vans their and none of them acknowledged us - in fact as they saw our van they put their blinds up, and yet all other nationalities nodded or talked to us. .

Are you sure one of the GB vans wasn't Tracker, he can be a miserable old sod sometimes.

I should put a "smiley" here for Richard but I seem to have lost them, so instead i'll put one of my favourite photos -


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Bazza454 - 2009-07-02 10:05 PM
Rapido-lass - 2009-07-02 9:45 AM  We also found having travelled all the way to the Nordkapp last year, that there were only a couple other GB vans their and none of them acknowledged us - in fact as they saw our van they put their blinds up, and yet all other nationalities nodded or talked to us. .

Are you sure one of the GB vans wasn't Tracker, he can be a miserable old sod sometimes.

I should put a "smiley" here for Richard but I seem to have lost them, so instead i'll put one of my favourite photos -

It wasn't Tracker unless he was in disguise........ :-S
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Granddaughter waves at everyone and everything.Horse boxes,"vans"..even tuggers.

She waves at horses,sheep and cows..you name it.

There is no silence,just loud shrieks"look Granddad"..if they do not wave back she just ignores one finger..and on to the next one.

Oh to be 6 years old???

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This snobbery isn't just confined to 'vans, when i'm out cycling on quite a nice bike with a bit of proper kit on i get nods and little waves from the lycra wearing brigade, however when i'm out with OH for a pootle from the campsite on my commuter cycle with baggy shorts and t shirt you don't even get a glance your way. I take pleasure from making them say hello. :D
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Rapido-lass - 2009-07-02 11:28 PM
Bazza454 - 2009-07-02 10:05 PM
Rapido-lass - 2009-07-02 9:45 AM  We also found having travelled all the way to the Nordkapp last year, that there were only a couple other GB vans their and none of them acknowledged us - in fact as they saw our van they put their blinds up, and yet all other nationalities nodded or talked to us. .

Are you sure one of the GB vans wasn't Tracker, he can be a miserable old sod sometimes.

I should put a "smiley" here for Richard but I seem to have lost them, so instead i'll put one of my favourite photos -

It wasn't Tracker unless he was in disguise........ :-S
I may be many things - grumpy old man for one - but I ain't a miserable old sod - well not all the time anyway!We echo Cathy's experience. We were in Norway Sweden and Finland for 6 weeks last June & July and only saw two other UK vans - neither of whom wanted to talk to us - so sod the lot of 'em and we'll have a beer with the Germans or Swedes who we found particularly friendly and outgoing - most of the time!
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vindiboy - 2009-07-01 3:29 PM


I love to wave at other Motorhomers whilst travelling and most wave back,all very friendly you might think, but has anyone else noticed that when you pitch up somewhere, people are reluctant to speak and in some cases even refuse to acknowledge you? I consider myself to be a friendly person, always willing to meet new people and chat in a friendly way ,but some people won't respond, I realise some like to keep themselves to themselves but saying hello can't be too difficult can it? some people will virtually blank you till departure day and then seem to become your best friend, I hope others have experienced this or else it must be me ? *-) *-)


You're dead right, and its not just you, my wife and I have also noticed this.


What we have found is that since we changed to the "Silver Bullet" panel van from the "Bread Van" we're usually going past potential wavers just as they realise they've missed a waving opportunity.



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We have just travelled back from just north of Birmingham, we love to wave it is a lovely way to pass the time, it is sad when people do not wave back but that is up to them they might not want to or did not see you.


Everyone camps for a different reason, and some might be very shy or just plumb K......r from a hard week, if you start of with a smile then the hole world will brighten up they might not smile back at you but they might smile at the next person, cause you have woken them up from dream land, i know i feel an absolute idiot when i miss a good morning, but i do not miss the next person.


Like others we have come to the conclusion that Motorway waving is not a good idea bit to dangerous to distract and because you do not know what the idiot in front will do. But single roads and some dual carriage way we do. We treat it like a game and it certainly brightens up a dreary trip.


So come on all you fellow motorhomers give us a wave...............



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Be carefull when driving through Birmingham, our local Police use a pilote as a crime scene room, only you dont see the (police markings untill your close) they somtimes use it to do patrols with, yes i give them a wave, they look at you as if youv'e lost the plot.


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libby - 2009-07-05 6:52 AM


Look where you're going and keep both hands on the wheel.


You're not fully in control of the vehicle if waving.


So does that mean you are not in control of your vehicle if and when you have to change gear *-) I would hope that those of us who do choose to wave are old enough and mature enough to only do so when it is safe. If I am unable to wave because I am concentrating on something else, Roundabouts, Junctions, Overtaking etc. etc then my OH as passenger does the honors, common sense really isn't it (?) This subject has been on the forum before and I think the overall outcome was, those who want to wave do and those that don't don't, no need to make up excuses why you do or don't, in my opinion, if someone chooses not to wave whilst driving that does not make an individual unsociable, just exercising a freedom of choice ;-)

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Iagree about waving just come back from France any GB plate did not wave back but French/NL all waved. And on the campsite we stayed at the Dutch/German very friendly spoke to us all the time The Brits not even an Hello. So like some before me I shall drink with my brethan from Central Europe, unless i meet any of you friendly people. (lol)
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Just got back from a long weekend in north Devon and travelling back through Somerset i suppose we had 50% wave back apart from the 5 german vans we saw who all waved back, driver and passengers, like windmills in a gale it brought a smile to our faces :D
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I must admit to being a little bit surpised by many of the negative responses on this forum from people who have come across 'Anti-Social' UK plated vehicles or 'Brits' on sites. Agree that there are sometimes one or two but in my experience, and I did most of my touring in Europe in the early days, I found most people, irrespective of nationality to be quite approachable and freindly. Even now I find that most Motorhomers do wave and it is only the minority that don't.
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kevandali - 2009-07-06 10:13 PM


Just a quick thought, my profile picture is animated on my computer and is waving, is it waving on yours? or just a still picture?


It certainly is waving and very good to, not sure how to do a computor wave is it the same as an mexican?

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libby - 2009-07-06 10:21 PM


Big Momma




Its an auto (sprint shift). (I'm known to talk to anyone)




Bill I think you missed the point I was trying to make, probably my fault for being too brief and not making my point clear enough. I was referring to your general statement "Look where your going and keep both hands on the wheel. Your not fully in control of the vehicle if waving"


For those of us without 'Automatics' then at some point you have to take one hand off the wheel to change gear. However, from the implication of your statement, are you only not fully in control of your vehicle if you are waving :D Look where you are going ? Fully agree, apart from when I have to take my eyes off the road to check my Offside and Nearside mirrors. By looking where you are going you see the fellow Motorhomer coming in the opposite direction and at a mutually convenient time e.g. when close enough to see each other, you give a short but freindly wave. Probably less time taken to wave than it would to manually change gear :D


Have you never, in all your driving experience either taken your eyes off the road in front to look at something or physically used your hand to point something out to your passenger (?)


Not trying to be argumentative but I am sure that I and others can consider ourselves in control of our vehicles even when we do not have both hands on the wheel, for whatever reason, changing gear, turning radio on/off, pointing to something or even waving. Trying to make road safety an excuse for not waving is not really the strongest of reasoning and as I said in my original post, you either wave or you don't wave. If you don't and somebody thinks your a grumpy or anti-social old sod, who cares, it's not as if they know who you are or are likely to ever see them again *-)

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