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Brits robbed on autoroute


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Guest Tracker
pkc - 2009-07-22 9:02 AM

Tracker, I’m sure you will be along shortly, your idea about the reversing sensors, How about a couple of those motion sensing thingy lights pointing along the side of the van

:D :D


Good idea - can you get 'em in 12 volt format?



Curtsying? Unless of course our very own poet laurel leaf is a lady?

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Just had a PM from a nice person at Vicarious Books to say they wish to include my poem in this thread in the forthcoming Go Motorhome Europe guide.

In light of this recognition I wish henceforth to be addressed as

PKC-KBE, by the lower orders i.e. Tracker and Peter.

I have asked the powers that be to bestow the title KFC on Tracker,

As he is obviously no spring chicken.


Of course Lord Thornber our relationship will remain just the same.



PS Just got rid of one Knight now you've got another!

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Guest Tracker

Oh gawd 'elp us! One minute of fame and he/she goes all pompous on us!


I prefer the title my mother bestowed on me many moons ago - SBH.


Silly - but happy!

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pkc - 2009-07-23 5:31 PM Just had a PM from a nice person at Vicarious Books to say they wish to include my poem in this thread in the forthcoming Go Motorhome Europe guide. In light of this recognition I wish henceforth to be addressed as PKC-KBE, by the lower orders i.e. Tracker and Peter. I have asked the powers that be to bestow the title KFC on Tracker, As he is obviously no spring chicken. Of course Lord Thornber our relationship will remain just the same. :D PS Just got rid of one Knight now you've got another!

Hey pkc,

           You could change your initials to pkn (pk nut).

That would be something to chew about.


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Mr nowtelse2do,


I have just dropped my master off at the local hostelry in the Bentley.

He wished me to convey to anyone calling after his departure, that if you wished to leave your card, he would respond to your concerns in the chatterbox smoking room when he returns on the morrow.


Yours very respectfully Jeeves.



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