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Brits robbed on autoroute


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hi all,

found an article on a good website for those who love the poitou-charentes region. It appears some brits slept on a motorway aire last weekend and woke to find they had been robbed!!!

I know many of you will be making the journey from poitiers to bordeaux so be carefull where you stop.

full story can be found on http://bit.ly/18yQ1F

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Guest JudgeMental

the door locks were forced and they were undisturbed.


Very naive I'm afraid........They should have had deadlocks and an alarm armed. Plus known better then to stop on a motorway :-|

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It happened to me a couple of years ago, will not go into story again but there were reasons for stopping on the Services Aire and I made very stupid and naieve mistakes. Hindsight is brilliant but the lesson was learnt. It happened to me once it won't happen again on a Service Aire because I will not be overnighting on them ever again.
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We were robbed on a Motorway Services in France, we too made some silly mistakes and have learned our lesson BUT we returned a few times to the same service station over a period of say 18 months and eventually achieved our revenge.

We still use the motorway services but of course we take precautions.


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Guest Tracker

Where ever we spend the night be it site or Aire or freebie we ALWAYS take everything of value out of the cab and place it well under the bed along with wallet and handbag etc.


We also leave the glove box open, the front doors deadlocked, a chain on the habitation door (not very strong but would make a lot of noise!) and the perimeter alarm set!


Simple precautions that might not prevent an attempted break in but would go a long way towards making it ineffective - other than exterior damage.


Considering fixing reversing sensors to the sides of the van linked to outside lights so that at least the bar stewards can see what they are doing - and so can we - if we wake up that is - but mustn't get paranoid!



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Why not enjoy your holiday and stay on a site,

Last time I stayed in a Service Area a few years ago near Le Havre at one in the morning I reassured her indoors all would be safe as I parked outside the main entrance to the services. Just as we climbed into bed the lights in the resturant went out and they all went home, lonely place in October!


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Guest JudgeMental
mirage - 2009-07-08 9:35 PM


Why not enjoy your holiday and stay on a site,



There are more and more reports of thefts from sites.........Obviously not as dangerous as Motorways but still a need to be careful and security conscious,

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JudgeMental - 2009-07-08 10:52 PM


There are more and more reports of thefts from sites.........Obviously not as dangerous as Motorways but still a need to be careful and security conscious,


Although I tend to feel more secure on a site, the Judge is right about there being thefts even on campsites. The problem of course is that with so many people in one place how do you know who on site is a legitimate camper and who has just wandered in off the street. Additionally, clever theives would also look at puchasing (more probably stealing actually) a tent, caravan, Motorhome, book on a site and then pick their targets whilst smiling sweetly and waving at their fellow campers. Then wait until they go out before striking.


God, I'm getting paranoid, best I stay at home and baracade myself in :D :D

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Guest JudgeMental

No not paranoid, Just don't go into holiday stupid mode.


Lock and alarm van when ever you leave it, going to the pool/shop/ shower what ever........... Most thefts are by lazy opportunists.


It is not even unheard of to be robbed whilst sunbathing beside the van :-S

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JudgeMental - 2009-07-08 10:52 PM


There are more and more reports of thefts from sites.........Obviously not as dangerous as Motorways but still a need to be careful and security conscious,


We have actually had an attempt at entry whilst staying on a camp site. Not sure whether it was deliberate or an opportunist. I had got up, gone to get the towels that had been drying overnight outside, luckily I re-alarmed as I decided to go back to bed.......... someone obviously thought we had gone to the showers. They scarpered quicker than I could wake and look outside when the alarm went off! So sites aren't totally safe, so where ever you are, be sensible and protect yourself. It maybe annoying to have to alarm the motorhome whilst nipping to the shower block etc, but alot less time consuming than finding you've been burgled.


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Generally when on site (Abroad) one of us will go to the washrooms first whilst the other remains in the van, usually preparing the breakfast. We often use CC sites in the UK and feel much more secure so do sometimes leave the van unattended whilst we both walk to the washroms together, well we are still virtually newly weds :D
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It's peculiar how being on holiday lulls you into a false sense of security. I think it's because you think everyone around you is the same honest person you are, you don't like to think the person in the next 'van, tent or caravan is a thief waiting for an opportunity. :-(
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I think it is like anything, you must put things in to some sort of perspective, I think I have said this before. This does not mean leaving your common sense at home when you go on holiday but when I go on holiday I go to enjoy myself, not to worry about who may be breaking in to my van. A bit like air, train, road crashes, you only hear about the disasters but how much travel goes on daily without incident. Surely the same principle applies with camping, yes there are unfortunate incidents and yes it is good to hear about these so that you know if a particular technique is used, or if it is more rife in a particular area. I actually believe that the majority of campers, irrespective of nationality, are just the same as us, people enjoying their holidays. So do what you do when you are at home and go out to do the shopping, or go out for the evening, ensure your property is locked and secure (Doors, windows etc), Set alarm if you have one, then go and get on with whatever it was that you were going to do. Same principles when you go on holiday :-)
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wild rover - 2009-07-09 4:26 PM


Is all this theft a recent thing, or was it always like that? It really puts you off travelling. :'(


Hi wild rover

No, it is not new it has been going on for years and once anyone gets robbed it makes headlines but really if you take precautions it is not really very prevalent.


