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Motorhome purchase


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Anybody out there who can beat a waiting time of "67 working days" for a new made to order MH.I am still waiting for a delivery date from the dealer and yes the vehicle is from britains biggest converter for those that were wondering!

This industry needs to be more transparent and "up front" with customers.It is not proving to be a good experience.


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If you mean a truly 'bespoke', made to order new van, then you are doing extremely well at 67 working days, wherever it is coming from. However, if you mean a new basic spec vehicle then why forward order it, our biggest converter (I'm assuming you mean Swift) is practically giving them away at the moment.
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Is it me? But are motorhomers just impatient people or do they think these things are lying in a field waiting to be delivered? They are one big giant international jigsaw! The base vehicle comes from abroad, the bits that go in it come from abroad, the manufacturers have different models and specifications of vans, Autotrail for instance are "bragging" they do 73 different models!


Now if you walk into a dealers and want a specific model and the manufacturer has just finished and sold a particular run of vehicle, then surely it is reasonable hat you have to wait until they come round again to your particular one?


The dealers just can't ring round like car dealers can because, from what I understand, most have individual discount deals, some only stock certain models and of those they will only order in what they have deposits for. Some do have "stock" but I bet it's few and far between in this day and age. To have that much money just sat on a forecourt waiting for someone to walk in and buy one is just a waste of cash for a "lifestyle business.


I'm not talking about delays and late delivery that is annoying and shouldn't be tolerated, but just waiting 10 weeks isn't too bad, well I don't think so!


Oh! And I'm not a dealer!

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Rossifan : when you ordered your new motorhome did you ask the dealer - prior to sealing the deal - when the vehicle was likely to be supplied.


At the beginning of last July we enquired at Hayes Birmingham about a new Auto-Sleepers Symbol ES. As it was the ES version (and not in stock)the dealer rang Auto-Sleepers direct and learnt that some would be available in September. He then asked us if that was OK. All of this was done prior to our placing the order.


Admitedly the vehichle eventually arrived a month behind schedule!

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Update on this thread-delivery to dealer will be 17th July and the w/end lost while the dealer does PDI.

This now makes it over 14 weeks-3 weeks later than expected from when order was placed and not a hint of an apology,for the inconvenience caused through having to make cancellations to travel arrangements etc.

Wonder who the other customers are-waiting delivery from same batch??Has their patience worn thin yet?

Seems judging from responses to this thread that people are prepared to wait-perhaps if you are already an owner waiting on a new van-its not so inconvenient but the point I am trying to make is that as the paying customer you have very little control in the matter and have to endure endless weeks without any feedback and you are expected to accept the situation.

Hopefully this time next week,this saga will all be over and we can get on the road!


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The dealer will have no say or influence when he will take delivery. As has been pointed out elsewhere on this thread building a motorhome is a complex and time consuming job. I repeat did you ask for the proposed delivery date when you placed your order?


If you did you must have been willing to accept that schedule. If you didn't ask, why not?


I agree the 3 week delay must be frustrating. Our van was a month late. Admittedly we had a van which we were able to use with no restrictions by the dealer who was taking it in part exchange. The dealer should have informed you of the delay.


I don't think you can call the weekend wasted. Presumably you want a full PDI, from the motorhome dealer and the base vehicle dealer (which may be at different premises). You will be very fortunate if there are no teething problems. The vehicle will also have to be taxed.


As regards wasted travel arrangements why did you make them before you had a firm date for collection? When we bought our first van we made no plans for use until we actually had the vehicle. Insurance was confirmed when we knew the actual final date for collection.


You may wish to consider booking a campsite close to the dealer for your first night or two just in case there are problems which weren't picked up at the factory or PDI. (I assume from your comments about travel arrangements that you are not purchasing from a dealer close to home.)


We had a total habitation failure on our first night despite being on mains electric! Hope you don't have any problems. (Incidently I would be interested in what van you have bought and any changes you requested to the standard model.)


Happy motorhoming



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You seem very impatient. Whats the hurry, I trust you don't drive in the same manner. No doubt we will all be hearing from your complaints of everything else in the future.


This is the middle of the camping season, 67 waiting days you say, that means you only decided to order when they were already busy, their staff like taking holidays too remember, what were you doing all last winter, why did you not order then?


Why should you expect a shorter delivery time? Have you no idea what's involved. It was your choice to have an individual item built, they don't grow on trees you know waiting for people to pluck them off!


Employees like to go home to their families at night too just like you and have time off at weekends as well.


You comment that its from Britains biggest dealer, the biggest dealers have big orders and big buildings and big overheads, and are big, big, busy, if you had chosen a small dealer you would have been likely to have received a more personal contact.


Remember well, the more hassle you give them the more they may ignore you, be polite and they may be more forthcoming, and when its done say thankyou and give the mechanics (not the office bods) a box of toffees, it will only cost you a fiver for a tin full of Rowntrees.



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I know that when you order/buy a motorhome new that you are excited and want to get hold of it so to speak. When we ordered our new motorhome we were told that delivery would be mid May, and yes it did have base and hab extras we wanted hence waiting. We eventually got delivery in August - 3 months after original delivery date given. Be patient as there is nothing you can do if your motorhome isn't ready other than cancelling and going to the back of another queue. Yes it is very frustrating especially if you are not kept informed, but believe me, it was worth it in the long run when we finally got her home!
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(Mel's wife Janet says) You need to be the following if you own a motor home;

So laid back you are almost horizontal

Be good at D.I.Y.

Polite to the dealers (or you won't get what you want or even are entitled to)

Inventive so that things will work for you regardless of what won't work in the van.

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