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UK attitude to Motorhomes! (second attempt)

wild rover

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Is it just motorhomes? uncle in RSA had gall blader op, he drove to hospital parked the buckie in corner of car park had op and three days later drove home, try that at lister hospital! it costs £2.50 for 2hrs parking.
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The main reason in my opinion is lack of appreciation of the benefits a locality can get from visitors. The resistance hides behind "we do not want travellers setting up camp" response. I started a thread recently called "aires for England" asking for people to approach their local councils and posting the resonse and their progress. The take up was practically zero. Look at some threads where whinging and wining takes place and they are pages long. My conclusion motorhomers reap the results of their efforts. Nothing will change unless we all tackle our local councils and keep on at them until they come to realise the financial benefits available.

That`s my moan over.



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I think you also have to take into account the very different population density here compared to France. This means that land prices in this country are far higher, so it is more costly to set aside facilities for motorcaravaners. Also, there are far fewer of us, so the advantage to the councils, etc. is reduced. It is, of course, a catch 22 situation.
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it,s not just motorhomes, it,s unfriendly to cyclists , dog owners motorcyclists, walkers, caravans, basicaly the UK is full of unfriendly intolerent people who lead boring lives, when they see anyone doing something different from there own ordinary lives they try to ban it
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I live in wales. Last week we wanted to visit Laugharne, the place where the poet Dylan Thomas lived. It's a very pretty little place and we had hoped to park up for the night. No way! There's a council sign saying that motorhomes will be clamped! We've noticed that in other places too!
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Some Pubs, particularly if their car park is around the back out sight of the road, will let you stay the night if you explain that you would like to have evening meal and a few drinks but can't drive after drinks, they will let you stay the night. I said some! not a lot!
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I suppose as a caravaner I might not appreciate what you motorhomers want! I wonder if Councils and perhaps the public at large perceive you as always wanting somewhere free to park and so therefore contributing little to the local economy. Of course we know that the latter is an incorrect assumption because you are as likely to shop and eat locally as the next person. I suppose also its a British trait to always want to compartmentalise things so camping means campsites. However I see your biggest problems as two fold. Firstly as a group (motorhomers) I expect you have not reached a common conclusion for what you want (as opposed to individuals knowing what they want). This is the first thing to sort out. Once you have decided what the majority want you have to get the Clubs and motoring organisation on side to fight the case at a higher level. As I see it beyond the realms of the internet where is the pressure group fighting on your behalf?



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Guest peter
mac111051 - 2009-07-10 6:36 PM


it,s not just motorhomes, it,s unfriendly to cyclists , dog owners motorcyclists, walkers, caravans, basicaly the UK is full of unfriendly intolerent people who lead boring lives, when they see anyone doing something different from there own ordinary lives they try to ban it

Bang on!.
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I don't really understand why you can't park your motorhome overnight in a public car park, if you can park a car there. We all pay road tax! With regard to pubs/restaurants allowing you to park up overnight, I have to say that so far we haven't had a problem. We've been to two restaurants in south Wales since we bought our MH and we've slept overnight in their carpark. But I agree with what's been said on this thread, the UK is full of intolerant boring people who want to spoil it for others! Question is, why is the UK like that?



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I assume that the Intolerant people who spoil it for others are the motor caravan people who let there waste out and deposit rubbish on car parks etc the number of vans I see who leave the waste water drain tap open all the time is growing these are the main cause of people running to the local council to request them to take action

I note on another forum people posting car parks with no overnight parking signs as a good place to stop saying go after dark and leave early, you park up and before you can say jack robinson there are 3 more vans there we don’t like staying on our own and safety in numbers I have been quoted why not go on a site then.





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Guest JudgeMental
peter - 2009-07-10 9:14 PM


mac111051 - 2009-07-10 6:36 PM


it,s not just motorhomes, it,s unfriendly to cyclists , dog owners motorcyclists, walkers, caravans, basicaly the UK is full of unfriendly intolerent people who lead boring lives, when they see anyone doing something different from there own ordinary lives they try to ban it

Bang on!.


You beat me to it Peter...BANG ON!


Live and let live!