I travel from Calias to Spain quiet regularly with our caravan, say at least twice a year, both ways makes four trips, and use the motorway services all of the time. We were robbed the very first time because of our own stupidity but have never experienced even the slightest concern since.

It is infrequent really so be careful but not frightened

The motorway services are the places to take the most care

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Guest Tracker

We never leave the van unattended on any motorway service area be it UK or Europe and we never stop long and we never sleep in the van in such places.


It's not often we need to use their facilities but if we do we go one at a time.


Inconvenient - sure - a bit - peace of mind - sure - a lot - paranoid - sure - a bit!

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  • 2 weeks later...
We 'moved' on from an official aire recently on our 3 week holiday - we were at Girardmer on an aire with lots of other motorhomes, we'd just rolled up and parked and were about to go and pay but noticed several vans and cars parked up too ... plus a few tables, parasols etc ... it appeared that a very large family group had gone on holiday together, just using their vans and cars with odd bits of camping gear etc in them, mums, dads, uncles, aunts, and kids galore! We didn't have an concerns for 'security' but could see that it was going to be a bit lively later when the alcohol etc started to get supped, so we moved instead to a car park at the top of the big hill near the ski runs about 2 km away and spent a very pleasant, quiet, night there with another 2 motorhomes, one of which had already moved from where we were originally. When passing the original aire in the morning the police were there and so were the council cleaners .. it was a right old mess and I don't think those staying there will have had a good night!
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Oh Woe, Oh woe, and again, Thrice woe!

I’m so scared now, I just won’t go.

These latest posts have been so scary,

I’ve phoned and cancelled the Dover ferry.


I’ve barred and locked myself indoors,

Installed pressure pads in the hallway floor

Installed five lever window locks.

Bought spare ammo, for the Heckler & Koch.


No intruder will get out of here alive,

While I’ve got my trusty mp5,

If they think of running off,

I’ll get them with my Kalashnikov.


Now out of the window I fearfully stare,

And dream of some friendly Gallic aire

My travel dreams now out reach

To walk barefoot on some sun kissed beach.


And then again, just wait a mo

I think I’ve found the way to go!

I’ll thread a chain between the handles,

To foil those dreaded Spanish vandals.


I’ll keep my goodies out of sight,

Not stay on Peage aires at night.

To ensure I come to no nocturnal harm,

I’ll lock all doors and set the alarm.


Look I’ve made it again! Despite your fears,

Just like I’ve done the last thirty years.

So I raise my Sangria, and toast your health,

For there’s nothing to fear, but fear it’s self.


Regards PKC.

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Don't know if this has been mentioned before, so forgive me if I am repeating anything said before.


I don't know about the new x250's but on the older models, if you thread the seat belts through the door pulls, and fasten them in the usual way, the door, can't be opened even a fraction of an inch, of course, they could do the windows and cut the belts, but i guess the noise would wake you.

we do this to the drivers door, when we do a car boot, so we don't have to keep locking the doors, as we are both outside, this is the downside of central locking, open one door, open them all.


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Hi breakaleg?


A thespian Peter? Liked your tip about the seatbelts, and in the situation you describe, very effective.

But, and trust me on this Peter, your guess that “the noise would wake you”, is sadly untrue.

Without adding to the paranoia that surrounds some of the posts on this subject, or posting a Thieves manual, it is laughably easy to gain entry into the cab area of your vehicle, and cut the belts, without disturbing the sleeping occupants.

I use a chain secured with a cheap padlock (not a cable, a chain is much noisier)

The key kept handy in case rapid exit is required through the cab doors.

The main aim with me is to make sure that any attempt at entry is accompanied with a great deal of noise. (We are dealing with sneaks here not Rambo) after all it’s not the lions that steal the grain, it’s the rats.

If you have a expensive bike on the back secure it with a half decent U type lock, the cheaper cable type are useless.

Having said all this I have been travelling the continent for over 30 years in a variety of vehicles; HGV, motorcycle/tent, motorhome, and never been troubled

The people who post reassuringly on this subject are not in denial about the risks. It happens. But with sensible precautions, it doesn’t have to happen to you


Regards PKC.


Tracker, I’m sure you will be along shortly, your idea about the reversing sensors, How about a couple of those motion sensing thingy lights pointing along the side of the van

:D :D

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Tracker - 2009-07-08 7:21 PM



Considering fixing reversing sensors to the sides of the van linked to outside lights so that at least the bar stewards can see what they are doing - and so can we - if we wake up that is - but mustn't get paranoid!



If you mean the Sleeptight system - the noise on the internal alarm, when set off, would definitely wake you up! *-)

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