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eura mobil leaks

andrew j

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Hi everyone

We are having a very frustrating time with our new (March09) reg eura mobil profila 675.

All went well for a few trips then 5 weeks ago we experienced a puddle of water in the left side under floor compartment. I mopped the water but still it kept coming. Initially it looked like droplets on the floor which collected in the corner as quite a big puddle

We took the van back to where we purchased it from, they were very helpful and established a loose cap on the water pump, all appeared fixed in the workshop until we picked the van up yesterday (Saturday) and went away for the night. This morning more water under the floor, which just reappears despite mopping out. Has anyone had a similar experience? and can you recommend anything?

Look forward to hearing from you Andrew J

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Guest JudgeMental

Is it next to a garage/locker door? as we had a problem with the seal on our Profila garage door.... It was fixed by our Belgian dealer.


if you climb into garage and can see daylight anywhere with door closed thats your problem. It may be better for someone to go around the door edge from outside with a torch or a hose pipe for that matter..........

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Guest JudgeMental
DonB - 2009-07-13 12:04 PM


Hi, we have had similar problems, have sent you a PM.


Then why not share the information.....It may be useful to others including me *-)

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Hi Andrew


I had water in the double floor of my Eura Mobil.


I tracked it down to a self inflicted wound. I had not screwed the inspection cap down fully on the fresh water tank., and as we drove about the water came out the top of the tank.

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Dear everyone

Many thanks for your helpful suggestions, I have passed them onto our dealer and we will be taking the van back on 1st August to be sorted thanks to your pointers.

As per your idea Judge I squeezed into the garage (a bit of light there) and I asked my wife (very kindly) to fit into the locker, no light there but the seal looks perished (not good for a new van)!

I have asked the dealer to look at the locks and hinges as well to make sure they are just right

Let's hope we get a leak free rest of 2009


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