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JudgeMental - 2009-07-10 9:58 PM


peter - 2009-07-10 9:14 PM


mac111051 - 2009-07-10 6:36 PM


it,s not just motorhomes, it,s unfriendly to cyclists , dog owners motorcyclists, walkers, caravans, basicaly the UK is full of unfriendly intolerent people who lead boring lives, when they see anyone doing something different from there own ordinary lives they try to ban it

Bang on!.


You beat me to it Peter...BANG ON!


Live and let live!

OK fellahs, I don't necessarily agree but just assuming for a moment that you are right.


Are you simply going to sit back and mope about those people being unfair to you?


Or are you, as suggested earlier, going to do something positive by contacting councils and/or others who can make a difference and presenting the case for motorhomers?


Joy pointed out earlier that some towns aren't attractive destinations. I agree and would include Middlesbrough, where we live, in that. If that is the case then why not lobby the authority in an area which is one of your favourite destinations?


One thing is for sure. If nobody does anything to correct the impression in some minds that motorhomes = problems then nothing will change.



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Guest JudgeMental


Because I have little or no interest in holidays in the UK as they generally offer such a poor experience.


We stayed at a CC campsite recently near the south coast, it was our first attempt (and last) the staff would be better of employed in a concentration camp, I observed one of them walking around scolding children for doing absolutely nothing! The site was miles from anywhere and to cycle was so dangerous as to be foolhardy....So no thanks

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The concensus of opinion is clearly that motorhomes are viewed as a nuisance not a value to the local economy. The perception is also that we want something for nothing. Not so. The question is surely can we change the situation so that facilities are provided. I have come to the conclusion that it will not change because there are insufficient people prepared to do something about it at local level.

In my area both Teignmouth and Dawlish councils are trying a few designated spaces this year and Exeter I am assured await the outcome to see if there is a benefit.

So come on stop whinging and do something positve, and post your initiative and response for us all to see.



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With regard to what I said about Laugharne in west Wales, someone I met this morning who has a holiday home in that village told me that the reason there's no overnight stays is, just as I suspected, because of the fear of travellers. But in this case it is really stupid, because the parking spot gets flooded in a high tide. There's no way a bunch of travellers could park up and stay there on a permanent basis. I'm sure the local coucil know that, but they just want to be pig-headed about the whole thing. Oh, and they're probably afraid that if someone parks up in a MH that it will stop buses full of tourists being able to park! Apparently 30,000 people vist the Dylan Thomas Boathouse every year. But we only wanted to stay one night, arriving at around 8pm, when the boathouse is closed, and departing at around 6am the next day. It's very very frustrating! This is a public car park and we all pay road tax in this bloody country!
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About 15 years ago, stourport council car parks, a motorhome had to pay 4 times the car fee and double that if they took up two bays, but, you also had to book a space 24 hours in advance (i kid you not) we parked on the road on a side street, went to the local chippy, with 6 others, asked the owner if he new anyone on the chamber of trade? (his friend was chairman) explained thad had we came during the day (no on street parking during the day) he would have lost the revenue for seven diners.


Next time we visited, about four months latter, the stupid restriction had been lifted.


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wild rover - 2009-07-11 1:35 PM


With regard to what I said about Laugharne in west Wales, someone I met this morning who has a holiday home in that village told me that the reason there's no overnight stays is, just as I suspected, because of the fear of travellers. But in this case it is really stupid, because the parking spot gets flooded in a high tide. There's no way a bunch of travellers could park up and stay there on a permanent basis. I'm sure the local coucil know that, but they just want to be pig-headed about the whole thing. Oh, and they're probably afraid that if someone parks up in a MH that it will stop buses full of tourists being able to park! Apparently 30,000 people vist the Dylan Thomas Boathouse every year. But we only wanted to stay one night, arriving at around 8pm, when the boathouse is closed, and departing at around 6am the next day. It's very very frustrating! This is a public car park and we all pay road tax in this bloody country!

Is that "someone" anything to do with the council who knows the full story or merely propagating speculation?


Do you have hard evidence that the local council just want to be pig headed or is that also speculation?


Certainly the linking of car parks with road tax is irrelevant - the one does not correlate to the other.


Why not e-mail the council (there will be details on their web site) giving positive evidence of the benefits of providing facilities and asking that something be done? Breakaleg's story about Stourport is a very good example of what can happen when people approach the matter constructively.



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a long time ago my cousin started parking overnight on the seafront at porthcawl to go fishing off the walkway , this was no prob. a couple of vans there and nobody seemed to mind, but as always once the word got around every body and his dog ended up there for the weekend, some even for a weeks holiday, people were seen ditching their waste over the wall into the sea. it got bad enough that people who used to go there in their cars for a sunday morning stroll could no longer park. then the localls started kicking up big time and eventually got the council to stop overnight parking. as a motorhomer for a long time i must that this collection of varying quality and sizes did not look to clever. on the other hand there is not many sites in the area for us to use anyway from aberavon in the west through to barry in the east so maybe the councils are bringing this on themselves. (?) (?)
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Hi Motorhomers,

Can I draw attention to the existence of Caravan Club, and Caravan and camping club, both of whom run a nationwide network of Certificated sites, each of which can accept up to 5 vans (caravan or Camper vans) and which charge a nominal sum for a night pitch with water and waste disposal points, and rubbish disposal facilities


No need to whinge about councils not providing facilities (at ratepayers expense.) Join a club (at your own expense)and use the licenced facilities on the CL or CS network, or indeed their main sites.


Of course we all like a freebie, but must understand ratepayers reluctance to fund our overnight parking, and the local authorities would get whinges like crazy if they suggested that they raise the rates to provide free motorhome parking for out of area holiday makers, even though local traders would probably get benefits by way of additional trade.



As an afterthought, Ringwood permits parking for large vehicles in it long term carpark, daytime anyway at a cost, and up to 3.5 ton in central carpark. I dont know about overnight.

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tonyg3nwl - 2009-07-12 9:04 AM


Hi Motorhomers,

Can I draw attention to the existence of Caravan Club, and Caravan and camping club, both of whom run a nationwide network of Certificated sites, each of which can accept up to 5 vans (caravan or Camper vans) and which charge a nominal sum for a night pitch with water and waste disposal points, and rubbish disposal facilities


No need to whinge about councils not providing facilities (at ratepayers expense.) Join a club (at your own expense)and use the licenced facilities on the CL or CS network, or indeed their main sites.


Of course we all like a freebie, but must understand ratepayers reluctance to fund our overnight parking, and the local authorities would get whinges like crazy if they suggested that they raise the rates to provide free motorhome parking for out of area holiday makers, even though local traders would probably get benefits by way of additional trade.



As an afterthought, Ringwood permits parking for large vehicles in it long term carpark, daytime anyway at a cost, and up to 3.5 ton in central carpark. I dont know about overnight.


The CL/CS system is of course excellent, if you want to stay in the middle of nowhere. There aren't too many of them in towns!


Also I'm not sure where this idea that we all want overnight parking for free comes from. I think most of us who don't particularly want to use campsites would be quite prepared to pay a reasonable fee for the privilege.


There are an increasing number of councils that do allow overnight motorhome parking, Powys is a good example, many of its car parks permit motorhomes to stay for one night in seven.


Incidentally, Practical Motorhome and The Motor Caravanners' Club have started a 'Nightstop' scheme where the Club approves the stops as CLs, they will be open to all. Looks like it's initially aimed at pubs but I understand they will consider any privately owned locations.



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The British culture of rejecting what someone else does is far deeper than present day attitudes. It’s constant brainwashing propaganda from governments and big business “to extract cash from your pocket”


That’s why loyalty cards are popular (just like the lemming phenomenon) and the dedicated followers of FIAT. People in general are not individual thinkers. Next time you drive on the Motorway look at the numbers of cars that drive in convoy like sheep, none of them have any individual thoughts whatsoever. They are the people who dislike individuality, the caravan, the motorhome and object to others behaving differently.


How do we change? By becoming multi cultured is one way, the internet is another excellent way where those who deem themselves perfect can be exposed (MP's expenses) and the makers of manufactured goods can be told the truth about their product (FIAT).


The American system has its faults but most are highly individual people who don't give a toss what the next person does which we could do well to copy. My attitude changed dramatically after several visits.


I now go anywhere to shop and disbelieve all dealers


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